June 25, 2024

Learn This Powerful 4-Step Process To Overcome Fears - Billy Keels

Billy breaks down how you can overcome your fears and become unstuck by following the four-step process based on what he did himself to get over his own fears.
Billy Keels
CEO and Founder FGCP

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Going Long Podcast Episode 432: Learn This Powerful 4-Step Process To Overcome Fears


( To see the Video Version of today’s conversation just CLICK HERE. )


In today’s brand new SOLO episode, you’ll learn the following from Billy himself:


  • [00:22 - 01:20] Billy welcomes us to another brand-new solo episode.
  • [01:20 - 12:33] Billy breaks down how you can overcome your fears and become unstuck by following the four-step process based on what he did himself to get over his own fears.
  • [12:33 - 12:14] Billy wraps up the show.


To see the Video Version of today’s conversation just CLICK HERE.


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Episode Transcript

Going Long Podcast_SOLO Episode 432_Billy Keels

Tue, Jun 25, 2024 10:11AM • 13:55


bat, fear, point, realised, billy, continue, walking, travelling, share, grab, completely, temple, podcast, wanted, friend, linkedin, literally, amazing, check, beijing


Billy Keels

Billy Keels  00:00

Today's conversation is sponsored by the Billy keels advisory programme. If you want to learn more about how to make your nine to five optional, just go to Billy keels.com. Forward slash advising. Once again, that's Billy keels.com forward slash advising.


You're listening to the going long podcast, the number one podcast for the strategies, tactics and actions high wage earners need for living an intentionally designed life of wealth and resilience.

Billy Keels  00:24

Welcome to the Golang podcast, we're back once again to continue to help to educate you so you feel much more comfortable as well as confident and building the wealthy and resilient lifestyle that you want to build and be able to do that much faster. I'm your host, Billy keels, and I am super excited to welcome you back to another one of the going long episodes. And it gives me great pleasure to welcome you back as the host. I also want to say thank you to each and every one of you that continue to download the podcast, you continue to share it with family with friends, we keep seeing it in the numbers, which is absolutely fantastic. So thank you for that, especially those of you that continue to tag us on LinkedIn on Instagram, it's really, really awesome, continues to bring more people to the goldmine family and could not thank you enough. So thank you so much for that. And then also, if you want to check out any of the more than 430 Plus episodes at this point in time, just go to Billy keels.com forward slash podcast, and check out the audio, the video, the transcripts, all that kind of good stuff, Billy keels.com forward slash podcast and you'll be able to check out everything. So you know, one of the things that I typically do a lot in this is why you're tagging me on LinkedIn you're tagging me on Instagram is I'm over there interacting and doing a lot of well, just sharing stories and stuff like that. And one of the things that actually was pretty surprising was I was talking about a a trip recently that I will not recently had a trip but recently I was talking about a trip that I had like just before the year 2000. And the whole point of the what I was sharing, and what I didn't realise was going to resonate so much it was like it's like a clear four step process that I want to talk to you about how to overcome your fears. Not only because it's important, it's something that I've had to do in the past. And I continue to, to confront fears all the time, because now I know that it's false evidence appearing real and you just continue to work through that. But I also know that I was stuck for a while. And so the fact that I was stuck because I had a fear. I'm not the only one as much as I'd like to believe like, Hey, I'm super unique and all that kind of stuff. The reality is I've been through fear you've been going through fear, or you know, somebody who has, so I thought I'd share just a little bit of a story. And I want to share this. So that you will learn this powerful four step process to overcome fears. Because it's the exact four step process that I use to overcome fears, and that I continue to use and surprise, surprise, you're gonna find out here what it is. But if you want to go back in time, right, so this is back in 1999. Actually, specifically, I remember because it was November 1999. Back in this point in time in my late 20s or mid 20s, probably 26, something like that. Yeah, I guess I do the math real quick, in my mind. And so travelling around the world, I'd probably been to at this point in time, 3035 countries, something like that. And I found myself with the board of directors of American Express in Beijing and Hong Kong. And so this was an absolutely amazing opportunity. Because of course, at the time, there was a guy named Barbagallo, who was the CEO, and so that Dr. Henry Kissinger was there, it was amazing. And of course, I'm mid 20. So I don't really understand the magnitude of who they are. And you know, I'm talking to them like, hey, hey, Harvey, how's it going? And Dr. Kissinger and also even Ken Shaw was there who eventually became the CEO of American Express, and so be able to interact with him on a name to name basis was was pretty amazing. But But let me not digress too terribly much. So as we're travelling between Beijing and Hong Kong, and never been out that far east before, absolutely amazing. And so, during that trip, I decided to go and travel with a friend of mine. And I'm not going to say my friend's name, although I think I'm going to share this episode, only because I didn't actually track my friend in advance. And that would have been really cool to say, hey, look, do you mind if I share this thing? And so anyway, I didn't. And so the trip after Beijing in Hong Kong, went to Bali, Bali in Indonesia, which is actually absolutely fantastic. And so the whole thing is, imagine like, I'm 26 I'd been travelling around the world like this point in time. No, you know, I do pretty much anything, everything at bungee jumped, and all this kind of stuff was, well, you know, I just wanted to say, hey, look, I'll do anything and everything. But on the inside, like, I just kind of wanted to continue to be brave, and know that I could do and partake in these really amazing opportunities, whether it would be on the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, or doing whatever like walking the Great Wall of China and in China, that was one of the things that I did, but then when we got to Bali, which was completely different. There was this like going around and you're seeing temples and all this other kind of stuff. And I remember I'm one of the early days I was like, I started, like walking through a temple and then walking out and seeing these bats. And I was like, oh, like I didn't even want to move forward bats not like in baseball bats, but like the bats like the mafia Lugosi, as they say in Spanish, like the things that fly. And so I just remember, like, when I saw it, it's kind of like, I was walking with this friend. And as we're walking, all of a sudden, I just get panic stricken. Because I didn't want to like not look cool. There was this fear of the unknown, because there's this there's bad because like, as the backend would come over this way, it was really kind of weird. And I never ever been, even in the vicinity that close to a bat. So it was like, alright, well, I was panicked. Like, my armpits were sweating, my nose was completely sweating. It was just really, really weird. In I was walking around trying to stay cool. And we kind of gone from one place to the next it was a couple of that was the initial kind of thing. And then we're there for a couple days, and so went to different temples and eventually came to another one. And I started realising to myself, I was like, hang on a second, really. Like, as I looked around, there were other people that have these bats. And they were literally taking pictures with bats. And they were like, ladies that worth, I would say, or at least they look like they were 30 years older than me or 40 years old than me. And at this point in time, they probably were not. Because both time and it just does something on the perspective of time. But anyway, let's imagine they were 30 years older than me. So they're in their late 50s. And then I asked that, and they were literally holding these bats in the bats were there. And they were, you know, taking pictures. And then I saw like kids that were probably 1012 years old, I thought, well, Billy, if they're doing it, like, what is holding you back from actually doing the exact same thing, like but not just watching the backs, but literally going up and grabbing a bat and being able to hold it take a picture with it, like they were doing. And so as I watched the these older people, younger people, everybody was in it. And I was like, You know what, I really want to overcome this fear I not much longer, I jumped, I didn't bungee jumping. And I was like, this is another fear. So let me see, let me sit down. And when I realised that I wanted to do as as we're walking through Indonesia, the Jim Brown Bay was pretty awesome. I thought you know what I'm going to do, I'm just going to come up with a plan, like I'm going to come up figure out like exactly what I need to do to be able to get, you know, control my breathing and get over there and grab the grab the bat number one, so able to come up with like my own personal game plan, like what was I going to do to be able to get in the right mental state in the right physical, like, not completely petrified to go over and be able to grab the bat. And then afterwards, you know, I was looking for more information I wanted to understand like, is this bag gonna bite me like, What are its triggers? Like, is it going to eat me like all these different things that were going on in my mind, like really overly working my mind about all the terrible things that could happen if I got close enough to this bat? And then so because I wasn't travelling alone, and although I kind of seemed a little bit silly, I was asking my friend like, Hey, listen, would you like would you be there to do just in case like, if something happens, I don't want my parents to think that I was completely eaten alive by bat, they probably wouldn't want to know that I was here with this bat. But I need you there for support. And so my friend was like, alright, yeah, sure, absolutely be there support, you will even take a picture if you want, I'll be the one that takes picture. And so I got my support system involved. And then afterwards, it was literally like it was time to go. So we were in this temple. And I thought about exactly what I wanted to do. I got to a point where I got enough education that I figured out that the bat wasn't going to eat me alive. My support system was there and my friend and then lastly, it was like just go and tackle the fear. Boom, went in, went to the temple watched other people you know paid my thing got hailed the bat the bat was like literally as I'm like shaking, shivering, you know, noses completely sweating, armpits are completely just doused. And at the same time, I'm shaking, and I'm grabbing like the person comes over to give me the bat and like I'm grabbing it and I was able to kind of grab it at each wing and then all of a sudden click in it grabs me around the waist and I'm like, oh, take the picture. Take the picture and so the picture got taken, right um, Dalston sweat completely like this perma grin smile on my face. Actually, I wrote about this on LinkedIn if you want to see it like you should go check it out. LinkedIn profile, let me know where it is. I think you can search it and all that kind of stuff. But But the whole point is is like look at the end of the day. It was not graceful. I was not cool, calm and collected when I grabbed this bat when I finally went through this process. But what I realised with after the fact was hey, listen, even though I didn't probably look the best are seen the calmest and coolest. Like I got through it. I literally got through it. I was there. I had a friend I had support. And I got through my fear, which was is actually being able to come up close and personal and actually, even to the point of being able to hold a bat, right? And be able to take a picture or memorialise it and even to this day, like we're talking like, almost a quarter of a decade later, and I'm still telling the story. So when you're thinking about, yeah, Billy, well, why are you telling this story? Because it's no different than if you are in a big company. And you have a fear of doing something that you know, in your gut, that you really want to do, you want to be able to test it, you want to be able to try it, or, or heck, if you're in your own business, and you want to start a new line of business, you got the same kind of fear, you know, that fear is, it's false evidence appearing real. It's holding you back. It's limiting the beliefs that you have. And so the thing that I wanted to be able to help you to understand and be able to learn is this powerful four step process, it's really super simple, which makes it easy for you to be able to put into practice. And hey, you may not be like, look super confident, and get to the next thing right away. But you're gonna get through it. Right? Just follow these four steps really quick, really quick. I just want to reiterate, number one, come up with your game plan. What is the game plan? What is the fear that you're going to tackle, get educated on whatever the subject is, if you want to create a side hustle, figure out what that is, dig deep into it, find your passion, go deep get become the best that you can, and that if it's a new line of business, in your current company, same thing, understand, do the market analysis, see what's out there, see where the where the opportunities exist? What are the strengths within your team that you can leverage to be different. And then definitely get involved with some kind of support system. One of the things that I was very, very fortunate to, you know, invest in in plane tickets flew and was there with a friend of mine. For you, it may be invested in guiding x in Guided Action, having someone that's there helping you side by side to be able to take the step to be able to they've already stepped there before you they can help you to understand exactly what it is that you should be able to do. So you can minimise the fears and more importantly, minimise the amount of time to get to the end goal. And then lastly, tackle whatever the fear is just take action and move through it. So that's the four simple steps. The four powerful steps that I know are going to help you create the game plan, get educated on the subject involve a support system and tackled the fear. So as I have shared that with you today, definitely if you know of somebody who this can help make sure you share the podcast and not just share it but have a follow up phone call or WhatsApp message or whatever it is that whatever your favourite messaging system is, get on talk about the concepts that I've just shared right now. Because you may find that you may need to adapt them a little bit but just talk about it go from a theory into action, put it in practice would love to hear how it's working out for you send us a great review on the here on the on the send the review, but let us know how things are working out. Also too if you want to connect, I have always happy to connect with over on LinkedIn. And I think will even tell you how you can connect with me directly. So with that while you are taking this episode, putting it into practice. I'll be here preparing for the next episode. So until then go out and make it a great day. And thank you very much. Today's conversation was sponsored by the Billy keels advisory programme. If you're looking to make your nine to five optional and need some help, just go to Billy keels.com forward slash advising once again that's Billy keels.com forward slash advising

Billy Keels
Strategic Advisor, Entrepreneur, and Investor
Billy is on a mission to share a roadmap and opportunities with other extremely busy, high-performing professionals on how to find freedom and live the life they desire. Listen in to learn how!
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