The Most Powerful Ways to Attract Future Opportunities

Going Long Podcast Episode 490: The Most Powerful Ways to Attract Future Opportunities
( To see the Video Version of today’s conversation just CLICK HERE. )
In today’s solo episode of The Going Long Podcast, you’ll learn the following:
- [00:17 - 01:16] Introduction to the show.
- [01:16 - 12:15] Billy shares the most powerful ways to attract future opportunities via the story of how he managed to do this for himself while balancing his corporate career and a new investment business.
- [12:15 - 13:24] Billy wraps up the show.
Today’s Featured Going Long Podcast ‘Catch-Up’ Episodes:
G.L.P Episode 488: The Areas You Need to Craft Your Unique Concept:
G.L.P Episode 420: What You Need To Know If You Get Caught Cheating On Your Employer:
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- Learn How to Achieve Financial Optionality
- Gain True Control Over Your Career
- Turn Corporate Skills into Personal Assets
With 26 years of experience in corporate sales leadership, achieved optionality through multiple income streams, Billy has helped dozens of executives build their paths to take control of their time.
This free course gives you everything you need to identify, plan, and take control of your career while building financial optionality, leveraging your skills, and start living your IDEAL day - today!
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Episode Transcript
Billy Keels 0:00
The colossal conversation that changed my life forever. Today's conversation is sponsored by the Billy Keels advisory program. If you want to learn more about how to make your nine to five optional, just go to Billy Forward slash advising. Once again, that's Billy Forward slash advising, the colossal conversation that changed my life forever is definitely inspired in a real life event that happened to yours truly. And I can't believe I've never taken the the time, I've actually invested the time to share this with you, because this single conversation radically changed my life forever. And so I want to go back, this is probably now, well, time stamp, it's 2008 so it's 2008 and I am going into a sales review, forecasting review with my with my boss at the time, and and this is just one of those things that this was my POC, my proof of concept. I talk about it all the time, and everyone has a proof of concept when you're on this journey. And this is the one for me, and this is why this colossal, colossal conversation changed my life forever. Because as I'm going into this sales meeting, I'm thinking that I'm gonna have to get my forecast. I probably got some butterflies going on in my stomach. I'm sure that my nose was sweating, because my nose sweats a lot, my forehead was probably transpiring, and this is towards the latter part of the year. So this was, or no, sorry, this was in the spring of 2008 so I'm going into this meeting, and I'm expecting to meet with my boss. We're going to talk about my sales team, how we're performing, what we're going to do, how we're going to achieve I'm sure that I had a backup plan and a backup to the backup plan and all that kind of good stuff. But the thing is, as you're having these moments, I was like most people that I wanted to like. I wanted to get to a place where I didn't have to depend 100% on my my day job. I just didn't know it yet, and then at the end of the day, just like most people at that point in my career, I wasn't even married yet, I didn't have any kids, but I was already thinking about retirement, and I wanted to be able to retire easily, believe it or not, we start thinking about retirement before we even have kids, and many times before we even start living, which is kind of a whole different topic. Maybe I'll get into a whole different podcast on that at some other point in time. But back to this conversation. So we're having this conversation, and why this colossal conversation changed my life forever. Because as we're going into the you know, my forecast, my sales, how much money we're going to be bringing in for my team, all of a sudden my boss pivots. It's like, and he's like, kind of Tarts talking about something else. Sorry if that screeched in your ear. Did not mean to scare you. But here's the thing. So my boss, at the time, starts talking about something called financial arbitrage. I'm like, What do you talk I didn't, I didn't even understand the words financial arbitrage. So he then helps me to understand. And so I'm going to share that with you, because I like to learn and share but financial arbitrage basically meaning that you're earning in one currency, euros, and investing in another currency, in this particular case, in pounds, in British pounds. And so the whole concept behind this is, all of a sudden he starts telling me about the way that he is actually using his paycheck in euros to invest in real estate back in the UK, back in Scotland. And I'm thinking, this seems really weird, like he's living in one place. He's investing in another he's buying these assets. Because I didn't even really know that people bought real estate at that point in time, just to give you some insight into where, where I come from, like, what my background is. And so then I started realizing, like, okay, so he's explaining this, but the thing that I started really understanding was, Wow, he was actually, like, he was my boss, and I know that my salaries really was a pretty good one at the time, and, like, his was even way better than mine. And I was thinking, Well, if he's earning all this money, why in the world is even thinking about doing something else outside of this, like this is, well, I won't say what I learned, but it's a very particular UK, British phrase that they say, and it has to do with a dog, but we'll just leave it at that. Anybody who knows what I'm talking about, you're probably smiling. You're probably laughing. But I was just thinking to myself, Wow, this is unbelievable. The fact that he is earning a lot of money, he's got all this responsibility, and he's still using his currency, his money that I thought about at the time, to invest in something somewhere else. So this whole concept just kind of blew my mind. And I started thinking about, well, yeah, I could actually do that. And this could get to the point where this is something else like it would go beyond what I was doing in the trading, in the stocks and stuff like that. Very, very simple trading. I don't know if I'll ever do an episode on that, but it was a major life lesson after I'd spent many, many years investing to get actually no movement. But anyway, what I started realizing was like, Okay, I've got this day job. I've got a job I'm working, but if my boss is doing this, like, and if he could do it, then I know that I could do it. Because this was like, wow, it seemed like he was investing. He was making money, he was controlling these assets, and he was talking to me about how this was his future retirement plan. And I was like, what? It's it just completely went beyond anything that I had ever, ever thought about. So I knew that I had to actually sit down. I had to I knew what I wanted to do. But here's the thing, I didn't know where to start. And the reason I didn't know where to start is because I was staying obedient to my corporate role, right? Staying obedient to my corporate role. I did a whole episode on this. If you want to go check out episode 4514, 51 I know and I talked to you about that, so I'm not going to spend time here talking to you about that. But if you want to check out episode 451, it will give you more insight of to, like, my whole staying obedient to the corporate role. It was basically ruining my life. But that's a whole different thing. So the thing is, since I didn't know where to start, I then figured out, all right, well, I gotta create this thing myself. So I started my own plan, and I put together this plan and said that I was going to have a certain number of doors, and I did that many, many years later, right? I'll tell you about how I finally got to that. But originally, since I didn't know where to start. I was kind of stuck. So what I decided to do, which is what most perfectionists, or now recovering perfectionist, do, is I wanted to go learn more. I wanted to go out and I wanted to read upon all of the things that I should be doing. Like even though this my boss told me about what he was doing, I should have asked him more at the time, but I was just a little bit too afraid, because I I was like, You ever seen one of the, like, one of the it was like, I was one of those thoroughbred horses. Like, when you're an A an a performer in a big company, you've got the blinders on right, you got the blinders on, and you're just going so fast, like you're looking to win the race, and you don't look to the left, you don't look to the left, you don't look to the right, because you just want to keep going that that was me. And so in order to not look to the left, to the right, I thought, well, I'll just learn more. I'll just learn more. So I started listening to podcasts, reading books, reading books, reading books, reading books. And that never really took me to any of the any of the movement, but I had this, I guess internally, I had this kind of conflict that was going on because I knew that I couldn't break from the dependence that I had on my corporate benefits. Like, even though it sounded really cool like I was struggling inside, I was like, Yeah, but then that means I would leave all this really cool comfort and benefits and all this really, really cool stuff, and it's something that happens to most people, because I had a powerful, powerful addiction to to the corporate benefits, right? And it made me settle. And if you want to know more about that, if you've ever felt like this, go to episode 466 you can check it out 466, and I break it down for you and talk to you about exactly what happened to me. If any of that starts to resonate with you, you will understand. Talk about how you can kind of move from that, but I started realizing that I was stuck, and if I didn't figure out how to become independent of those benefits from big corporate, I go out and create my own benefits while enjoying the big benefits of big corporate that I was going to be stuck, and I just didn't want that. It wasn't that I needed to do something else. It because I could have just been very like I said I was, I had the blinders on, and I was just going for it, but something deep down in my gut was like, Wow, this sounds cool. I didn't know where to start, but it was something that started to got, got things moving in my gut, started getting things moving in my mind, and I just not one of those people that would continue to hold back from taking action. So I broke through that desire to want to be dependents constantly. And even though it took me five years, literally, five years of learning, learning, learning, learning more and afraid to actually put my own money at risk, I delayed my transformation by five years, but eventually I did take
I took the jump because when my boss told me like it was literally that colossal conversation, when he's telling me about financial arbitrage, what he was doing, how he was preparing his future, how he was actually leveraging assets today to allow him to be an even happier employee, which was amazing to me, but later on, it made complete sense. Even though it took me five years, I lost, quote, unquote, those five years of actually taking action, like I was a really, really theoretical ninja of what I should have been doing, but I wasn't taking action, and I realized that if there were things that you could do over again, it's to take action earlier, so that you don't miss out on the one asset that you can never get back with just time that five years, 60 months, I could have been doing and moving forward something else. Don't know if it had been better off, worse off, but it would have been experiential learning. But the thing that I can tell you that colossal conversation and what it did to help me, even to this day, is once I did take action, I took then massive action for me, right? Massive Action is different for everybody. But I went from attaining that five year goal, I had a goal for myself for five years to be able. To create four figures of net income, and I wanted to be able to do that in five years. Once I started taking action, it only took me one and a half years to get there. And so I realized that by starting I could take action, I could take even more act, more action, and then from there, it just continued to snowball into something else. And ultimately, within six years, I was actually optional. My job, my role, was optional. I didn't have to keep going into the job. I did it because I liked it. I was surrounded by really smart people. I was helping to solve really big problems, and I was grossly compensated for it. And so all of those things allow me to be a better health head of household, all of the things that I thought were really, really important. But the thing most importantly is, not only did I create that life of optionality for myself, so I actually live it, and now I talk about it. But the thing is, is I realized that once I got to the point of optionality in my corporate role, then life got much better. There was a lot less stress. I was feeling as though I was contributing even more at the office. Outside of the office, I had started having more free time with with the family, being able to do things that I thought I would have to wait until I was 60 some years old to be able to do. And so if I think about where it was, all the way to this very colossal conversation that I had, not only did I have my retirement plan under control, but I was living life. I was feeling better. People around me were feeling better. It was amazing. It was really, really cool. And so that was my initial proof of concept. That was my POC was I talked about from four. And so that colossal conversation, the fact that my boss cared enough about me to share about this concept called financial arbitrage. And then from there, talk to me about what he was doing. And then that proof of concept sparked something in my heart, sparked something in my gut, that led me to start taking action. Like I said, I tended to overthink things, analysis, paralysis, fear of losing money, fear of all this other kind of stuff. And it took me longer than it should have, because I didn't have a clear pathway. I didn't know what to do. I was afraid to talk to my boss. I was afraid to talk to anybody at my at my company, or look outside, and it took me that five years to actually get started, to start taking action beyond theory going into practice. That's why I talk so much about go from theory to practice as quickly as you can, mitigating risk and surrounding yourself with people who have the experience that you're looking for. So with that, I wanted to share this colossal conversation, because it's one that changed my life. I hope this is something that is a catalyst to help you to start thinking about doing things in a different way, in a new way, so that you can attain new and alternative results to what you've been doing up until this point in time. So like I said, take today's conversation. Share with family. Share it with friends. Go from theory to practice, just like I did, get there much faster. Don't take five years. Take today's conversation. Make it a great one. And then while you're doing that, I'll be here and I'll be preparing for the next episode. So until then, go to my go out and make it a great day. And thank you very, very much. Freedom. Today's conversation was sponsored by the Billy Keels advisory program. If you're looking to make your nine to five optional and need some help, just go to Billy forward slash advising. Once again, that's Billy forward slash advising you
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