September 5, 2024

The Truth About Why You Need A Resiliency Plan

Billy goes through in detail the reasons why it is so important to have a resiliency plan to ensure you can get through any major hurdles that may come your way, drawing from his own experience and sharing what you need to do to be able to weather the storm when it comes.
Billy Keels
CEO and Founder FGCP

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Going Long Podcast Episode 453: The Truth About Why You Need A Resiliency Plan

( To see the Video Version of today’s conversation just CLICK HERE. )

In today’s solo episode of The Going Long Podcast, you’ll learn the following:


  • [00:13 - 00:52] Introduction to the show.
  • [00:52 - 12:41] Billy goes through in detail the reasons why it is so important to have a resiliency plan to ensure you can get through any major hurdles that may come your way, drawing from his own experience and sharing what you need to do to be able to weather the storm when it comes.
  • [12:41 - 13:54] Billy wraps up the show.


To see the Video Version of today’s conversation just CLICK HERE.


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Episode Transcript

Going Long Podcast_SOLO Episode 453_Billy Keels

Thu, Sep 05, 2024 7:45AM • 13:55


resiliency, episode, plan, moving, life, focused, continue, left, thinking, corporate, started, talk, prepared, direction, finances, health, survive, boom, give, proactively


Billy Keels

Billy Keels  00:00

Today's conversation is sponsored by the Billy keels advisory program. If you want to learn more about how to make your nine to five optional, just go to Billy forward slash advising. Once again, that's Billy Forward slash advising, the truth about why you need a resiliency plan. This is one of the things that you are more than likely not actively thinking about and you may be prepared which is good, and you may not be prepared, which is not good, it's bad. And the reason I can say that is when you're prepared for something, at least you have thought about eventual outcomes, when you've not even thought about individual outcomes, you're completely playing reactive, or the probability that you're going to be reactive and not prepared is much, much higher. And so I want to share a real personal story with you about the power and the reason and the truth about why you need a resiliency plan. Because, like many people, especially when you are in your corporate life, or maybe you've got your own small business, or maybe you're in corporate life and you're building your own small business, or you're calling it a side hustle today, and you are extended, and you are doing so much of the work, and you're not seeing any of the result, especially in the early days. That was me. If I think back to early 2000 10s, like 2010 through 2012 then finally, getting started in 2013 because I'd actually just been reading and studying about it, from 2008 to 2010 then I started really getting serious. But then, you know, I didn't let myself but one way or the other. After a decade, or almost a decade, of doing the work and eventually leaving corporate life in 2021 life was clicking on all cylinders. Finally got to the point where it was a matter of wanted to, wanted to be able to exit corporate. Exited corporate wanted to be able to invest more energy time with my family, so I was absolutely doing that, and also wanted to continue to have my own small business build and grow and serve the clients that we wanted to be able to serve. So guess what? Life is clicking, literally on all cylinders. Corporates left behind in the rear view mirror. Looking forward, everything is looking fantastic. Even had a business that had, you know, raised over over ten million in a very short period of time. So things are are moving in the right direction. And this is, this is like your life. This is when, after you've been working so hard, and you're finally starting to see the results, but not because you're looking for the results, but you're you're focused on the process. You're enjoying what you're doing every single day. It's giving you so much energy, so much vibrance, and you are just like you can't wait to wake up the next morning, because it is just you're loving it. Been there, done that it was so much fun. It is when you're in that zone, when you're in that flow, it's amazing, right? And that was, that was me. That was this was post 2021 2023 you know, I wanted to continue to know where we're going next. And it was at that point Mr. Reliable, doing the things in the right way. And deep down inside I My goal is just continue to be Mr. Reliable at the time. Wanted to be the best husband possible, the most amazing father possible to my sons and in life, was going really, really well. Get into 2023 and this is something that if you've not had a chance to listen to episode 435, I'm not going to go into it because had an amazing conversation with my buddy Jerome Myers in episode 435 where we go into much more detail about specifically the beginning of 2023 so I won't go too much into it now, but I would highly suggest that you go back and listen to episode 435 we dive into it. He asks amazing questions, and I'm just, you know, raw giving you answers, but let's just, I'll give you the highlight, the Cliff Notes, as we used to call them back in the day, back when I was in high school, college. 2023 comes around. It's a year and a half later, at left corporate behind, business is clicking on all cylinders, and you know what? Then personal life, things start to move a little bit in the different direction. Go through divorce, and then also, a couple months later, issues around business. So I won't go into that too terribly much. Not that I want, don't want to. I do want to, but I just can't go to into it too much. But let's just say what I thought was moving in the right direction, both personally and professionally, things were starting to move in the exact opposite direction. Boom. So I'm spinning. I'm thinking, What in the world is going on? Everything was moving right. We're moving in the right direction. Have the time, investing time with family, doing all the things that we said we wanted to be able to do. And then things change. Boom. Overnight, business was going. I'm wearing the white raid boom serving the clients we want to be able to serve. Boom changes overnight. So there's a fork in the road, and then you have a decision to make. And I had a decision to make, it was okay, am I going to continue to have a pity party, or am I pick myself up and start moving in the in the right direction? Well, took some convincing little bit. Took a lot of love from the people that truly love me and are been there for me and are there for me. And the the idea was, I saw this moment that said, Hey, listen, when you when you but think everything's moving in the right direction. And it's not a matter of if things don't go according to plan. And this is really what I want to talk about, because when we talk about the truth about why you need a resiliency plan, and it's really because it's not a matter of if something's not going to go according to plan, it's when it doesn't go according to plan, and how long does that last. That's the key here. Like if you take nothing else away from this conversation or this this episode, it's that the truth about why you need a resiliency plan is because it prepares you for not if things don't according go according to plan, but when they don't go according to plan, you're in a better position to be able to weather the storm. I realized just very quickly at the top of my head, I you know, I had money to be able to survive. I had my health. Although I my health went down, I gotta admit, my health was not it was not up to, up to, up to par. A year later, I'm so much happier, better and in my face even shows a little bit. Some of you probably laughing, because you know what I'm talking about. But the idea is, I had my health. I had my dearest of family and my dearest and closest of friends. And another shout out to you all, because you were absolutely awesome. You have been there for me. You are there for me, and I am here and will be for you. I love you, but I had the health and the love and support of family and friends, real family and friends, and I had, fortunately, some of the finances to be able to continue to survive. Now that wasn't enough, though, because I had to sit down, and actually was going through one day, and a lot of this that I've now come up with, and this is my resiliency plan, and this is what I want to share with you. It was inspired by a book called prosper with Chris Mortensen, Adam Taggart, and so when I started revisiting, because I started revisiting a lot of things, and doing just a lot of self reflection, self development, and came across this, and I started realizing that there were really six key areas that I was completely not really proactively focused on. But now this is a part of this is now a part of my annual planning and quarterly review, and it is the resiliency principles around life, around finances, around the social aspect, around my time, around my know how, as well as my spiritual and emotional resiliency. And if I can, because I want to leave you with each one of these, because I think this is important just for you to recognize and realize. When you start thinking about your first and foremost, it is about your health and in so when you think about your life, resiliency, mentally, physically, how well are you? How much are you thinking about how you are focused on you, because you have to be well and better before anybody else before you can help anybody else, and that is your mental wellness and your physical wellness. That's life. Secondly, you start thinking about finance, and this is a lot of it comes to do with the fact that I come from a working class family. I mean, I've talked about this in multiple episodes. There have been a lot of changes. Specifically, episode 447, is one where I dig into that and talk about it more when you're changing your social class. And what are the things that you want to keep into mind, but the financial aspect of being able to have your rainy day fund to get you through, to be able to weather the storm, there are a precious few of you that have known that that was something that was so Important, um, for me, to be able to maintain a minimum standard afterwards, and this is critical. What about your public and your private relationships? Specifically the private relationships, are you being intentional about those relationships? Are you investing time, energy and effort in those relationships? I The next is the resiliency that you have around your time, that one ever depleting resource that you can never get back. How is that being used today? How are you using that today? Also to what now? What know? How do you have that you can put into practice. If everything falls around you tomorrow, are you building a skill? Do you have a talent? Can you reach out to your private relationships, intentionally doing that because you have a level of expertise, a level of know how, and that you're resilient in that regard. And then lastly. The resilience around your emotional and your spiritual and whether that is you believe in, in the universe, in God, in Allah, in whoever or whatever, that there is a higher power that you can draw on to help you in that moment of of need. So let me just review these really quickly in terms of resilience. And the resilience plan is around your life, is around your finances, around your social aspects, around the time, that one depleting resource around your know how, as well as your spiritual and emotional resilience. And I can tell you, because I went through it, I've been through it. It's difficult days and difficult nights, challenging because when things go, not if, when they don't go according to plan. Having thought through these three six steps, these three areas of resiliency, it's going to give you a leg up. You are not going to fall as much as I did, because you're going to be proactive about it and if, if, not if, but when things don't go according to plan. Again, guess who's going to be in a much better position. Me. I can tell you that because these are things that I'm actively thinking about, I'm much more intentional about the things that I'm doing, and I don't have any regrets about that. I'm happy that I'm doing it this way, that I'm intentional about what I'm focused on, because I've found that being a high performer, what what I focus on, tends to get done and get done better than, than than the previous version of myself. And so with all this stated like, yes, survived. I'm here to talk about it, here to tell about it, continue to work on being the best version of me, because this is a race of me versus me, and your race is you versus you, and that's the truth about why you need a resiliency plan. Because it's not just about being able to survive. I want you to thrive. I want you to be in a position where you're unconsciously having the elements because you focused on them so much around you, these six different pillars around resiliency, so that you're protected when, not if, but when life doesn't go according to plan. I'm here for you. This episode is here for you, and you more than likely, because this happens a lot more frequently than we think, than you think. Someone needs to know about this resiliency plan. You know somebody in your immediate entourage, right? Your five closest people. Share this episode with them, help them be proactively thinking about these areas of their life that they need to be prepared for, that you need to be prepared for, because not if, but when things don't go according to plan, your future self is going to thank you for investing the time, energy and effort today to create the plan for you for tomorrow. So I'm going to leave it right there. But like I said, share the episode. Get it out. If you want to talk about it, it's really easy for you to find me. Also, if you've never connected with me on LinkedIn, you should connect over there. I've got a nice newsletter writing about things on a frequent basis, really helping, especially those people that are mid six figure and seven figure employees looking to create their your own life. I'm here for you. I've been through this, been there, done that, in the process of continuing to help others. So while you are going through this episode, taking the theory, putting it into practice, sharing it with others, I'm going to be here preparing for another episode. So until then, I want you to go out and make it a great day. And I want to say thank you, Barry. You Barry, very much. Today's conversation was sponsored by the Billy keels advisory program. If you're looking to make your nine to five optional and need some help, just go to Billy forward slash advising. Once again, that's Billy forward slash advising. Wow.

Billy Keels
Strategic Advisor, Entrepreneur, and Investor
Billy is on a mission to share a roadmap and opportunities with other extremely busy, high-performing professionals on how to find freedom and live the life they desire. Listen in to learn how!
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