June 18, 2020

Making a Positive Impact Through Overseas Investment - David Kafka

Episode 6: Making a Positive Impact Through Overseas Investment - David Kafka
Billy Keels
CEO and Founder FGCP

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Making a Positive Impact Through Investing Overseas

In the conversation with today’s guest, David Kafka, you’ll learn the following:

  • [01:05 - 02:11] David’s profile, in Billy’s guest introduction
  • [02:20 - 04:33] The positive actions David took that let to the position he is in now.
  • [04:33 - 09:40] The criteria David took into account when choosing a market location for investment, and the life events which influenced his end decision.
  • [09:40 - 12:51] How choosing a location that works for you is often a personal preference. A place you love can be as important as the deals themselves.
  • [12:55 - 15:00] The differences between an ROI investment and a lifestyle investment.
  • [15:00 -19:19] What drives David to want to educate others on How to find success through real estate investment. Helping others is something David is very passionate about.
  • [19:33 - 22:40] David's involvement with the Humane Society, and the importance of putting your time into what you personally believe is right, and in doing so enabling beneficial relationships to manifest..

Here’s what David shared with us during today’s conversation:

  • Favorite City Across The Pond: Jerusalem
  • David feels his biggest mistake was sacrificing too much time away from family time.
  • Book recommendation: Rich Dad's Cash Flow Quadrant, Robert Kiyosaki.

Be sure to reach out and connect with David Kafka by using the info below:

Start taking action TODAY so that you can gain more Education and Control over your financial life.To see the Video Version of today’s conversation just CLICK HERE.Do you want to have more control and avoid the mistakes that I made getting started in long distance investing?  Then you can DOWNLOAD the 7 Mistakes to Avoid in Long Distance Investing Guide by clicking HERE.Be sure to connect with Billy!  He’s made it easy for you to do…Just go to any of these sites:

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Episode Transcript

Billy Keels
Strategic Advisor, Entrepreneur, and Investor
Billy is on a mission to share a roadmap and opportunities with other extremely busy, high-performing professionals on how to find freedom and live the life they desire. Listen in to learn how!
Guest speaker
David Kafka

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