September 12, 2023

How Serving Others As a Sales Leader Can Lead to Red Hawk Investing Success - Paul Shannon

Have you ever wondered if it might be possible to leverage experience serving others as a Sales Leader to fast-track your path to Real Asset investing success? Well, today’s guest on The Going Long Podcast, Paul Shannon, has done just that - and he’s going to reveal to you exactly how he did it!
Billy Keels
CEO and Founder FGCP

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Going Long Podcast Episode 350: How Serving Others As a Sales Leader Can Lead to Red Hawk Investing Success


( To see the Video Version of today’s conversation just CLICK HERE. )

In the conversation with today’s guest, Paul Shannon, you’ll learn the following:


  • [00:24 - 02:08] Show introduction with comments from Billy.
  • [02:08 - 06:44] Guest introduction and first questions.
  • [06:44 - 15:14] The backstory and decisions made that led Paul to this point in his journey.
  • [15:14- 22:17] Paul explains the common experience and process that people go through when coming to the realization that they want to move away from their corporate role and start focusing on investing to achieve financial freedom.
  • [22:17 - 25:52] Paul takes a look at some of the core competencies that he feels need to be present to make a success in both active and passive investing.
  • [25:52 - 28:26] Paul shares what he sees as some of the most effective ways to build trust.
  • [28:26 - 31:25] We find out from Paul all about the genesis of the InvestWise Collective.


Here’s what Paul with us during today’s conversation: 


  • Where in the world Paul is currently based: Indianapolis, Indiana.
  • The most positive thing to happen in the past 24 hours: Paul signed a deal that is going to bring his investors a lot of value!
  • Favourite place in Europe: Torremolinos, Spain.
  • A mistake that Paul would like you to learn from so that you don’t have to pay full price: Having investments spread between various stocks and bonds doesn’t count as diversification - you need to include various Real Asset investments to achieve a truly diverse portfolio.
  • Book Recommendation: The Creature From Jekyll Island, by Edward Griffin. - 

Be sure to reach out and connect with Paul Shannon by using the info below:  


To see the Video Version of today’s conversation just CLICK HERE.


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Episode Transcript

Billy Keels
Strategic Advisor, Entrepreneur, and Investor
Billy is on a mission to share a roadmap and opportunities with other extremely busy, high-performing professionals on how to find freedom and live the life they desire. Listen in to learn how!
Guest speaker
Paul Shannon
Since becoming an entrepreneur in 2019, Paul has been active in acquiring over 150 units, many of those being deeply distressed properties. His experiences in Real Asset Investing have enabled him to create passive income, which has brought him and his family security, flexibility, and freedom. Additionally, Paul is a limited partner in over 1,400 multifamily units across the the U.S.A, as well as a number of other alternative assets.

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