May 9, 2023

How a 'Wealth Matters' Mindset will Turbo-Boost Your Investing Success - Alpesh Parmar

In the conversation with today’s guest, Alpesh Parmar, Alpesh shares his perspective on having debt, and how he managed to navigate the pitfalls of ‘bad debt’ while benefiting from leveraging ‘good debt’. Alpesh explains the importance of networking and building relationships to fast-track the path to success and financial freedom. Lastly, we discuss what inspired Alpesh to co-author and publish a book.
Billy Keels
CEO and Founder FGCP

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Going Long Podcast Episode 314: How a 'Wealth Matters' Mindset will Turbo-Boost Your Investing Success

( To see the Video Version of today’s conversation just CLICK HERE. )

In the conversation with today’s guest, Alpesh Parmar, you’ll learn the following:

  • [00:36 - 03:37] Show introduction with comments from Billy.
  • [03:37 - 07:02] Guest introduction and first questions.
  • [07:02 - 12:17] The backstory and decisions made that led Alpesh to this point in his journey.
  • [12:17 - 15:52] Alpesh shares his perspective on having debt, and how he managed to navigate the pitfalls of ‘bad debt’ while also benefiting from leveraging ‘good debt’. 
  • [15:52 - 20:17] Alpesh explains how he was able to overcome problems and challenges and progress to find great success with his own business.
  • [20:17 - 23:17] The importance of networking and building relationships to fast-track your path to success and financial freedom.
  • [23:17 - 27:24] How Alpesh came to focus so much on how ‘Wealth Matters’ and why it is the name and key phrase behind both his business and podcast. 
  • [27:24 - 29:17] What inspired Alpesh to co-author and publish a book.

Here’s what Alpesh shared with us during today’s conversation: 

  • Where in the world Alpesh is currently based: San Francisco Bay, California. 
  • The most positive thing to happen in the past 24 hours: Alpesh took his daughter to a Scouts meeting and they had a great time!
  • Favourite city in Europe: Basel, Switzerland.
  • A mistake that Alpesh would like you to learn from so that you don’t have to pay full price:  Make sure you research enough, particularly the market location! 
  • Book Recommendation: The Go Giver, by Bob Burg. - 

Be sure to reach out and connect with Alpesh Parmar by using the info below:  

To see the Video Version of today’s conversation just CLICK HERE 

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Episode Transcript

Billy Keels  00:00

Today's conversation is sponsored by first generation Capital Partners. If you're an accredited investor and you want to know about how we're helping other accredited investors keep more of their income, go to forward slash going long.


The whole scenario change before I was an order taker, now I was giving them guidance, I was more becoming like a mentor, and which I started enjoying because I told you before the podcast I love talking, guys, of course, both of us are podcast hosts.


You're listening to the going long podcast with Billy keels, the number one podcast for long distance real asset investing.

Billy Keels  00:38

Welcome to the gun on podcast, we're back once again to continue to help to educate you so you feel much more comfortable as well as confident investing beyond your backyard. And I'm your host, Billy keels. And I'm super excited to welcome back to another one of these excellent conversations today's guests really, really, really quick, especially if you're someone who is in a high paid it, roll, enterprise software, anybody out there? Well, you probably really gonna like today's conversation if that's the case. But I would like to thank every one of you for continuing to download continuing to share, because you keep the podcast in the top 1.5% of podcasts globally. And we're gonna still keep moving to the next level. Thank you for sharing us across social media, tagging us, all of that helps and continues to bring the guests that are helping you get to the next level. I also want to let you know like any, if you want to check out any of the 300 Plus episodes, all you need to do is go to first forward slash podcasts. They're all there, you're going to enjoy them and get the transcripts, you get the video, the audio and anything you would ever want. So go check it out there. And then lastly, you know what, like I said, if you're someone who's an IT professional, you've been figuring trying to figure out how do you make that next step. You've been listening, you've been wanting to have somebody that's been in the same background as you? Well, today's guest not only had some trials and tribulations in his corporate career, and he's going to tell you about how he thought corporate was everything. And he realised pretty soon that he was kind of just a number. He also took that opportunity to reinvent himself, which he is going to tell you about how he did even co authored an amazing, best selling Amazon best selling book. And he is someone who has a mindset that we're really wealth matters. And so you're gonna get a chance to meet today's guest, Mr. alpesh, Parmar, and we're gonna get to that conversation just after this. Are you a busy high paid professional, someone who's made $200,000, the previous two years, and also expected to earn $200,000 This year, or maybe as a couple you filed jointly and you've earned $300,000, the previous two years, and also expected to earn $300,000 together this year, or maybe yourself or as a couple, you have a million dollars in net worth not including your home? Well, if you meet any of those criteria, then the IRS considers you to be someone who is an accredited investor. And so that probably means you're a top producing software sales executive, or maybe you're a highly paid consultant, maybe you're a lawyer, maybe you're a doctor or a business owner, you may even work for a professional sports franchise, but one way or the other, you've done a lot of really hard work to get to where you are, you've done 100% of the work. And nowadays, you're continuing to get crushed by taxes. And that means you're only bringing home 50% of the reward. If you're tired of doing this over and over and you're looking for a solution to start to keep more of your money, you can go to first gen forward slash invest so that you can start to keep more of your money, which means that you can start to have the freedom to choose what you want to do when you want to do it with whom you want to do it. So once again, go to first gen forward slash invest to see how we can start to help you today. Once again that's first gen Ford slash invest. So if you want to understand how having a wealth matters mindset will turbo boost your long distance investing success? Then guess what? Today's the conversation you're gonna want to listen to until the very last word. Yes, I'll say that again. Very, very, very last word. You know why? Because today's guest not only started his corporate career in IT as a principal consultant. That sounds very familiar to me. But he was also a manager at a big four firm and if you don't know what a big four is, I'm sure he'll tell you a little bit about that. He was also the managing partner of a firm across multiple different states in the US and he's also co authored an Amazon number one best selling book and I'm not even going to talk about that because I'm gonna let him do that. And by the way, if you're watching this on video, which you should be you get a sneak peek of what the name of the book is. That is one thing also he is the host of the wealth matters podcast and he's also the founder of wealth matters LLC gives me great pleasure to welcome to today's conversation Mr. alpesh Parmar alpesh welcome the show, man.


Thank you so much, Billy, for the great introduction and thank you for having me.

Billy Keels  04:44

Yeah, man really looking forward to this. It's been a long time coming. So yeah, I'm glad you are decided to invest some time with me in the going long family and I want us to get to know more about you because you know all the good stuff. I just want them to find out all the great stuff about you as well. So as you know our pitch I'm going to ask you five question Since you're gonna get two in the beginning, you're gonna get three at the end. And you're gonna get a lot more in the middle. I just don't know what those are yet. So let's get started with question number one. Help us understand where is it that you call home in the US?


The San Francisco Bay area?

Billy Keels  05:13

I think I've heard of that out on the Left Coast of the US in California. Sounds awesome. Got a lot of friends out there, by the way, so shout out to the Bay Area in California. So second thing is I love positivity. And really, really would love for you to share some of the positive things that's happened to your in your life with me in the going on family. So what is the most positive thing that is happened to you are for you in last 24 hours?


last 24 hours? That's a That's a great question. I did not think about it. But the last 24 hours, I went with my daughter to the Boy Scouts meeting, even though I have a daughter, they allow girls now in Boy Scouts, and I thoroughly enjoyed the meeting. And then we had a fire truck, which visited us at the scout meeting. So I was able to see how because they were showing, of course the scouts how they work right the firemen. And it was fascinating, even for me at this age to learn about all that. So I enjoyed, and I pretty much see what the kind of impact they are making in our lives.

Billy Keels  06:17

Yeah, that's absolutely fantastic. And by the way, you're I mean, you're only like 2425. So at your age, what do you mean by that? So? Well, this is our pitch, I'm gonna share this, I appreciate you sharing that with with me. And when you have that valuable quality time with your children, it's something that's fantastic when it makes even an impact on you as an adult. It's one of those things. It's like, wow, this is absolutely amazing. So thank you for sharing that with us. And then I'm also going to share something with you that the entire going long family knows about me already is that I am a recovering perfectionist. And what that means is I do things that sometimes are almost impossible to do. Or at least I attempt to do them. And kind of like telling your entire backstory in 1.4 seconds. That was never going to happen. But I tried to do it as a host to introduce you. So could you do me a favour? alpesh? Can you help me out and tell your backstory in your own words? And also, if you could do me a favour and talk about some of the major decisions that you made to get to this point in your journey? And then we'll see where you and I take the conversation over the next couple of minutes.


Yeah. So of course, as you can tell, are being in San Francisco Bay Area. And with my accent, I'm from India originally right not to be racist here. But you know, and being in it, right. So I emigrated to us back in 2001. Right when market was crashing, and I came here to work as an IT engineer, right out of the college, like I'm going to work and make some money and enjoy my life. And within three months, I didn't have any job. I moved to the East Coast. And 911 happens. So the entire financial market crashed. And by the way, I was on World Trade Centre on that Sunday. And 911 happened on Tuesday. So I literally felt it, you know, close to my heart because I used to visit WPC literally every other weekend right for the concerts and whatnot. But long story short, that was that was one of the major decision I had to make without the help of my family is I was away from my family. No one was making decisions for me. You know, the the culture we come from our parents love make a lot of decision or help us make a lot of decisions. But that was not the case. So I had to decide if I'm going to stick to us or move back to India. That was major for me because I didn't have any money left. By the time I had, you know, spent everything because trying to survive here. I ended up doing my master's in computer science in artificial intelligence back in 2002, when no one had heard of it, and finished in 2004 Without any debt. Wow. And that's that's very rare when I when I started with $0 in my pocket, and I ended with you know, a master's degree without any debt. Because I was just working like crazy. I was working about 40 hours a week while doing my masters. And during summers, I would work 8090 hours a week trying to make sure that I don't have any debt. So. So long story short, that's how my IT career started. And then I had to make another major decision back in 2009, because I'm about to see another recession, believe it or not, and we were expecting our first child, and I got laid off about a month and a half before her birth. And that was from the big four. I don't want to take the name but that is when I realised that everyone is dispensable. You know you're not important is that is when I understood that I shouldn't be relying on one job right now. Of course, it was hard for me. But that's when I started independent consulting. And I haven't looked back after that, because you know, when your kick, and when you're down, that is the time you should pick yourself up and try to figure out or invent something. And I didn't invent, but I ended up starting my own IT business in which we still are still running after 12 years now. So 2011 we started, and I have not worked w two since then that 2009. So that was another major decision I had to make. And that's when I was always thinking about how can I invest? How can I invest? Of course, I didn't have I still have money. Again, I was, you know, starting from scratch, but by 2011 comes and we ended up renting our primary townhouse and bought a bigger, you know, single family. And then that's when my landlording journey started, I realised the power and the benefit of real estate, right. So, of course, I did invest for a while. But then 2015 is when I started investing in real estate, that was my first time and we'll talk about that as well, when you want me to talk about mistakes. But that's when my journey started. And now here I am investing in real estate, mobile home parks, to senior housing facilities to retail shopping centres now.

Billy Keels  11:27

Wow, man, this is this is all just about being able to move to the US. I started dreaming back in 2000, in 2000, right, 2000 Yes,


2000 is when I started dreaming and Feb 2001. I was here

Billy Keels  11:41

2001, you're here and you were on the Left Coast and you ended up being on the East Coast. And then all kinds of stuff was was going on, you know, as I'm listening to you. Right. So we have a very similar kind of background in terms of the area that we were working in. And you know, one on one side and the other on the other. But the internet enterprise application software space is a very unique bubble to live in. And sometimes you talk about things that, you know, most people are like, wow, I don't even understand what you're talking about. And you can access this and people make that much are you serious. And so it's really, really interesting, because you've got this background, but then the thing that came to my mind as I started thinking because you talked about working 80 hours a week, 8090 hours a week while you're getting your degree and your master's. And a lot of people that work in the area that we worked with 8090 hours a week is pretty normal, right? Just doing one job, right? But you also talked about a four letter word, it's a dirty little word that most people don't like at all. And this four letter word is debt. Yes. And so before we even get started, right, because when you talked about working all those hours to make sure that you didn't have any debt on your student loans. I would just be interested, because now you're a number of years beyond university education, and now you're in real life education. Talk to us a little bit about your perspective on that dirty four little word, four letter word, excuse me, which is D. E, BT debt?


So that's a great question. So growing out, my parents taught me that, you know, that is bad, right? So when I moved here, my understanding was that, yes, I'm going to have debt, but I'm going to pay it off right away. So of course, I was going to, you know, put my college fees on my credit card. But by the time that term is over, I've already paid it off. So every time by the time I my semester was done, I was just churning through and paying it off. And I think when you look at the four letter word debt, you have to look at what is good debt, and what is bad debt. Right. So you and I know this really well. The good debt is where you don't have liabilities, but you it is helping you get to your goal faster. If without that debt, you won't be able to get to that goal faster, right? But bad debt is which will pull you back, which will pull you down, where you know, let's say you know, I can buy a $2 million $3 million house here primary house, and I'll have debt and I'll be paying 15 $20,000 a month that that it's good. I am enjoying living that house. But that is not a good debt. That is a bad debt. Because it's a liability for me. It's not making me any money. It's not an investment. But at the same time, if I buy a $3 million or $30 million property on a debt and it's paid, it's making me money every month it's giving generating passive income for me, that's a good debt. And that's how I look at it. And when I started, my goal was not to start with the dead. I didn't want to have anything on my head so that I started with a clean slate. But yeah, looking back, I don't know if it was the right or wrong decision. I think it worked out out Well, so far,

Billy Keels  15:01

you know. And so the thing is, and I appreciate you giving us that perspective of what happens is you made the best decision you can make at the time given the information that you had. And so now that you've had new information and new experiences, of course, your perspective is going to change on things, which is the whole point of you being here to share your experience, right? Maybe there's someone that's listening today, I was like, that's terrible. And output, she was telling me right in the very beginning, he was working 8090 hours a week, so he didn't have it. But he's also telling you that he's gained new experiences, he's seen things and he has a different perspective about that dirty four letter word, which is well, debt, because it depends on the perspective depends on the type of debt. So okay, awesome. Appreciate you clearing that up for us, or giving us more perspective more than anything else. Because I think it's something that is fantastic. So you also talked about a decision that was kind of made for you, in the corporate world, a month and a half before your child was born, that must have just been absolutely, critically emotional for you. And I guess, you know, afterwards, you decided that you wanted to then start your own business, a lot of times people can have that negative type of thing happened in their life. And they just collapsed. And they stay in this space, right in this negative space for a really, really long time. But it sounds to me, like you're able to take that negative situation, you return, you turn it into something that leveraged your previous experience. And it sounds like you're even having more fun, or maybe making a bigger impact today, because you're continuing to do it for 12 years, can you maybe talk to us a little bit about what your motivations were, and how you found that path to getting into a similar space that you liked before, but also being able to make a larger impact with your own business?


Yeah, so. And that is where I think I'll talk about the book as well, is I am very resilient. And of course, I didn't know that word, when I was going through all these. But once I figured out the word and I always thought, you know, what am I How am I able to react to these different situations? And not every time I'm taking career right decisions at that point, right? But how am I able to react to these situations? And somehow they workout? In I figured out, am I stubborn? Am I selfish? Am I this that and then I was like I am resilient? I like to get back. I like to come back, you know. So in that point, I had to make a decision that okay, I need to find work right away. That was the first thing, right? Because, you know, my wife wasn't working, because we were expecting so you know, we decided that she's not going to work for at least six to nine months. So she has left her job already. So we didn't need any income, I started looking for work 2009 It was really hard, almost impossible to find any full time employment. And then somehow I ended up finding because with my experience and exposure, I was able to find independent consulting, they said that, oh yeah. If you come in work for three months, and like, oh, I need to get started. I need to make money, right? That three months at the same company or business became three years, right? They liked me so much. So I realised that, you know, this is what I love enjoying, I don't like to work at one place. I like challenges right? Before I would have an IT manager or director of AMI giving me all that idea. And then I was just working for them right now. I realised that I'm able to work with lots of different people. By the end of year one, we started our business and I was not only helping this one business, I was actually helping five different businesses at the same time and solving their challenges solving their puzzles. And a lot of time I was even talking to C level executives, right? The whole scenario change before I was an order taker. Now I was giving them guidance, I was more becoming like a mentor. And which I started enjoying because I told you before the podcast I love talking as well. Of course, both of us are podcast hosts. And and then I was in the IT world in SAP world. Actually, if you look up my name, SAP GRC, and my name, I was one of the South after speaker worldwide, right in that industry. Because everyone started knowing me by 2012 Literally. So if you Google my name, everyone would know me that oh yeah, we want to work with him. So somehow that started because I loved talking and I love solving challenges and that that helped me you know, to get to where I am from business wise and that helped me get to become a real estate investor as well.

Billy Keels  19:45

You know, that is one of the things that is is great when you can leverage that previous experience you then move on you realise how what you're made of right and you talk about that that word resilient and resilience is is the is the name of the book that you co authored, that we talked about. By trusting that you're enjoying today's conversation, and you know, if you're tired of getting crushed by taxes, and you're looking for greater freedom, to be able to choose what you want to do, when you want to do it, make sure that you go to first forward slash going long, and see how we can help you today, let's get back to the conversation. You know, it's really interesting, because as you talk about this resilience, and you talk about going out and impacting other people in lives and things like that, one of the keys is also being able to build new relationships and meet other people. I know that this is one of the things that you also focus a lot of your time and energy on is, is really around and I don't some people call it networking, some people call it relationship building. But talk to us a little bit about how that has played such an important role in the way that you are able to go out and impact others.


That's, that's so important, not only in the consulting world I come from, right, because that's how we get our work, right. That's how we get our business. So when I would go to conferences, I would have a booth I would be speaking. And we were getting generating all our business, we never had a sales or marketing team. Like in Big Four, while we're, you know, as what we have seen, right? In my it wall, it was always word of mouth and referrals. Right? So, and the reason was that, you know, building that relationship, right? You know, you build a relationship with that one client, one customer, and they are going to recommend you and the same. Same thing I, you know, took over it and brought it over to my real estate side that I would attend a lot of conferences, I started meeting a lot of people. And after you meet a lot of people, you figure out, you know, which are the people, you who you really want to work with, or they align with your values, right? Because you meet so many people, but not everyone. A lot of time people think oh, yeah, whoever you meet, you got to start building relationships. Once you meet one time, maybe a couple of times, you will realise that, okay, do you want to work with this person or not. And that's how I started building relationship. And in when you start, you start, you have to add, I will talk about when you ask me, you know, about my favourite book, but when you start this journey, don't think about taking, right that is very important. This week come from this wall instant gratification, we always want to take take, take and not give you, I started thinking about how I can give back. And that is again, from my IT experience as well. I was always you know about giving, right? If you give, you're going to get something in bad, right. But we always thought think, what will I get if I do something? Right? So you know that, that has been very important for me start with giving. And if it works, it works. If it doesn't, it's not end of the world.

Billy Keels  22:50

Yeah, I appreciate you talking about that. And also, with giving as you're building in creating relationships, and also to not, I love the fact that you pointed that out, like, not every single person that you meet just at a networking good is someone that you will or want to invest more time in getting to know and that's okay. It's about the people that are aligned with your, your mission, your vision, your values, and able to go from there. So, you know, speaking of which, so in before we get to the going long, final three, because we got kind of get to the going long, final three, pretty soon. One of the things and I talked about it in the beginning like you it's a big deal for you. Well, this whole concept of wealth mean to the point that your company's even name, wealth matters, your podcast is wealth matters. What is the obsession that you have with this wealth matters type of mindset?


That's a That's a great question again. So the opposite isn't started because I started learning about investment, right? And then I started early, I learned the difference between rich and wealthy. Right? Like, I don't want to be rich, I want to be wealthy, I want to have long term generational wealth. So that, of course, my kids will walk and they will build, you know, they will have their own destiny. But you know, if they need, they can rely on this business, they can rely on this income, right, and the goal. And so I started talking about it with my friends. And then every time I would bring up this topic, and they're like, oh, yeah, but you know, how can you become wealthy and why is it important? I'm like, you are here. You are working 7080 hours a week. Why? Right? It's to make money, but why? So there's Oh, yeah, wealth matters. Exactly. And that's how I came up with the name that wealth matters in our life. It doesn't, even if the money does not matter, even if you are rich or not. But being wealthy, does not just allow you to enjoy your life, but you can make an impact in other people's life right at the end. After you make a million or 10 million. It's not going to matter. But what you can do with that 10 million it's going to matter a lot.

Billy Keels  24:56

Yeah, and you know, it definitely is going to matter a lot and one of the things Is that? Could you talk about impact think is very, very important when you think about the wealth and just what role does time in the control that you have, over your time, come into play when you think about wealth or when you talk to others? Because I know you've talked to a lot of people, and just how, what your perspective is on that. It's


time is the most important asset we have. And every time I talk to investors, and they asked me, What is the ROI, what is the ROI, and I'm like, if you invest in this, then this is the ROI. But if you do it yourself, this is the ROI. But have you looked at our O T, return on time, right time is is the most simple, you can still make more money, you can make money, and you can lose as much money, right? But if you have the time on your side, you can you know, get back, right. So I think time is really important. And that's why I want it to generate as much passive income as possible in the least time possible for me to serve, you know, so that, of course, you as a podcaster, you have your own team, you don't do editing, I don't do editing and publishing and all we can write we have only 24 hours a day. And that is where we rely on other people, because we want to maximise our time. And we want to do what we are good at what we are what we excel at, right? So time is the most important asset. And I always talk about and that is why financial freedom for me is not as important as time freedom. Right? I should be able to work on my time and on my terms, right? That is why I can spend as much time as possible with my kids, I can spend as much time as possible with my fitness journey, right? So I'm I know you I told you that I'm crazy about fitness, I'm passionate about health and fitness. So last year, I did my first half Ironman, I wouldn't have been able to work out 1215 hours a week if I didn't have the time freedom.

Billy Keels  26:58

Yeah, it's great when you're able to, you know, have that perspective on the time freedom and the importance that it is. And that allows you to to get into other areas of your life, like your health and your fitness, your overall physical and mental fitness, which I think it's fantastic. So I really appreciate you giving us that perspective on things. And actually, just one last thing, because before we get into the ground final three, and I know I said we're going to do that, but it kind of tied it in before but what was it that inspired you to co author a book? I was curious, because there's so many different reasons to


know, that's, that's a great, great, great question, actually, what was it? So 2016 I started, you know, head on with realistic 15 I started but I started getting big. In 2017, I started attending lots of conferences, and then I started meeting a lot of people and they were talking about, oh, I want to give back I want to you know, I'm doing this and then I'm volunteering. And I was also, you know, started looking at that, of course, you know, I'm making money, I'm making connections I need to give back, you know, from in different ways. And that is when this idea came to my mind that someone told me that, you know, all of us, everyone offers our story, write a story which can inspire others, right. And I was reading a lot of books already, right, as in real estate and business, we read a lot of books, right? So I realised that I could give back by telling my story to others, right? And then that story, the journey of writing that or co authoring that one chapter in the book started, but at the same time I got the idea, oh, I want to give back even more. Let me start the podcast. So 2018 is when I created the book, but at the same time, I also started the podcast, as well. I started so 2019 is when I co authored the book 2018 I started the podcast and then I wanted to give back you know further and teach others what I'm up to. So that's how the book came to my mind.

Billy Keels  28:58

Wonderful. And I appreciate you sharing that and how that book came to your mind and how it's now impacting so many people around the world. So, but here's the thing, I'll pitch like we got to get to the going long final three and I never asked anyone and today you're our special guest. I never asked anyone to go along final three unless you tell me that you're ready. So are you ready? Yeah. Awesome. All right. There was no surprise here. I knew you're gonna say I was ready. I was like, man, I was born ready. Okay, cool. Here we go. So question number one. We started with you over in the left coast of the of the US where you call home today. You know I'm from Ohio, originally Columbus, Ohio, but I've been living in Europe for the last 22 years. So I would love for you to share with me and the entire go along family. What is your favourite European city that you've already visited and you're well travelled or is still on your bucket list to visit.


I have visited Dino Bab LGM and you, UK but one city I want to visit is bezel Switzerland and people will ask why. I'm a big tennis fan. And Roger Federer is from Brazil. But of course you are in Spain silo Rafael Nadal as he's like one of my top two of course. I was always fascinated by Federer. I before then I loved Martina hankies as well. She's from Switzerland, so I always want to visit Switzerland.

Billy Keels  30:16

Alright, well, it's gonna be there and I'm sure you will even probably have a pretty sure you're gonna meet Roger, while you're over there. Yeah.


Oh, by the way, I have. I have a picture with Rafael Nadal when he was 18 years old. And he was playing at US Open, not even 18 I think 16. And no one knew him. And I was watching him. And it was funny. I said, Can I take a picture with you? So I'm standing right next to Rafa.

Billy Keels  30:40

I know alpesh. appreciate you sharing that with us. And question number two is, you know, and I'll just I'll just ask you the question straight. Because you've got lots of experience and you you have a number of things that you've tried. But many times when we try new things, we don't actually achieve the goal. And so we call them we made a mistake, or we had a learning opportunity, or whatever you call it. Like, let's just say you made a mistake. Well, you paid full price for that mistake. I don't want you to really think about the mistake too much. What I'd love for you to share with us is what was the lesson that you took away from the mistake or the learning opportunity that you had, so that maybe somebody today and they go along? family doesn't have to pay full price for the same mistake you did? What's that one lesson you want to share with us today?


Yeah, so do your lesson did you do the groundwork and in real estate three things matter, location, location, and location. So make sure you research make sure you spend enough time in researching that. But on the flip side, I'm an action taker. And I see that a lot of people who research they only research and never take an action. So on the flip side, don't be a tire kicker.

Billy Keels  31:50

Awesome. Love it, get the information that you need to go and get started and take action. I am a recovering perfectionist, as I mentioned to you before I overanalyze things way too long. And so yeah, it resonates with me, and I'm sure it resonates with a lot of others. So you heard it here from alpesh. And this takes us to question number three, which is going to wrap up the conversation. What is the one book because I always like to fill our minds with knowledge, the one book that you would recommend to us.


So I would recommend one book that can I give out to

Billy Keels  32:18

you about how you can over deliver things. Okay,


always. So the first one is the miracle morning. That's how my high have been starting my routine. Of course now I've scaled back the user of it, but the morning routine is so important. Waking up as early as possible for you. Of course, you know, a lot of people wake up at three, four, I used to wake up at five and I used to train now I wake up at six. But I tried to finish my morning routine which starts with you know, SCRA silence, affirmations, visualisation and exercise. And of course, it's it goes on it's reading as well. And but I tried to finish some of the things later in the day. So that's one book and the second book and the reason why I said two books because I want to highlight the other book which started which opened my mind to giving. It's called the Go Giver, go giver. It's a great book. It's like less than 100 pages. And if you read it, it's talk about it talks about how giving is so important. And when you give you are going to get something back not maybe right away, not in the next day or next week, maybe next month, next year, you never know. But once you give, forget about instant gratification, you get something back

Billy Keels  33:31

Mr. Bromberg, so go to, as well. So fantastic. Well listen, you know, Operation thinking about you know, 2000, you're thinking about it 2001, you make this district across the globe, and you're out on the West Coast, and you're like, well hang on a second, maybe I'm gonna go to the East Coast, and then you go to the East Coast. And when you're there just a couple of weeks later, the entire world changes and you are near New York City when all that kind of stuff happened. You know, so you went from West Coast to East Coast, you realise that, hey, listen, there's a there's a moment in your life where you wanted to continue to do things. And you were, you were becoming building up a level of expertise. And a month and a half before your first child was born. Lifeguard I got turned on its head again, because you were just recognised that any large, large company as much as they really like you won't be at the end of the day, you're usually a number or something like that. And you got a lesson like and you realise that rather than kind of crumbling and kind of letting that just destroy your life. You realise like, Hey, listen, maybe there's another opportunity here. And so you took that perspective, and you became your own boss, right? And you leverage the knowledge that you had from before you did that. And you started to build your business what you continue to do even today 2015 You decided, hey, listen, I want to start taking some action in this other direction and you know, 2016 you start making these purchases and you you're buying more assets and you're realising that it's not just about that. Working 80 to 90 hours to pay off your debt, you can actually utilise that to prosper and also help You have that wealth matters type of mindset. And you know all of these different things with the book, the podcast and you know, going on families thinking to myself the ability just get to the point, just ask him the question. So here's the thing. Everybody wants to know, with all this awesome stuff that you've done. alpesh what's the best way for the go along family to find out more about you? And what you've got going on at wealth matters, LLC?


Sure. So first one is it's my website right here. It's www dot wealth matters. It's spelled Ma Te Or you can go on YouTube. And of course, visit my channel. It's called wealth matters, podcasts. wealth matters.

Billy Keels  35:41

Awesome. Fantastic. Well listen up. So like I said, Man, I really, really appreciate you deciding to invest your time with me and the entire go along family. And so I just want to say thank you very, very much. Really appreciate it.


Thank you so much, really, for your time I really enjoyed.

Billy Keels  35:55

Alright, fantastic. And listen, if you give me like 1015 seconds, we'll get you out of here. Go along family listen up has shared his story. Love the, the International expat getting involved taking, taking action, doing the work, and also being able to be in a position to own the life in the positive impact. Take today's conversation, share it with your family, share it with your friends talk about the concepts that alpesh shared with you. And you know what, while you're doing that, I'll be preparing for the very next conversation. So until then, go out and make it a great day. And thank you very much. Trusted you enjoyed today's conversation and once again, today's conversation was sponsored by first generation Capital Partners. If you're an accredited investor and want to find out more about how we're helping accredited investors to gain their personal freedom even faster, go to forward slash going long.

Billy Keels
Strategic Advisor, Entrepreneur, and Investor
Billy is on a mission to share a roadmap and opportunities with other extremely busy, high-performing professionals on how to find freedom and live the life they desire. Listen in to learn how!
Guest speaker
Alpesh Parmar
Founder of Wealth Matters LLC
Alpesh Parmar is an entrepreneur, real estate investor, author, mentor, and podcast host who is passionate about wealth, life, and health. He owns over 100 residential rental units in markets like Dallas, Atlanta, and Birmingham. Besides, he invests in international markets like Belize, Panama, Paraguay, and India. Alpesh is passionate about helping busy working professionals build long term wealth using investments in real assets like. He wants them to build supplemental income and live a stress-free life. Mr. Parmar hosts a famous real estate investing podcast – WealthMatters. He is also the co- author of Amazon #1 Bestselling book --Resilience: Turning Your Setback into a Comeback.

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