September 12, 2024

Here's A Remarkably Simple Process That'll Reduce Your Anxiety

Billy shares the process to reduce your anxiety around what is happening when your side hustle is starting to take over more of your brain-space and heart-space than your day job.
Billy Keels
CEO and Founder FGCP

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Going Long Podcast Episode 455: Here's A Remarkably Simple Process That'll Reduce Your Anxiety

( To see the Video Version of today’s conversation just CLICK HERE. )

In today’s solo episode of The Going Long Podcast, you’ll learn the following:


  • [00:13 - 01:24] Introduction to the show.
  • [01:24 - 10:30] Billy shares the process to reduce your anxiety around what is happening when your side hustle is starting to take over more of your brain-space and heart-space than your day job.
  • [10:30 - 12:13] Billy wraps up the show.


To see the Video Version of today’s conversation just CLICK HERE.


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Episode Transcript

Going Long Podcast_SOLO Episode 456_Billy Keels

Wed, Sep 18, 2024 10:29AM • 12:14


started, talked, remarkably simple, anxiety, boundaries, alignment, happening, business, process, share, episode, step, stress, cruise control, grow, succeeding, simple, beginning, leverage, day


Billy Keels

Billy Keels  00:00

Today's conversation is sponsored by the Billy keels advisory program. If you want to learn more about how to make your nine to five optional, just go to Billy Forward slash advising. Once again, that's Billy Forward slash advising. Here's a remarkably simple process that will reduce your anxiety, specifically the anxiety around what is happening when your side business starts to take over more of your brain space and your heart space in your stomach space than your day job, because it's going to happen to you if it hasn't happened yet, and you're working on your side hustle, and you want it to grow, and you want it to move faster, and stuff like that, it's going to happen. And so here is like, here's a remarkably simple process that'll reduce your anxiety. If any of these things sound like they're happening to you, by the way, some of it's probably going to or not. Probably it's going to bleed into your family life. It's going to affect your your health. Is going to affect the way that you perceive the world. So that's what I'm saying. Here's a remarkably simple process that'll reduce your anxiety, especially around starting your side business, or expanding or scaling your side business. And the reason that I could share this with you is number one, yes, of course, this is a common theme, because as I'm talking to people, a lot of them coming through LinkedIn, or you're clicking here through the podcast, and you want to get on a conversation, and so we're doing that. And this is a thing that comes up over and over, and the more that I think about it, this is exactly what happened to me, exactly what happened to me. Because as I started getting this idea of that, I wanted to have a side hustle. And I've talked to you about how I had this conversation with with one of my bosses way back in the day. And so as I started to have that conversation, I realized that I wanted to to do this, try this real estate thing, this real asset thing, and make it scale and and so as I did more and more of that, it was a matter of saying, Okay, well, I wanted, I came up with this five year plan, the five year plan I didn't actually need it, but I had the Surefire signs that I wanted a side hustle. I talked about that in episode 437 check it out. But once I started taking action, something started to happen. I built this five year plan. Of course, when I started taking action, I grossly underestimated how quickly I could get to the five year goal. So it got to the five year goal in a lot less time, 18 months. I've talked about that before, but here's the important part. Once things started happening, my side business was was was booming. It started happening, and it was working well, and but what was happening slowly, but slow, slowly but surely, it started to take more of my time and more of my energy. I wasn't recognizing it at first. But the thing is, is I was building this business. I had no structure, I had no process. What I had was money coming in the door, and so money was coming in the door. But the problem is, when you don't have structure, you don't have process, and you don't have a business that can actually support you, is it causes stress because you find yourself as the CEO, the chief everything officer. You're doing it all for a side business, a business on the side, it causes stress with with me. It caused stress with me and my and my spouse at the time. It caused stress with me and friends, because I was constantly thinking I was doing everything. Because, by the way, this side hustle, then it started out as a little, teeny, tiny pee, and now with this massive rock taking up so much time like this was all the time that my day job was finally on cruise control because I'd been in the job so long, but that's the thing that should have been causing me stress and anxiety, but it was like this little thing that was giving me positive energy in the beginning is now starting to cause stress because it's growing and I don't have the tools and or processes in place. Fortunately, I had the capital. I just know how to use it properly. That's a whole different thing. That's that's the previous episode, if you want to listen to episode 456, talk about the breakthrough thinking. And this is one of the things that I realized, that when you start doing this, here's a like I said, a remarkably simple process. It's going to help you reduce your anxiety. So when all these things are happening, I'm mentally and physically exhausted, and at the same time, believe it or not, I have this fear of succeeding, right? Because one of the things that we do is we self sabotage, and I definitely talked about this in episode 449 listen to that one. But the thing is, is I'm experiencing this as my business is growing. I talked about what happened with the podcast. Now this is my business that's growing, and I was a I was afraid of at this point really succeeding in my business, because I saw some early signs of success, but it meant if I had to keep doing this, and I was going to have to do more and more of this, and that meant that my business was going to grow, and the fear of being seen and found out by my colleagues, by my bosses, that it grew exponentially, I was afraid of succeeding. Check out episode 449 once I got to the point where I knew that these things were happening, I was. Mentally, physically exhausted. I was afraid of of succeeding. I had to actually do what I'd normally do, which was sit down and figure out, okay, this these things are happening, what needs to be done. This is the problem. What is the solution? This is the this is the this is the reality. When you are a a perfectionist, a recovering perfectionist, a leader, someone who is a top performer, you like having challenges and you like solving them. This was no different. So what I came up with was this very simple process. In this four step process, it's very simple that you need to look at, you need to think about, this is how it's going to help to alleviate the anxiety and or the stress that you're feeling around the side business, because it's starting to take up more of your mind share. It's starting to take up more of what's in your gut. It's starting to take care of, take up more of your energy, and you've got to get it under control. And so this is the simple four step process that works. Worked for me, and I'm confident that it's going to work for you. It's four steps. It's as simple as first and foremost, saying, Okay, what boundaries do you have in place? Number one, you establish the boundaries. Number two, you make sure that you respect the boundaries, and it starts with you. It doesn't start with the company, right? Because we talk about corporate obedience and all that kind of stuff. I've talked about that in episode 451 that's a thing. That's a real thing. But this starts with you. You come up with boundaries, you set them and you and you respect them. You respect them, and you help others to respect them as well. Afterwards, you got to figure out if there's an alignment between what it is that you want professionally at your day job, and what you're doing personally, you've got to have alignment. And if there's not alignment, you're going to have to do the work to do that. That's step two. Step three is being able to figure out, okay, what, truly, what are the resources like? What? How can you leverage the resources that you have around you? That means your time, that means your your currency, that means your network, right? All of these things that we've talked about, even in previous episodes. But here we're putting it in a framework. So we've got three you're establishing your boundaries, you're respecting them, you're you're understanding the alignment between your personal and your professional goals. You're understanding the leverage that you now have to assess, what's what skills, what resources, what network, what relationships do you have? Actually, a lot of that ties into the resiliency plan. So check out episode 454, let me not digress. Let me come back for the fourth because you really want to find out this four step process, and then you must consistently and regularly evaluate the progress that you're making and adjustments that you need to make, because when your side business starts to grow so much that is a healthy thing, that's a great sign. It's also a sign that you may need help, because you don't know what you don't know, and when you can get out there and you can find someone who has been down the path that you've been down, and they are willing to give of their time to help you save more of your time so you can start getting to do the things that you really, truly love to do. Well, that sounds quite like a heck of a deal, right? So it's that that's the simple four step process. You set and respect your boundaries, you find out the professional, professional and personal alignment, you leverage the skills, resources and network that you have, and you consistently and regularly evaluate where you are making any adjustments that you need to along the way. When you do this simple four step process. In the beginning, it's going to be a little clumsy, I got to tell you, because it was clumsy for me too. It's not easy to always just focus on the day job and not focus on anything else. Like you've got to you've got to exercise the muscle. But when you focus on the day job, you put that on cruise control, you make sure that that's good to go right? It's like on automated pilot. That's a good thing, because this other little thing to the side that you started out was giving you so much pleasure is now causing a little bit of pain. You got to put this thing together and put it in this simple four step framework, work through the pain. If you need some help, I know somebody can help you, but let me know. So this is one of the things once I started to time block, right? And I used the technique, the Pomodoro Technique, I think I've talked about that in the past as well. It was something that really, really helped me. And when you can, when you can, actually, when you can get that to to continuously help you as well. It's one of those things that, trust me, you you are going to really benefit from, from being able to block your time. And when you're able to block your time, you're able to do some pretty amazing some pretty amazing things. So with that, the most important. Thing that can come out of this remarkably simple process, four step process, is going to help you to reduce your anxiety. When you start to do that, you're going to also start to realize that your mindset is beginning to to shift. It's beginning to evolve, so that you can now start to tackle other challenges, other problems. You're going to have a framework that you can feel confident in following, right? I like to call it the bail frame work, b, a, l, e, you got your boundaries, your alignment, your leverage, and also your evaluation. It's a simple, four step process. I know that when you apply it, it's like, like I said, it's a remarkably simple process, four steps, and they're going to help you to reduce your anxiety. It's practical, it's applicable. It's actionable advice, content that you can take, you can share with other people. Heck, use it yourself, and once you do it, let me know how it works. I'm really interested, because I know that this worked for me, and I know it can work for you. You just have to do the work. So with that stated, share with family, share it with friends. I'm super excited to continue to deliver this type of actionable content to help you move forward and move forward faster. There's anything you want to know, things that you are wanting to hear more about. If you haven't sent me something directly, Link. Connect with me on LinkedIn. It's really simple over there. And if you're not already on the newsletter, check out the newsletter, because continuing to put out quality content and sharing with you different stories that are meant to help you move forward, maybe some of them are going to be a little bit more fun as well. But that's that's the goal. So as you're putting this into action, you're taking action on today's episode. I'll be here preparing for another episode, so I want you to go out and make it a great day. And I want to say, thank you very, very much. Today's conversation was sponsored by the Billy keels advisory program. If you're looking to make your nine to five optional and need some help, just go to Billy forward slash advising. Once again, that's Billy forward slash advising. You.

Billy Keels
Strategic Advisor, Entrepreneur, and Investor
Billy is on a mission to share a roadmap and opportunities with other extremely busy, high-performing professionals on how to find freedom and live the life they desire. Listen in to learn how!
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