May 23, 2024

Choosing Your Hard Isn't Easy, It's Necessary - Billy Keels

Anything worth doing in life that brings you a sense of achievement is going to take effort. The best things in life are indeed “free”, but it’s also true that the greatest achievements and the highest sense of satisfaction won’t come from taking the easy route. In today’s new episode of The Going Long Podcast, Billy talks about the importance of choosing what you really want to do with the time you have, regardless of whether that thing is ‘hard’ to do - because any worthwhile thing you do will take effort! Your regular job is hard, the big dreams you want to follow are hard - so what will you choose to put your time and effort into?
Billy Keels
CEO and Founder FGCP

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Going Long Podcast Episode 423: Choosing Your Hard Isn't Easy, It's Necessary


( To see the Video Version of today’s conversation just CLICK HERE. )


In today’s brand new SOLO episode, you’ll learn the following from Billy himself:


  • [00:22 - 01:35] Billy welcomes us to another brand-new solo episode.
  • [01:35 - 12:27] Billy talks about the importance of choosing what you really want to do with the time you have in your life, regardless of whether that thing is ‘hard’ to do because any worthwhile thing you do will take effort - your regular job is hard, the dreams you want to follow are hard - so what will you choose to put your time and effort into?
  • [12:27 - 13:38] Billy wraps up the show.


To see the Video Version of today’s conversation just CLICK HERE.


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Episode Transcript

Going Long Podcast_Episode 423_Billy Keels

Thu, May 23, 2024 2:49PM • 11:02


corporate, billy, podcast, continue, people, wanted, choose, realise, heart, easy, employee, building, keels, put, advisory, money, hours, linkedin, find, programme


Today's conversation is sponsored by the Billy keels advisory programme. If you want to learn more about how to make your nine to five optional, just go to Billy Forward slash advising. Once again, that's Billy, forward slash advising. You're listening to the going long podcast, the number one podcast for the strategies, tactics and actions high wage earners need for living an intentionally designed life of wealth and resilience.


Welcome to the growing long podcast, we're back once again to continue to help to educate you so that you feel much more comfortable as well as confident in building the wealthy resilient life that you're looking to lead and do that much faster. And I'm your host, Billy keels, and I am super excited to welcome you back to another one of our solo episodes. And I also want to say thank you to each and every one of you who continue to download the podcast, you continue to share it with family with friends, you continue to talk about the content, because we see you out there talking about it on social media, we see you virtually, of course. And that is because you're tagging us on social media like LinkedIn, like Instagram, it's amazing. So we really, really appreciate that. And also to, you want to leave your honest written review and rating. If you haven't done that already, feel free to do that. There. If you don't know how to do that, there's a little link in the show notes, and it'll show you how to do it. It's super easy, super brief. And with that, I also wanted to say, if you want to check out any of the previous episodes, well over 400 And I think 20 At this point in time, all you need to do is go to Billy Ford slash podcast and and you can find the transcripts, the audio, the video, every single one of them, just go to Billy forward slash podcast and get it all checked out. So


today's very, very brief episode is going to talk about one of the things that I know a lot of people don't want to talk about, right. And for some people may even be a little bit like, it may not, you may not like this, because I'm just going to tell you something, or I'm going to share an experience with the more than telling you something, I'm just going to share the reality of what's happening. Especially if you are a big company employee, you are one of these people who's in the top talent programme, you are also rising in your company. And at the same time, there's this little thing in your stomach telling you, this is really cool. And I want to keep doing it. But I'm not going to do it forever. And so I need to start doing


your own thing. Like if you feel that and you know that you want to start doing your own thing, then


somebody needs to tell you the truth. And that's going to be me. And the reason I say that is because as I'm speaking to people, week after week, multiple people week after week, and I've already lived through this, I want to be the person that's going to shed the light on this topic. And you're already here because you know that, you know, at some point in time, you are going to have to choose your heart.


Like it's really necessary. It is absolutely necessary. What do I mean by that? So when you are that high performing corporate employee, and you know that there's something in your gut, and there's something in your mind, and it's something in your heart that tells you that you should be impacting lives in a different way you want to get started. And the reality is, look, when I was in corporate, I was doing the corporate thing, I was rising, I didn't know I drank the Kool Aid, I was looking to go all the way to the top, I was working the extra hours, I was taking the special projects, I was doing the special dinners and add all the corporate events and up, you know, upward


as I was moving up the ladder, and I was building my network upward to have more upward mobility. But the reality is, is there was something that although I was doing all of these things, and I was in the right alliances within the company and had lots of opportunities and promotions came my way. Like when I missed my son's third birthday party and I've talked about that over and over, like something inside of me changed. You know, this whole thing that I wanted to continue to go out and make more money and have the right titles and have more people under me and all this other kind of stuff like on the org chart.


Things that I was really looking for. I wanted to be able to have more control over my time I wanted to be able to spend more time with my with with really good friends. I wanted to invest more time with my sons. I wanted to be able to fly back to the United States more frequently. And I couldn't do that if I was continuing to work for someone else because


when you're in a corporation, and I knew what I was signing up for I signed up for the gig like I was I was a happy corporate employee a lot of you like if you've seen my my old school LinkedIn moniker it was happy corporate employee. I thought I loved my corporate job. Come to find out I only liked it a lot. Because it gave paid me a lot of money a lot more than I ever thought I'd earn. Especially over time. It was amazing. The other thing was I got really cool, like German luxury cars. It was awesome. I had great benefits, health wise and dental wise and you know, gas was paid for all this kind of stuff. But the thing is there was only 24 hours in the day.


And I knew that I wouldn't continue to do that forever.


Like, if I was going to continue to do that forever was going to be absolutely exhausting, just completely exhausting. And so fortunately, I'd made some good decisions, I started networking with people that were outside of what I knew in corporate life. And so I started seeing what I call POCs proof of concepts. It's a term that I use a lot in the application software space, you want to do a POC, you want to make sure that there is a proof of concept. So that once there's a POC, a proof of concept, then you know that that works. So why not go out and try to do more. And what I mean by that when I started seeing other meeting other people in networking groups, or building relationships with people online, through zoom, et cetera, et cetera, because of the things that we've kind of gone through, well, and also I put my money where my mouth was, and I travelled to the US because I was building a real estate business at the time. And the thing is, is like I started putting together this five year plan, and I wanted to have make four figures of income. And I wanted to be able to do that in a period of five years. And little did I know that when I did actually stop to choose my heart, and what I meant by that was, or what I mean by that is,


are you going to continue to work the long hours that are normal in the corporate world where you're going to continue to work 1214, sometimes 16 hours, which seems unbelievable, but yes, you do those types of days in corporate as well.


Because that's hard. Like it's not easy. Like you're travelling all the time, you're constantly on call your top talent person, you are someone who is always accessible, because that phone is always near you, or your iPads always near you, or your laptops always near you. So that is not easy. It's hard. And at the same time, when you want to follow your passion, you want to find you found your sweet spot, you know that you want to get out there. And you know, you want to impact other people's lives to build your own business. That's also hard. It's not easy, like so anyone that's telling you like, oh, you can do this, and it's gonna like you're gonna take an hour a day and blah, blah, that's probably not true, you need to run the other way.


So at the end of the day, when you choose your heart, and for me, I lived with both of these for a decade, almost a decade, like I was a top performer in my corporate role, and I was overachieving in the business that I was building outside of the office, right. And so as I was doing both of these things, I had to choose hard, but ultimately, it was the payoff, because I knew that I liked corporate. And I knew that I wanted to be able to serve others doing it in a way that I was happy with the way that walked with me in my integrity, once I started my own business, but I had to choose at a certain point. And I chose to do hard, both jobs over performing excelling at both. And then when it came time, I decided that it was time to exit corporate, it was time to move into living in my new best version of me. So anyone that tells you, it's easy, it's not at a certain point, you will have to choose your heart and just so that you can also exhale. But that's really important too. So that your friends, your family, your family, your friends, they get the best of you the best version of you.


I know that I got to a point where I, you know, I got to the money, I got the money that I needed. But more importantly, for me, what I realised is that when I had a clear plan, and I chose my heart, it didn't take me five years, it took me 18 months, it took a lot less time to get to the original goal. And of course, the goal changed from there. And then was able to realise even that, that thinking bigger, dreaming bigger, and taking action it's possible to but it all started with being able to choose and making the decision Which direction did I want to go? And for a while it was how am I going to maintain both of these directions. And then ultimately, it was able to, to also make that hard choice and decide that it was time to leave corporate and move on. So


I hear it all the time the questions come in in the pre advisory calls and working with advisory clients. And so it's about how do we have this scenario, and I'm mentioned you just being honest, like you have to choose your heart, there are very specific steps that you can take. There are specific frameworks that you can follow so that you when you make that decision or leading up to that decision, you are able to continue to maintain the way that you're working in both building in one place and maybe continuing to give the recap the results, the outcomes and not having to put in as many hours. So you know, that's a whole nother scary conversation I know I've talked about before in Episode 422. So if you want to check that out, you can go check that out if you haven't already. But anyway.


I want to leave it with you there. So you are going to have to choose your heart and choosing your heart isn't easy. Like I said it's necessary


and you're going to have to make that choice. And so what you think about this and why you think oh my gosh, I know somebody who's actually going through this exact situation she


hear today's podcasts, send it over to him real quick. And then after you send it over to him say, hey, look, let's get on a phone call. Let's talk about it. What do you think about it? You're going through this situation. I've been through it. That sounds like Billy has been through and he's talking to people that are going through it as well.


Yeah, so you can use today's solo episode to help you be able to move forward and move forward faster. So once again, while you are taking this episode, putting it into action, I'll be preparing for the very next episode. So until then, go out and make it a great day. And thank you very much.


Today's conversation was sponsored by the Billy keels advisory programme. If you're looking to make your nine to five optional and need some help, just go to Billy forward slash advising once again, that's Billy forward slash advising

Billy Keels
Strategic Advisor, Entrepreneur, and Investor
Billy is on a mission to share a roadmap and opportunities with other extremely busy, high-performing professionals on how to find freedom and live the life they desire. Listen in to learn how!
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