July 9, 2024

How To Unlock Massive Value After Suffering Setbacks

Billy takes a close look at how the process of going through setbacks can bring the momentum to unlock massive value in your life, and how he can help you via the podcast and his advisory program by sharing expertise and insights from going through such events himself and coming out the other side hitting the floor running.
Billy Keels
CEO and Founder FGCP

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Going Long Podcast Episode 436: How To Unlock Massive Value After Suffering Setbacks

( To see the Video Version of today’s conversation just CLICK HERE. )

In the conversation with today’s guest, Billy Keels, you’ll learn the following:


  • [00:13 - 02:46] Introduction to the show and look back at the previous Anniversary episode.
  • [02:46 - 10:15] Billy takes a close look at how the process of going through setbacks can bring the momentum to unlock massive value in your life, and how he can help you via the podcast and his advisory program by sharing expertise and insights from going through such events himself and coming out the other side hitting the floor running.
  • [10:15 - 11:07] Billy wraps up the show.

To see the Video Version of today’s conversation just CLICK HERE.


How to leave a review for The Going Long Podcast: https://youtu.be/qfRqLVcf8UI  


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Episode Transcript

Going Long Podcast_SOLO Episode 436_Billy Keels

Tue, Jul 09, 2024 3:27PM • 11:08


actionable insights, continue, happen, investing, share, podcast, episode, life, build, explored, talked, episodes, corporate, setbacks, optional, create, momentum, goal, listen, massive


Billy Keels

Billy Keels  00:00

Today's conversation is sponsored by the Billy keels advisory program. If you want to learn more about how to make your nine to five optional, just go to Billy keels.com. Forward slash advising once again, that's Billy keels.com. Forward slash advising. How to create massive value after suffering setbacks is one of the things that you have come to want to understand. For me, it's one of the things that we recently explored. We talked about it in the most recent episode, if you haven't had a chance to, to listen to it yet go to Episode 435. I was the guest, we had the hosts of the show, Jerome Myers, and we really explored a lot of the the different things that can happen in terms of a setback in your life. But more importantly, when you look at the setbacks, it's how do you use those setbacks, to create massive value for others to take away learnings. And that's really what we explored. In Episode 435, I was very vulnerable, shared, the things that I had on my mind on my heart, and some of the things that happened for me in 2023. And as a result, you are going to benefit because as the podcast continues to evolve, the things that are on my mind that things are on my heart, you are going to have a front row seat as I share each and every piece of the journey with you. Here on the going long podcast we've continued to do for quite a long time. Because there's always going to be setbacks in life, there's always going to you're going to have your plans, you're going to have your goals, you're going to want to move towards those goals. And along the way, there are things that are not going to happen as you planned. Whether that is in your personal life, whether that is in your professional life. And sometimes it may actually happen to both of those things at the exact same time, or more or less the same time. So that is exactly what we explored in Episode 435. And so I would suggest if you haven't just stopped this really quickly go back because today's episode is going to make a lot more since this episode is going to be a lot briefer for you. So don't worry, but um, yeah, I mean, when I think about the, but where we are with the podcast, the evolution of the podcast, there's always the the desire that I have that I want to make sure that what we're bringing to you is, is real quality content. That's always been the the the goal ever since the very first episode with Tyler chef back in 2020, over four years ago, and at the same time, there's this goal that the things that are happening for me in life, I also wanted to be able to share with you share with us someone who continues to dedicate time, energy and effort investing that here that this can live on forever. And you can share these episodes with the people that are the most important to you. And you can also take the actionable insights and advice and apply them to your own life. And so when I think about where we are now and in the things that happened for me in 2023, and like I said, if you have not listened to it yet, I don't even want to go really surface level here because there's an entire over 40 minute episode where, like I said, just get very broad, very transparent and share with you what those things are, both personally and professionally. And one of the things that happens is recognizing when these things happen for you, just like the lessons I took away in 2023, there always comes a point where I realized and I think about the podcast in you investing your time here. All right, well, do I continue to talk about the same old things that we've talked about for a long time? Or do I now start to begin to share? Or do I do I share with you the things that are on my heart, the things that are on my mind. And so to be able to talk about topics that build on the foundation of the last four years and actually now evolve, are going to help to bring you more insight as it relates to not just investing because of course, that's always going to be a part of it. Because that's, you know, this is the part of who I am. And so if you if you want to get those insights, there's always going to be a part of that here. It's also gets into want to make sure just not that we're covering the money that we're talking about the mindset, we're talking about how to help you build momentum, and also help you to build that momentum on the mission that you want for your life for yourself or for your family, and be able to bring these pieces together from the going long podcast. So want to build on definitely going to continue to build on the long distance investing, though. That's really not the core, but it's the foundation of where we started. But now having the long distance in place, the long distance investing in that mindset in place. It started it's time to think about new things. It's time to think about how we can continue to help you especially as a mid six figure and seven figure salary employee, most of you and I know you are in the big companies and corporate it primarily and so we're gonna be able to help to unlock for you the different items around designing your life. By building the life you're designing your life in a way that you don't necessarily want to ever have to take a vacation from the life that you are going to design, because it's going to give you so much energy, it's going to allow you to make a positive impact on others. And you're going to be able to do that on your own terms, because ultimately, what we want to be able to help you do here is leverage what you have at your corporate role and at the same time be able to prepare for your own exit to the nine to five, you having the option you having the choice how to do that. Now, why do I want to continue to do that, because I've talked to so many people week after week, that feels stuck, that feel trapped in their corporate role or feel like they're not doing enough, you're feeling like you're not doing enough that you're not creating your ability to exit. And you're, you don't really know where to go. So I want to share what I've done. What I've continued to do, to be able to take all the great stuff that happens in your afforded in a corporate role. And at the same time, begin to build your own life, your own freedom, your own path to having the option to choose whether or not you continue to go into your corporate role or not. Now, I also recognize that along the way, this is one of the things we talked about in episode for 35. If this is something that resonates with you, then definitely be here continue to stay, because we're going to get into over the next couple of episodes and you're going to notice it, you're going to feel it, you're going to see what is happening. I really, really want you to continue to invest your time here. Take away the actionable insights. And at the same time, if this means that hey, listen, now you know what I wanted to just do? So I wanted to stay where you were in the past? Well, I get that too. Like, if you want to stay in the past and stay in the past. Here, we're going to continue to build the momentum, we're going to continue to move forward and help you as you move on your mission to be able to make your nine to five optional. So. So yeah, so as we if I think about coming back to the beginning, like how are we going to continue to create massive value after setbacks? Well, 2023 was, you know, I experienced things in my life that are happening for me, that happened for me, allow me to take a step back and say, Okay, well, really, where are where is this? Where's this leading us? How am I supposed to now make impact? How am I supposed to help others? And I realized, like, it's not about a matter of reevaluating, or, excuse me, not not re evaluating, but it is a matter of of saying, Okay, well, the foundation is already here. But the things that I was thinking about a year and a half ago, two years ago, well, those things are still with me, they're still inside of me. But how can I take those different events and and build on the experiential knowledge that I now have, it's not theoretical, it's having gone through these experiences, that I can also continue to evolve and bring you more value here through the through the going on podcast. So declared it four years ago, we're gonna continue to talk about real asset investing. And that was something that has brought us up to this point. But more importantly, the lessons that I'm really now understanding is to continue to share with you where I am today, begin to share actionable insights start to help you understand through the stories of the things that I've lived, how it can help you to get to your goals faster, to help to give you a new aspect in the way that you're thinking about it from a mindset perspective, and also to help you get crystal clear on the mission that you're on. So that you can go out and build the momentum for yourself, for your family for the ones that that you love them the most. So it is about taking these actionable insights, we're going to continue to do that week after week, we're going to take that just like any type of setback that happens in life, and recognize that hey, listen, there's a lot of lessons here. There are a lot of different nuggets to say, okay, these things happen for me. Now, how do we make the most of each one of these different aspects, calm setbacks, calm life events, whatever you want to call them. But the goal is, is that you are going to continue to get massive value from the things that have happened to me in my life and those that are closest to me my network. And so we'll continue to do these solo episodes like the one that I'm doing now today. And one of the things that I've really thought about in the future you know, why not It felt really great in Episode 435 That conversation had withdrawn it's also something that having a global network of of experts to be able to bring them in every once in a while and also have their perspective on how they can help you to build momentum help you to gain more structure around the mindset that you have also always been able to help you create more more money in a way that is that is in line with the mission that you have so this is just the idea so continuing to have the the going long podcast continued to be here for you continuing to share stories, actionable insights that are going to help you as a mid six figure and seven figure salary employee leverage where you are with your role with your with your job, and also be able to create even if You don't even see it yet, start to give you the tools so that you can begin to create your own exit path. So you can have that, that ability to make your nine to five optional, while creating the lifestyle that you truly do not want to, or need to take a vacation from. So listen with that. I'm really looking forward to sharing more and more of these chapters these episodes, and I'm absolutely positive you're gonna get massive value from each and every one of them. So while you are sharing today's conversation, I'm going to be here preparing for the next episode. So until then want to make it a great day. And thank you very, very much. Today's conversation was sponsored by the Billy keels advisory program. If you're looking to make your nine to five optional and need some help, just go to Billy keels.com forward slash advising once again, that's Billy keels.com forward slash advising

Billy Keels
Strategic Advisor, Entrepreneur, and Investor
Billy is on a mission to share a roadmap and opportunities with other extremely busy, high-performing professionals on how to find freedom and live the life they desire. Listen in to learn how!
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