February 9, 2023

Why Teamwork Truly Does Make The Dreamwork - Billy Keels

In today's solo show, Billy illustrates the real life stories behind one of his favourite mottos and hashtags, "Teamwork makes the Dreamwork." He explains how you can learn from the team-focused action plans that helped some very famous solo athletes achieve their worldwide success.
Billy Keels
CEO and Founder FGCP

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Going Long Podcast Episode 289: Why Teamwork Truly Does Make The Dreamwork 

In today’s solo show you’ll learn the following from Billy himself: 

  • [00:19 - 01:08] Show introduction with comments from Billy.
  • [01:08 - 07:05] Billy illustrates the real life stories behind one of his favourite mottos and hashtags, ‘Teamwork makes the Dreamwork’, and how you can learn from the team-focused action plans that helped some very famous solo athletes achieve their worldwide success. 
  • [07:05 - 08:22] Billy wraps up the show.


To see the Video Version of today’s conversation just CLICK HERE.


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Episode Transcript

Billy Keels  00:00

Today's conversation is sponsored by first generation Capital Partners. If you're an accredited investor and you want to know about how we're helping other accredited investors keep more of their income, go to firstgencp.com forward slash going long.


You're listening to the going long podcast with Billy keels, the number one podcast for long distance real assets investing.

Billy Keels  00:21

Welcome to the long podcast, we're back once again to continue to help to educate you so you feel much more comfortable as well as confident investing beyond your backyard. And guess who I am. Yep, I'm your host, Billy keels, and I'm super excited to welcome you back to another solo episode of the podcast. So listen, really quickly, for those of you who continue to share across social media, thank you so much. tagging us really means a lot LinkedIn, Instagram specifically. Also too, if you want to leave your honest written review, as well as rating you can go ahead and do that was really, really awesome. Appreciate that. And if you want to check out any of the previous episodes of any of the podcasts solo episodes for with guests, just go to first ncp.com forward slash podcast, and you can check out everything transcript, audio, video, all of its there. So just go to first ntp.com forward slash podcasts, and we will get you everything that you need. So listen, we're back for another solo episode. And the thing is, I have to share something because people have been asking me this question. And I just want to make it really, really simple. So it's something that I write a lot about on LinkedIn, and people see me use this hashtag. And I want you to really understand why teamwork truly does make the dream work. Like I say it all the time. I'm hashtagging it and you're seeing it and I just want to take a couple of minutes. Not a long time because I think like sometimes you feel like this is just a hashtag, but it's not really a hashtag. Let's think about athletes right? Just very, very quickly. And this is a simple concept of why this hashtag teamwork makes the dream work. It actually is real. So if you think of either famous athletes that didn't think of athletes I've been living in Spain for a while so I'm thinking about there's a really awesome tennis player. His name is Rafa Nadal, there is a another very famous American golfer, Tiger Woods. There's a famous runner, Hussein bolt, and there's lots of famous actors and things like that, but okay, I'll stay with athletes. I won't go into actor mode. So let's say with athletes. So most of the time, you would think well, listen, Rafa, he's amazing Tiger one lot for a long time. And Hussein was absolutely fantastic. Well, I intentionally picked individuals because the individuals are who you see, of course, they're the ones that are competing in front of you every single day, every day. So when they're having an amazing day, you see it because they're winning championships. And when they're having an off day, well, you know what, you're still seeing it, but you're just not recognising you're seeing it. But one way or the other. These elite athletes, they are at the top of their game, not because they just happen to be amazing. It's because they have an amazing team around them because truly teamwork makes the dream work. That's what wins championships. Because even if you are the most talented athlete in the world, these people that I named earlier, Rafa tiger or Rafa Tiger, Hussain, both the talent is one thing, but have you thought about not just like them being on the court, like when they're out on the court, they have to run they have to jump they have to get that you know, curve on the ball or whatever the case may be. But they also have to have the mental fortitude, the mental strength. So most of them have some type of a sports coach, I was talking to someone just the other day we were having a great conversation about okay, we have when we are watching in an elite athlete performing, you only see the physical aspect but you don't know about all the work in the training in the visualisation that they've already gone through because they've already imagined winning the championship, but they've imagined winning the championship because they have someone else on their team that's helping walk them through visualising it. They're like helping them with the mental aspects of the game. Then there's also just the physical aspects of the game. It's the running the jumping, the lifting the cardio, they have a special coach for that, then, you know, it's something is very as simple as how does Rafa Nadal get to Paris every year? Well, he's got a whole team of people around him to help them with the logistics for moving from his place in Majorca, probably through Barcelona, or maybe he's got a charter flight to get to Paris or wherever the tournaments that he's playing why there's another part of the team that's focused just on the logistical challenges just getting him there, then there's someone else that's helping a part of the team that's just helping with the meals to make sure that they have the right intake. There's someone that's looking at the specific steps just to make sure that Rafa or any of these elite athletes understand where they are at any particular point in time. Right. So I don't want you to think that just because the hashtag, teamwork makes the dream work. It's not just something that's out there. It's Real. So when these elite athletes and maybe even people that you know, on an every single day basis, the CEOs of big companies, they have great days, they have bad days. But at the end of the day, they're the face of the company, but they have amazing teams. And when these teams have the opportunity to step up, to interject to give the part of what they do on a day to day basis, to the person who's the face of the organisation, that's truly teamwork coming together, every single person on the team coming together with a goal of being able to win a championship. And if you don't win the championship, your team comes back to analyse to see and understand what you need to do better to move forward as much as you can, every single thing that's in your power to control it. So I didn't want this just to be like people like, Billy, why are you just doing teamwork makes the dream work, I wanted to give you a practical example. Sometimes you're going to win the championship, sometimes you're not going to win the championship. But at the end of the day, teamwork, and having an effective team communicating effectively, knowing when it's time for one member to step up one member to move to the side, one member to take a step back, so that the entire team can win. And sometimes it's an individual, sometimes it's a collective sport, I wanted to go with the individual today, just so that you can understand that sometimes when even when you just see the winner of the Wimbledon, or of the Roland Garros or whatever the case may be. There's an entire team that's there supporting that champion. And so with that, it's really about it's goes way further than just the hashtag, teamwork makes the dream work. Because it truly does take teamwork to make any dream work. So the dream that you have, remember, it's not just going to be you by yourself, continue to work, continue to add members to your team. Because as you add those members to your team in the moment that they're needed, you've given them the opportunity to step up to step in, to also be able to help you as an individual as the leader to continue to move forward. So like I said, this was just another one of these solo episodes, I wanted to talk about teamwork, because I've got an amazing team that continues to every single time step up. I know, I've recognised you guys before, but I want to recognise you again, because you consistently are performing over performing. And it's one of the things that want to just continue to recognise, have gratitude for and also share with the entire going long family. So if you feel like you want to upgrade your team, if you're looking like you want to be able to do some other things. Hopefully today's solo conversation or solo episode is one that's going to help you so listen, I'm going to be preparing the very next solo episode so we'll get to that right away. Take this if you got questions, email me send it to me even leave a review you liked the episode you didn't like the episode, whatever the case may be, just let me know give me the feedback. So while you're taking in today's well solo episode, I'm going to be working on the next one. So until then go out and make it a great day. Thank you very much. Trust that you enjoy today's conversation. And once again, today's conversation was sponsored by first generation Capital Partners. If you're an accredited investor want to find out more about how we're helping accredited investors to gain their personal freedom even faster. Go to firstgencp.com forward slash going long.

Billy Keels
Strategic Advisor, Entrepreneur, and Investor
Billy is on a mission to share a roadmap and opportunities with other extremely busy, high-performing professionals on how to find freedom and live the life they desire. Listen in to learn how!
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