December 22, 2020

The Police Officer Serving The Community as a Private Placement Fund Manager - Kevin Haught

Episode 65: The Police Officer Serving The Community as a Private Placement Fund Manager - Kevin Haught
Billy Keels
CEO and Founder FGCP

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Want to avoid mistakes in Long Distance Investing?  Download your FREE document at 65: The Police Officer Serving The Community as a Private Placement Fund Manager


In the conversation with today’s guest, Kevin Haught, you’ll learn the following:

  • [00:32 - 03:41] Kevin’s profile, in Billy’s guest introduction.
  • [03:41 - 10:29] The backstory and decisions made that led Kevin to this point in his journey.
  • [10:29 - 13:48] All about Assisted Living from a Real Estate perspective, and why Kevin wanted to get involved.
  • [13:48 - 15:33] Balancing Real Estate, business in Assisted Living investment operations.
  • [15:33 - 17:02] Who and what kind of clients are coming to Kevin to use the services of Round Box Equity LLC.
  • [17:02 - 20:38] Details of Eric’s business, Round Box Equity LLC, and what it does to add value to the community.
  • [20:38 - 22:49] How it would all work for someone coming to Round Box Equity to get started on their journey into Real Asset Investing.
  • [22:49 - 24:42] How Kevin sees things going in 1 years time from now.
  • [24:42 - 26:02] The reasons Kevin decided to invest beyond his backyard.

Here’s what Kevin shared with us during today’s conversation:

  • Where in the world Kevin is currently: Phoenix, Arizona.
  • Favourite European city: Venice, Italy.
  • The best thing to happen in the past 24hours: Spending some quality time with his sons at the gym!
  • A mistake Eric would like you to learn from so you don’t have to pay full price for it: Be more focused on where you want to go and how it is that you are going to get there.
  • Book Recommendation: The Power of Full Engagement, by Tony Schwartz.

Be sure to reach out and connect with Kevin Haught by using the info below:

  • Website:
  • Go to the above site, click on ‘Opportunities’ fill in the form, and Eric’s team will reach out to you!
  • Phone number: (USA) 888 499 2869

Start taking action TODAY so that you can gain more Education and Control over your financial life.To see the Video Version of today’s conversation just CLICK HERE.Do you want to have more control and avoid the mistakes that I made getting started in long distance investing?  Then you can DOWNLOAD the 7 Mistakes to Avoid in Long Distance Investing Guide by clicking HERE.Be sure to connect with Billy!  He’s made it easy for you to do…Just go to any of these sites:

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Episode Transcript

Billy Keels
Strategic Advisor, Entrepreneur, and Investor
Billy is on a mission to share a roadmap and opportunities with other extremely busy, high-performing professionals on how to find freedom and live the life they desire. Listen in to learn how!
Guest speaker
Kevin Haught

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