February 7, 2023

From Market Research Exec to Successful Long Distance Real Estate Entrepreneur - Margaret Kozlark

In today's episode, you'll hear from Margaret Kozlark about her journey from paper assets to real estate investing, with no prior real estate experience. She'll explain why she chose to invest outside of her own local market, and she'll share her journey to start educating others about real asset investing. Margaret will also explain why networking is a top priority for her.
Billy Keels
CEO and Founder FGCP

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Going Long Podcast Episode 288: From Market Research Exec to Successful Long Distance Real Estate Entrepreneur

( To see the Video Version of today’s conversation just CLICK HERE. )

In the conversation with today’s guest, Margaret Kozlark, you’ll learn the following:

  • [00:29  - 02:58] Show introduction with comments from Billy.
  • [02:58 - 05:52] Guest introduction and first questions.
  • [05:52 - 10:47] The backstory and decisions made that led Margaret to this point in her journey.
  • [10:47 - 15:43] How Margaret went from paper assets to Real Estate investing even with no prior Real Estate experience, also ending up investing out of state rather than only in her local market location.
  • [15:43 - 18:38] Hoe Margaret went from being a Market Research executive to educating others about Real Asset investing, and how the former role contributed to the ability to do the latter. 
  • [18:38 - 20:08] The Reasons why Margaret now focuses so much on networking. 
  • [20:08 - 21:35] The story behind Margaret’s company name.


Here’s what Margaret shared with us during today’s conversation: 

  • Where in the world Margaret is currently based: Fairfield County, Connecticut.
  • The most positive thing to happen in the past 24 hours: Margaret had a great day networking with all the new contacts she made at a recent conference!
  • Favourite city in Europe: Prague, Czech Republic.
  • A mistake that Margaret would like you to learn from so that you don’t have to pay full price: Don’t believe the hype and invest in what you know!
  • Book Recommendation: Atomic Habits, by James Clear - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Atomic-Habits-Proven-Build-Break/dp/1847941834 


Be sure to reach out and connect with Margaret Kozlark by using the info below:    


To see the Video Version of today’s conversation just CLICK HERE.


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Episode Transcript


Today's conversation is sponsored by first generation Capital Partners. If you're an accredited investor and you want to know about how we're helping other accredited investors keep more of their income, go to first gen cpe.com forward slash going well. We all know the market is shifting slightly. So we want to stay on top of those economic trends and just kind of what's going on in the world and what's happening with certain areas, certain asset classes. You're listening to the going long podcast with Billy keels, the number one podcast for long distance real asset investing.


Welcome to the Golan podcast, we're back once again to continue to help to educate you so you feel much more comfortable as well as confident investing beyond your backyard. And I am your host, Billy keels. So welcome back. Once again, it's gonna be really, really awesome. Big shout out to you. Thank you for sharing the podcast across social media platforms, tagging us helps a lot helps to bring other people to the podcast and build our podcast family, which is amazing. If you haven't left an honest written review, as well as writing feel free to do that we made it very easy. We've got a video here. And then for everyone who wants to listen to the previous episodes, we've also made it super simple for you to find them, go to first ncp.com forward slash podcast. Once again, firstgencp.com forward slash podcast that will be awesome. And listen today, if anyone who has been in a corporate role, you're no it was like two planes, trains, automobiles, and you felt like you were just being in a like taking trips to three hours round trip a day to work and you really had to figure out a new way to do it. And you were fortunate enough to start to come across podcasts like this or you found to the occasion, something like that. Today, you're going to hear from someone who's been in your shoes, you're gonna get a chance to meet in just a couple minutes. Margaret, COEs lark, and we're gonna get to that just after this.


Are you a busy high paid professional, someone that in the previous two years has earned $200,000 and is expected to earn $200,000 this year. Or maybe if you file jointly, previously, you've earned $300,000 In previous two years, and you're also expected to do that this year. Or maybe if not, either individually or jointly, you have a million dollars in net worth not including your primary residence. If you meet any of these criteria, then you're someone that the IRS considers to be an accredited investor, that probably means you're someone like an enterprise software sales executive, you may be an executive in a major corporation, you may be a doctor, you may be a lawyer may be a high paid consultant, you may be worked for a major sports franchise. And the thing I know you have in common is that you continue to do the hard work like you're doing 100% of the work. And you're only bringing home 50% of the reward because you continue to get crushed by your income taxes. If you are tired of this situation and you're looking for a new solution, then go to first gen cp.com forward slash going long. When you get there, that's going to help you to start the journey so that you can begin to take back control of your taxes take control of your time. And then also that means you're going to be able to spend more of the time that you want with the people that you love the most. And that is the way that you're going to get the personal freedom that you're looking for. So if you're looking to take back control, go ahead and go to first ncp.com forward slash going long, and see how we can help you today.


So you know what, if you want to understand how you can go from market research exec intern into an extremely successful long distance real estate entrepreneur thing, guess what today's conversation you're gonna want to listen to until the very last word I promise, I promise, I promise. You know why? Because today's guest not only started her career in corporate sales, I think even somewhere in the market research and doing the effectiveness as well as efficiency. So she's gonna tell us a little bit about that. She has been a VP of strategic accounts as well. She herself was also in is I believe she can take us up on this one, but started as a real estate agent did that for four years. And I still think has a really strong connection there. And also, as the co founder gives me great pleasure to welcome the co founder and real estate investor syndicator of nobly vest. Welcome to the show, Margaret Cozart. Hello, thank you so much for having me, Billy. Yeah, really looking forward to this. I like your energy. You've just been back from networking, and you're doing all this cool stuff and awesome stuff. And I think that that's super phenomenal. And you know, one of the things that I don't even think we talked about pre is that I'm gonna ask you five questions, you're gonna get five questions just like every single amazing guest of the going long family here is I'm going to ask you to in the beginning, and I'm going to ask you three in the end. Don't worry, none of them are super, super difficult questions. But then in between, I'm going to ask you a bunch of other questions. And I don't even know what those questions are, though. So Margaret, if you're okay, I want to ask you question number one help us understand because this is like a this is an international podcast, but we all love focusing on investing in the US. So help us understand where are you located in the US? Sure. I am in Fairfield County, Connecticut, which is about an hour train ride from New York City. That's probably the easiest way to think of it. All right, fantastic. So just one hour outside of NYC. So appreciate that. And then the other thing, what's the most positive thing that's happened to you in the last 24 hours? So I am actually very hyped today. I just got back from brace fest, which


was an amazing real estate conference. And so literally the last 24 hours, I have been networking with all the amazing people I met there setting up calls setting up follow up conversations. So you know, you come out of those conferences and you're like buzzing with energy. So yeah, I'm kind of feeling awesome about that. All right, fantastic. So I know my butter and my buddy Adam Carswell and and Hunter Thompson put on that event. So I think that's fantastic. Glad you're sharing that positivity with us. And I also want to just tell you one thing, like I have to share something with you that I am a recovering perfectionist. That means that sometimes I do things that really I should not be doing, which is like, trying to tell your entire backstory in two and a half seconds, was never ever going to happen. You've tried, you've made too much impact, you've done way too much stuff. So first and foremost, as the host, I'd like to ask you to forgive me for trying to do something so outlandish. But most importantly, I would really like to ask for your help. And if you could share your backstory with us, in your own words, and you can take a lot more than two and a half seconds, take the time that you want, but also highlight some of the major decisions that you've made to this point. And then we'll see where you and I take the conversation from there. Okay, sure, that works. You know, I think what I like to tell everybody is, and I can't speak to the way it is in Europe, although I suspect it's similar. But over here in the US, I sort of did everything I was supposed to do, right? You get good grades, you go get into college, you get out you get a great corporate job, you work really long hours, work your way up the corporate ladder to that corner office. And so I did that I did all of that. And, and it was great. Except it really wasn't, you know, I was making great money. But I really had not a lot of work life balance. I was commuting about an hour and a half each way each way to work. Really, I had little kids that I wasn't seeing, I was barely getting to the gym. So I had this one piece of my life financial, which was going great. And the rest of it not so much. So I realised I needed some balance. So I left that job, I did not leave corporate America, but I left the job to take another one in Connecticut that have a little less travel, but I was still travelling. And I honestly I did a bunch of that for several years consulting and but it was still, you know, travelling and moving. And meanwhile, my kids are growing up, but I'm missing plays and school events and that sort of thing. Also, somewhere along the line, by the way, I got divorce and now I'm a single mom trying to manage this. And what happened was back in 2016, I was working one of those corporate jobs. And a good friend and colleague there said that she was going to start investing in this thing called syndication. And it was about buying apartment buildings, and I should get in on it. And so my first reaction was, thank you, I love that you think I could just go buy an apartment building. I'm very flattered. I'm like, I'm like a single mom, I don't have any spare cash lying around.


But so she kind of, you know, explained it. And then I thought, Okay, well, maybe I could do this. But it seems to do like I know, the stock market. I know the stuff that we've been told about in school. I don't know anything about real estate. So let me just watch. But I was interested. So I watched for like two years. And I learned and I saw the amazing return she was getting and I'm like, Okay, I think I get this and I really like it. So that was problem number one mindset check. Number two was still Okay, where am I going to get the money to invest in this. So again, single mom, three kids to support didn't have a tonne of extra cash. But what I did have was a nice 401k from that corporate job. So I took my 401k converted it into a self directed IRA. And that's how I made my first investment in in syndication. And then I did that for about three years. And then meanwhile, my friends and family are kind of starting to be like, so what is this? You're buying apartment buildings? You know, you know, I want to get in on this. How do I do it? You know, and so to be honest, I was just sort of saying, oh, yeah, talk to my friends here, talk to my friend there. And then they're like, well, we want to work with you, you know, because we know you've done this research. So I was like, Okay, well, all right, well, then I got to form an LLC and make myself a little company here. So I formed a small, very small, small little company called MGH investments. And I started partnering with operators joining their management team, and you know, bringing family and friends in. But again, I was still doing it as a solopreneur. So it was a little hard to scale. And then during the pandemic, I connected with someone in my former space, that market research space, although we didn't know each other that world. And together we formed a company called nobly best. And so we've been in business for about a couple of years now. We've done a bunch of deals, both fund of funds and syndications. And, and I'm just loving it and having a great old time. Oh, fantastic. Well, that sounds absolutely to have seconds. No, yeah, well, you're allowed to take two and a half seconds, and you gave us some really great highlights and some of the decisions you made and then being able to, you know that I think a lot of us can relate to that. I mean, I did many, many years where I was travelling across Europe, Middle East and Africa and, you know, made a lot of sacrifices, but at the end of the day made those sacrifices


because by the end of my 40s, I left in the corporate world and don't have any plans of ever going back, right. And so when I hear that, you know, I also miss my son's third birthday that made that made a big huge statement in my mind helped me to get into action and start doing some things. So a lot of the things that you're talking about, we can relate to so, but at least I think about myself right when I got started, Margaret, I didn't have anybody coming up to me to tell me about syndications. But I had the stock market thing that happened to me and I just didn't have any control. Yeah. And I knew I needed something differently. So you were really proposed syndication to get into real estate. But sometimes people get stuck into like, wait, I only know the stock market. So what was it that allowed you to actually go from probably more of a paper assets? Right, your 401k just blindly putting it there, to actually investing in something with a team of people? That was something cuz you didn't have any real estate background or experience before that? Did you get it now? Okay, so you invested in that? And then you even took it another step? Because I understand that you will invest in different geographies, so not just necessarily in Connecticut.


Right, because this is like, like, like me, I don't invest here in Spain, I invest down 2% back in the States. So talk us through those two kinds of things, and how that how that worked for you? Sure. So the first thing I would say is, you know, like you mentioned, I was really fortunate that I was exposed to this and introduced because so many people, they don't know what they don't know. Right? So I was lucky about that. Number one, no doubt about it. The second thing is I began my career as an analyst. So I was a number cruncher. So when I looked at it, it made sense, right? I got it. In fact, I almost felt kind of stupid, like, you know, how did I not know there was this other world outside of the stock market, which to your point, is completely outside of our control? And it's just ups and downs? And, you know, I was like, I like this, this makes sense. I, I liked the value add component, which is what we I tend to invest in, you know, because it again, it's I'm not relying on market appreciation, I'm forcing appreciation, I'm improving the asset. So that made a lot of sense. And then the second part of the question, well, just first of all, it was the good the real estate in itself. And then what you did something that I consider to be extremely contrarian, because when I started doing this in 2012, like investing from Europe to back in the United States, like people were like, You can't do that. Like if you got to invest within the 30 Minute Rule, like you've got to be able to get there right away. And so I know that it takes something different, even if you're investing through a syndication, and you live in Connecticut, but the actual asset is in Texas, like, like that, especially in real estate, in the beginning, it was really like nobody does that. So talk to us about getting like how you started then thinking, investing in things that aren't even close, where you can drive by and see and show people and talk about and talk to that piece piece. Right? So yeah, and you know, what, here's the thing, there is a mindset that you there is a point where you have to give up a little bit of that control, right? And I'm sure you've heard the phrase analysis paralysis, right? You can look at ways to Sunday, and at some point, you have to make that decision, I'm going to take some action, right? So I absolutely looked at the data, you know, because I was a numbers geek, I was able to kind of crunch it. Of course, you know, you get a PPM that's like this thick with everything from the demographics of the market, to what retailers are there. And the jobs and job diversification. The business plan, you know how they're going to update the units, what percentage are one bedroom, two bedroom, every I mean, I was like in geek heaven, right? Every possible amount of data. So it was either an incredible amount of effort to have a complete scam. Or maybe just maybe these people know what they're doing. And oh, by the way, they have a track record of having done it multiple times. The other thing, and it's such a simple thing, but where we have a real benefit, whether you are sitting there in Spain, or I'm up here in Connecticut, is this wonderful thing called the internet, where you can go and search and be like, Yep, it's a real apartment complex. Yep, there it is in Dallas. Yep, I can see it. You know, you can, it's an asset. It's right there. So that was I guess, there was that and it was just okay, I've done as much as I can do. I can sit here and be the ostrich with the head in the sand and protect my money, but it won't grow. So.


Okay, so you took the leap? And I love it, because it can I would even take that one step further, right? Because it's using, like the way you leverage technology. Because yes, you can identify it with Google Maps. But even now, because there's so many different things. There's so many services as a service, like you can literally pay someone 15 bucks to go drive the property and stand there with their iPhone and actually give you a live video. I mean, I bet even back in 2012, there was not like that wasn't even within the scope of possibility. But now it's just the most normal thing in the world. You can identify it on your Google Maps or whatever your preferred map thing is and then hey, listen, I need you to go over and do this and they don't know you and so it's pretty


A third party agnostic and you get pretty good pictures. And you find out if the stuff that you've looked on that picture, if it literally looks like that today on whatever the date is you're listening or watching this doesn't really matter. But technology, a steer step farther a step farther and say that same person could pose as a potential tenant and get a look inside the units, and maybe talk to some of the tenants and see what people are saying. So yeah, yeah, so it says, but yeah, I mean, there we go on and on. I like I like that I like


trusting that you're enjoying today's conversation. And you know, if you're tired of getting crushed by taxes, and you're looking for greater freedom, to be able to choose what you want to do, when you want to do it, make sure that you go to first ncp.com Ford slash going long, and see how we can help you today. Let's get back to the conversation.


So talk to us in a little bit about the education around because I understand that this is something that is very, very, very close to your heart. So


you started in market research, you feel very comfortable with the numbers, crushing them, looking at them, analysing them, and then to go from that into really customer facing, right, this taken all that analysis and selling it right, I live 26 years in the sales world. So I'm very comfortable there. But dealing with spreadsheets, and I think so talk to us about the educational component, and how important that is to you in terms of being able to attract the right people for you to serve. So, first, let me just clarify something about my background, I had a very interesting thing in that I was in market research and Media Research for 20 years. But I was in account management, which meant that I had to talk to like the marketers and the people and sort of translate this data. And I felt those skills really served me well with this. Because I used to say, and I think it's the same thing with commercial real estate, you have to have this interesting mix of left brain and right brain, right, you have to understand the numbers, but you have to be able to communicate them and almost translate them into a format and a way that people understand. So that said, a lot of times the type of people we are dealing with, you know, they're either people who are just, you know, really working hard, like you and I were in those corporate jobs, making all these sacrifices at a big expense of their family or their time. So they know that the need is there. And they know there's got to be a way out, but they don't know what it is. So you have to like address that pain point, you know, how can what I'm doing whether it's an asset class or a particular strategy? Is it cash flow? Is it equity upside, whatever address their need? That's the first thing. And then the second thing is you have to meet them where they are. Some people are just so focused on what the pain is, if you provide something, and it's a solution, and it's like, okay, you know what this makes sense, great. I don't need to get into the numbers. I'm already short on time, I don't have three hours, check your underwriting, I'll look at the overview, it looks good. Or maybe they'll say, You know what, I'm not a big numbers person, but I'll go to your webinar, we'll have a conversation. So you depending on how their learning style is, is that we can address them with that. But the biggest thing for me is you don't want to educate people, when you have an active deal. Right? You want to make it when you don't have that pressure of that level when people just come in, watch our webinars, read our blogs, let's talk about what these terms mean. I don't want you to feel pressured, that don't don't invest if you're not ready, but let me help you educate to the point where you might be ready. Love that. Absolutely love that. And I think it's phenomenal. Because when you are educating education is about helping to increase knowledge. It is not trying to make a sell.


And so I think that's phenomenal. I love that perspective on things. And also to I guess, when you think about how you are combining


networking, right, you just talked about the very beginning, you just come back from a networking event with something we talked about before, like this seems to be something that is very important to you. Can you talk to us a little bit about what, what why you've decided to invest more of your time, your energy, your most important assets, in networking, and kind of for that, because there's a lot of people like on networking seems cool, but I've got a lot of stuff going on, I've got my day job, I've got all this kind of stuff to talk to that person. Absolutely. Well, just like I was saying earlier, regarding investing in general, we don't know what we don't know, you know, I know the way that I approach things, I know the way that I may assess something or look at an opportunity. But there could be something completely different out there either a different perspective, or a different tool or a different kind of automation that can take some really laborious task and make it you know, so much faster. And there were some cool AI things, for example, that were discussed at this conference. So I really like to have, you know, not just an open heart but an open mind, you know, I want to be poorest and soak in and keep on top of everything that's going on. And then of course at a bare minimum. You know, we all know the market is shifting slightly so we want to stay on top of those economic trends and just kind of what's going on in the world and what's happening with certain areas, certain asset classes, etc.


Really like


Dad appreciate that as well. And listen, before we get to the going long, final three, I have to ask you this question. So I have to ask you this question.


The name of your company company is nobly vest, rice. And there's gotta be a story to that. I'm just gonna go out on the limb and think that there is if there's not been I've got another question backed up. But that name was so cool, like, talk to us. Where is this nobly best come from? Thank you. Well, it is a bit of a made up name, but it was a mash of the words noble, and invest. And the reason for that is I think that people have a very complex relationship with money, right? I mean, going all the way back to the Bible, right? Like, oh, money is the money is the root of all evil, but it's really the love of money.


But aside from all that, it's I think people are conditioned, we want money, right? Like, we need money, at the end of the day, money pays our bills, it keeps our house over roof, overhead, all that stuff. But we almost feel like it's bad to want more money. And so we wanted to change that mindset and let people know, there's nothing wrong with wanting to increase your wealth. Because most people are doing it for noble reasons. They want to put their kids through college, they want to take care of their elderly parents, maybe they want to help their community or volunteer. So it's okay to want to increase your wealth. And then we aim to do it nobly. Not just with our investors, but with the tenants and the people that we serve on that end as well. So we combined noble and invest, and it became nobly best. That's a phenomenal story. I really appreciate you share that. And I'm glad I kind of went out on a limb and took a little bit of a risk. So anyway, so listen to Margaret, we're gonna get into the gold long, final three. But the thing is, I never asked anyone to go along final three. And since you're our special guest, it would be you unless you tell me that you're ready. So here's my question for you. Are you ready?


I'm ready. Gosh, you are you were born ready. So here we go. Question number one, you are over in Connecticut. So I'm gonna bring things on this side of the pond. Because even though I'm originally from Columbus, Ohio, Europe has been my home for the last 22 years. So I would love for you to tell us what is your favourite European city that you have either visited or still on your bucket list to visit.


Okay, so I have been very fortunate to have gone through a fair amount of Europe, however, I feel like I've hit most of the main stuff, you know, London, Paris, you know, Barcelona, Barcelona, which I did love, by the way. But for me, I'm gonna go with the one on my bucket list that I have not made to get, which is Prague, because everything I've heard about Prague is that it's just a stunningly beautiful city. And I would just really, really love to get there at some point. I'm just going to make one suggestion go in the summer, I spent a month in Prague in the month in the month of January. Oh, my beautiful, extremely crazy.


And I was the ice sculpture one of them?


No, so we're going to include that in the show notes prog and then the next thing come, the next question really has a lot of this is just shared experience, right? Because I have seen and met a lot of very successful people just as you have, right. And so one of the things I've recognised with people that are extremely successful, is that they do things differently. And the results they get are amazing, right? And so if we think about most of the most successful people that I know, when they put a plan together, right, Margaret, they put a plan together, and they see the vision all the way through, and then they start executing it every single time without fail, they execute every single plan perfectly, which is why they get the chance to go even faster, further, more than


faster, further, further.


Just say that, I think I messed up. No, I'm not. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding.


A course that just sits up. And that was completely wrong. They don't get things right the first time. And every time. Of course, that doesn't happen, right? They're successful people. They're always trying new stuff, they're probably making 20 3050 times more mistakes than most people, right. It's not just me kind of having fun with my podcast, and everybody else knows it's a joke, so don't worry. But but here's the thing. The first part was a joke, this is not a joke, because the thing that people that are really, really successful do is they do make a lot of mistakes or learning opportunities, but they do something very differently. Every single time. They make a mistake, a relevant mistake, they stop,


they learn. And then they put different strategies, tactics and actions in place to minimise the probability of that exact same thing happening again.


So I don't want you to think about the mistake. I don't want you to dwell there. But what I'd really love for you to do, Margaret is to think about the lesson. What's the one lesson that you learned that you know, that the going long family needs to hear today?


Okay, so ironically, my mistake that I think I want to talk about, it's actually not related to real estate. It's related to the stock market. And what that was, is that when I was you know, like I said, having that corporate job making all this money and everything, I sort of broke one of my cardinal rules, which is yes, there's analysis paralysis, but you do want to do some research, right? And so


Oh, I got very caught up in the whole buzz over here in the States about the marijuana stocks, oh my gosh, marijuana stocks gonna be huge gonna be great. So I ran out and I bought all this like, you know Canopy Growth and all this other stuff. And guess what?


Like nothing. And I don't even like to look at it because I mean, it's still out there and I'm like, okay, Margaret, it's a long game, it's a long game. But don't get caught up in the hype. And if you do decide, you know, you know,


do your homework, right, like, make sure it makes sense for you, you know, I do still invest in the stock market, of course, and because I like to diversify, and I do real estate. But I really liked what Warren Buffett says, which is invest in what you know, right. And, you know, short of a few, you know, indiscretions in college, I don't really know a lot about marijuana. So I jumped into this, you know, industry thinking, Oh, it's gonna make me money, because I'm like reading all the hype, and what has it at all. So do your homework and invest in what we know, or at least get the education for it? There you go and goes back to the education. So you start to get educated, you start to learn and know more, and invest in things that you feel comfortable with and understood the risk and that you really do begin to understand so cool. So listen, last thing. So it's really about question number three, and it is helping us to fill our brain. So what is the one book that you would recommend to the going long family today? I'm gonna recommend the book I'm reading now, which I love so much, which is atomic habits. You read a lot of business books. In fact, I actually do some book recommendations on our Instagram channel, but I am really, really loving this book. And it's all about how instead of you know, January 1 comes in, we're like, Oh, I'm gonna lose 50 pounds, I'm gonna do this. Just do a small action every day and get that compound effect. Right. That's it awesome. So love it Tomic habits. And you know, I'm just thinking to myself, this conversation is like, literally flown by, they go by so fast. At the very beginning, we're talking and you're sharing about being at race fest, and you're talking about your life and sharing the things that you did. And, you know, taking those three hour round trip trips to and from the office, seeing clients in your market research kind of space as an account manager. And you did that for years and years, and lots of planes, trains and automobiles you shared with us very candidly, you've been through divorce. And as a mother, single mother with three children, you didn't travel quite as much, but you still kind of kept travelling. And then you had this really amazing opportunity because someone talked to you about a syndication, you took the time you took the time you learned you got informed, you realise that you could take some of that money that you hadn't before 1k, because you thought you didn't actually have it. And then you took it from there, you put it in a self directed IRA. And guess what that started to give you some control, it started to give you the opportunity to get involved, get educated and take action, you started taking action, your other families and friends, they wanted to know what you were doing. So guess what, you form your own company, you started learning more, you started getting more involved. And you have continued to make a positive impact on others, educate others, and also build your asset base. And so I keep going on long and long. And I know the entire gone long families didn't really just shut up, please just


ask me the question. So here's the thing, Margaret, everybody wants to know, how can they get in touch with you and find out more about what it is that you're doing with you on the team at nobody best? Absolutely. So you can go to our website, nobly. vest.com, which is n OB l i vest. We also have a YouTube channel, we are on Instagram, and you can please connect with me on LinkedIn. I love always taking new connections. And you know, a lot of people helped me on my journey. And so we are very much focused on trying to help other folks as well. All right, fantastic. And listen, go along family when you reach out to Margaret, let her know that you've already invested time listening to her and I hear on the going long podcast, it's going to make your connection in the continuation of your conversations so much easier, so much better. So


listen, Margaret, anybody's Welcome to book a call if they need to know any more questions as well. Fantastic. Fantastic. Absolutely. Make sure you book your call everybody. So Margaret, on behalf of the entire grown longform I just want to say thank you so very much for deciding to invest your time with me and all of us and wishing you continued success. Thank you so much. Sounds great. Thanks so much for having me. All right, awesome. Give me like 10 seconds I'm just going to wrap things up and get you out of here. So go along family listen really quickly. Margaret shared it all. She even gave me wait it gave you ways to contact her reach out to her. But most importantly, take today's conversation, share it with family and friends talk about the content. That way it's helping you to go from theory to action, call some questions. Margaret's even given herself as somebody to reach out to this concept wasn't clear and start a new relationship. So while you're doing that, putting everything into action, I'll be here preparing for the next conversation. So until then, go out and make it a great day. Thank you very much.


Trust did you enjoy today's conversation and once again, today's conversation was sponsored by first generation Capital Partners. If you're an accredited investor want to find out more about how we're helping accredited investors to gain their personal freedom even faster. Go to firstgencp.com forward slash going long.



Billy Keels
Strategic Advisor, Entrepreneur, and Investor
Billy is on a mission to share a roadmap and opportunities with other extremely busy, high-performing professionals on how to find freedom and live the life they desire. Listen in to learn how!
Guest speaker
Margaret Kozlark
CEO and Co-Founder at Noblivest
Margaret spent 20 years working her way up the corporate ladder before escaping the grind for real estate. She is the CEO and co-founder of Noblivest where she helps busy professionals invest in syndicated real estate opportunities for passive income. She is a co-GP on syndications in AL and FL and is a fund manager on a 654 door multifamily fund and a short term rental fund with over 75 properties. Margaret has personally invested in over 2,100 doors in TX, NC, SC, FL and IN, and she also holds a residential real estate license with Keller Williams Realty where her goal is to introduce more realtors to the power of passive investing.

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