June 20, 2024

It's Your Ruthless Obsession With Productivity That's Draining You - Billy Keels

Billy takes a close look at the ways that the constant push to keep up productivity has detrimental effects on you, and highlights the key ways you can avoid burnout and keep stress levels down while keeping your productivity at a healthy balanced level to meet and exceed your goals without suffering the effects of burning the candle at both ends.
Billy Keels
CEO and Founder FGCP

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Going Long Podcast Episode 431: It's Your Ruthless Obsession With Productivity That's Draining You

( To see the Video Version of today’s conversation just CLICK HERE. )

In today’s brand new SOLO episode, you’ll learn the following from Billy himself:

  • [00:22 - 01:41] Billy welcomes us to another brand-new solo episode.
  • [01:41 - 10:22] Billy takes a close look at the ways that the constant push to keep up productivity has detrimental effects on you, and highlights the key ways you can avoid burnout and keep stress levels down while keeping your productivity at a healthy balanced level to meet and exceed your goals without suffering the effects of burning the candle at both ends.
  • [10:22 - 12:14] Billy wraps up the show.

To see the Video Version of today’s conversation just CLICK HERE.


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Episode Transcript

Going Long Podcast_SOLO Episode 431_Billy Keels

Thu, Jun 20, 2024 11:02AM • 11:19


realise, podcast, productivity, space, productive, exhausted, constantly, create, billy, brain, episode, started, recharge, day, reviews, top, keels, life, programme, physically


Today's conversation is sponsored by the Billy keels advisory programme. If you want to learn more about how to make your nine to five optional, just go to Billy keels.com forward slash advising. Once again, that's Billy keels.com forward slash advising. You're listening to the going long podcast, the number one podcast for the strategies, tactics and actions high wage earners need for living an intentionally designed life of wealth and resilience.


Welcome to the going on podcast, we're back once again to continue to help to educate you so you feel much more comfortable as well as confident and building the wealthy and resilient lifestyle that you want to be able to build and do that much faster. I'm your host, Billy keels, and it gives me great pleasure to welcome you back to another one of our fantastic episodes here to share knowledge, know how with you, I know today, you're definitely going to get a lot out of this, especially if you are someone who is a corporate executive and executive who is looking to continue to excel at the office also looking to be able to truly enjoy your life, be able to do that outside of office hours. So but I do want to say thanks to each and every one of you that continue to download the podcast continue to share continue to tag us on social media across LinkedIn across Instagram, means the world to us, helps the podcast to continue to stay in the top 1.25% of podcasts all around the globe, which is absolutely fantastic. And if you need a little help, especially on the Apple podcast platform, just go to the link here in the show notes. And it's going to show you exactly what you need to do to leave your honest written review. Also, for those of you who are looking for any of the more than 425 Less episodes over four years, almost just go to Billy keels.com forward slash podcast, you can find any one of the episodes, transcripts, audio video, you can find every single thing that you need, right there. So let's jump into today's pretty quick, brief episode. And this is one that especially if you're in the corporate life, and you want to be able to build your own life outside of corporate, you maybe you're feeling like a little bit of struggle.


And if you're someone who is a top performer, one of those as a performer is always in the top tier, maybe you're in a top talent programme and you all you like it, but you really realise there's something else maybe you want to do.


There's a secret you're not telling most people is that you're really feeling kind of drained, physically exhausted, mentally exhausted. And I want to talk to you about that. Because you know, it's it's your ruthless obsession with productivity. Yeah, and I've talked about it here, but it's the thing. It's this ruthless obsession with productivity, that is really keeping you mentally and physically drained, absolutely exhausted. You don't like talking about it, because most people don't want you to talk about it taboo because you're the person who's constantly, you know, you're the one who's up early in the morning, you're doing everything you're answering everybody's questions at home at the office, you are the go to person, the go to guy like to say because that was me back in the day when I was in my corporate role. And I was building something else as well. You know, it was one of those things, I was ready, I was constantly, how can I get more and more and more out of each and every day. Now don't get me wrong, productivity is a good thing. But when you take it to extremes,


the person who suffers the most is you. Let's just be clear about that.


A player's always want to have, you're the one who has to approve every presentation, you're the one that has to do the yearly reviews, you're the one who has to be there for the contract negotiation, you're the one that has to be there on the escalations of the client escalation emails, you're the one who has to be there on the front line of the deal reviews, you're the one that has to be there all around preparing the new system, or you're putting your information in the CRM, you're making sure that everybody has every single thing that they need all day, every day, you're there to answer the kids questions. When you come home, you're there to help them with the homework, you're there to make sure that they get to whatever sporting event, you're constantly on, and you're looking to make sure every single minute of the day is taken care of, because you're the person who has to be there to do that now


at the office, I mean, it was pretty simple. What was I looking for, I just wanted to make sure that I was at the top of the salary range. And I was always in line for promotion, like that was my thing. And also to I wanted to be at top of my game, when I was at home, I wanted to make sure that I was known as the reliable one. always count on that. Always make sure he's there being able to do what needs to be done.


And it's just one of those things. So when you have so many different


balls in the air, you want to make sure that none of them fall, I started getting to a point where every morning I would wake up literally my brain was on fire. Of course, I didn't necessarily tell anybody that or everybody that but you know, in by the time it was nine o'clock, like literally my brain was on fire. If you hear me and you can relate to that. Oh, and you know, I kind of know a little bit about that. And also get to a point by the end of the night I was just physically exhausted literally, I'd taken and made so many decisions throughout the day was in so many different meetings and all of the time thinking I've got to be more productive


How can I be more productive, even though I was exhausted? The one thing that happened is you get to the certain point and I was at the office or I was asking other colleagues and I would notice the other colleagues who perceived to be doing really, really well as well. They didn't seem as physically exhausted, they didn't have the big bags under their eyes. They didn't have the bloodshot eyes. They were they were constantly on the top of their game. And they weren't drinking 1516 cups of coffee a day.


Yeah, they were just doing what they needed to do. And so once I realised that at certain point, I kind of want to find out like, I'm not envious of those people, I want to understand I want to learn from them, like, what are you doing? How are you getting to this point? And so as I started to realise, yes, productivity is important or productivity, however you want to say it, it's super, super important. There's also a place, it's just like a place for everything, it's when you get to be ruthlessly obsessed with anything. Maybe it's not a good idea, right? Especially if it's taking its toll on your health. So when it got to a certain point, it was like, Alright, look what is happening here, what's the difference? So as I started talking to people, and I started looking for information, I started, believe it or not watching videos, or listening to podcasts, just like this one to kind of get some of the insights. And the thing that I recognise is yes, you can be productive, you can be extremely productive. But the thing that separates those that are extremely productive and effective with those are in constant pursuit of productivity.


This is the part that is just absolutely unbelievable, because once I started practising, I started realising like, this is the thing that can, can be and is the game changer.


It was about being able to create space for myself.


You create space for yourself, and you can become one of the most amazing productivity machines. Well, what do I mean by that? So what I found was, it was just being able to find and create not sometimes it's not even find them, you have to create them, you create spaces of silence, you create spaces that you are able to create, and do that on a daily basis. This space where no one can can contact you the space we're in, let me give you a couple of ideas, like some of the things that I was doing was, I would get up and meditate.


Get up for you, you may want to get up you want to pray every day, or you may want to pray multiple times a day, you may want to meditate, simply taking


in walking around in your front yard, take your shoes off, put your feet in the grass, enjoy it, don't listen to your podcast, don't listen to anything, right. And I'm saying don't listen, the bad guys, and this is a podcast, but just create a silent space a space just for you go out on a 2030 minute walk.


But during that time, it's space where you are uninterrupted a space for your brain to relax to not have inputs.


Believe it or not, one of the things that's going to happen is your brain begins to recharge just like a battery.


Right. And so it's about being able to find the steel spaces, the steel spaces, do it periodically and thought out planned out. Not something that just happened in the last minute in your calendar, because if it's not in your calendar, it won't get done. Trust me, the things that are not in my calendar do not get done consistently. And so when you're able to find these spaces, because you've carved them out, you've created them, you are doing them consistently. Now, just to be clear, this may not happen. It didn't happen for me right away, like I didn't, I wasn't able to do it consistently every single time and so that there's some frustration there. But once I started doing it, the things that I started to realise that you're going to realise is that you start to feel like your brain is no longer on fire like it is not in fast forward all day long, things start to slow down the fact that they slow down, you get a better perspective on on each interaction that you have, you're actually physically there, you know what's happening. And so you're not just reacting to everything, you're actually proactive in your approach. And you are making and feeling like life is moving at normal speed, not that you're behind. And not that you have to do two three times faster, to be able to keep up with everybody else.


You're not talking about your brain, your brain is not on fire anymore. It's actually calm, it's cool. Your legs are completely tired every single day like you're able to get through the day, recognising that you're making an impact that you're being productive and you're present. All because you chose to create some specific time for you to actually not be productive, but just re energise recharge, by just doing nothing.


Kind of a crazy concept, right?


So here's the thing, I know that this may be a little bit crazy, but crazy to think that by being able to not be ruthlessly obsessed about productivity and actually creating the spaces where you can do nothing, and that's going to actually help you be much more productive. Try it for a while. Try for 30 days.


You'll see what it's like. It all starts with your calendar, creating that time. And sticking to that time, even if it doesn't happen consistently overnight. Make sure you're creating this time the spaces for you to recharge your batteries so that you're not constantly in the productivity mode. I know it may seem a little bit shocking. But here's the thing, here's what I'd love for you to do.


I'd like for you to share the episode. Because you know somebody if it's not you, you know somebody who's going through this who suffers through it. They're constantly trying to be productive every single second of the day, we'll make sure that they're carving out time to do nothing. If they need some help share today's episode with them. You can listen to today's episode, hey, the tour or three or 10 of you that want to listen to the episode together, you can talk about it. While you're doing that. I'll be here preparing for the next episode. So until then, go out and make it a great day. Thank you very much.


Today's conversation was sponsored by the Billy keels advisory programme. If you're looking to make your nine to five optional and need some help, just go to Billy keels.com forward slash advising once again that's Billy keels.com forward slash advising

Billy Keels
Strategic Advisor, Entrepreneur, and Investor
Billy is on a mission to share a roadmap and opportunities with other extremely busy, high-performing professionals on how to find freedom and live the life they desire. Listen in to learn how!
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