May 4, 2023

Growth Comes From Experience, Not Theory - Billy Keels

In today’s solo episode, Billy explains how the most valuable knowledge comes from taking action and the experiences you get from that.
Billy Keels
CEO and Founder FGCP

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Going Long Podcast Episode 313: Growth Comes From Experience, Not Theory

In today’s solo episode you’ll learn the following from Billy himself: 

  • [00:19 - 01:33] Show introduction with comments from Billy.
  • [01:33 - 06:01] Billy explains how the most valuable knowledge comes from taking action and the experiences you get from that, rather than the theory you can learn from books.
  • [06:18 - 07:05] Billy wraps up the show.

To see the Video Version of today’s conversation just CLICK HERE.

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Episode Transcript

Billy Keels  00:00

Today's conversation is sponsored by first generation Capital Partners. If you're an accredited investor and you want to know about how we're helping other accredited investors keep more of their income, go to forward slash going long.


You're listening to the going long podcast with Billy keels, the number one podcast for long distance real asset investing.

Billy Keels  00:22

Welcome to the gold long podcast, we're back once again to continue to help to educate you so you feel much more comfortable as well as competent investing beyond your backyard. And yes, I am your host, Billy keels back once again, here to share another solo episode, I really really enjoyed doing these and based on what you're telling me, you enjoy them as well. So they're shorter to the point and they're just these are the things that are going on are on my mind, or part of what's happening in my reality. So this thought today would do that before. I also want to thank everybody for continuing to download continuing to share, we're still in the top 1.5% going to be in the top 1% soon. But thanks for doing that. Thanks for sharing across social media or tagging us means the world to me. And thanks so much also to for your honest written reviews. And if you haven't done that yet, make it really easy for you go over to Apple podcast, as well as a Spotify make it super simple. There's even a little video here for you. And also, if you want to catch more than you know, over 300 episodes you want to binge like one of our listeners actually contacted me the other day to say he was on a six hour ride. And he bins like a whole bunch of episodes. So if you want to do that to go to first Ford slash podcast and you can actually get every one of the episodes we've ever done. And they're all there for you. So you know today one of the things I want to just I want to destroy this myth, and this is really pretty those of you who are like me recovering perfectionist, or maybe you're still in your perfectionist mode, it's really, really important to understand that growth comes from experience, not theory. growth comes from experience, not theory, I didn't even ask for permission to say it twice. I just needed to say it twice. So that you really, really get that because especially one of the things that happens as a recovering perfectionist, I was used to think Man, if I studied all everything, right, and I got the exam, I got the good grades. And that was the validation of the things that I've done before, right? In the real world. You really learn from experiences. And that usually means you're going to make a mistake, it doesn't have to be a fatal mistake. But it means that you're doing something that you're not familiar with. And I know we've talked about this before. But one of the and the reason I wanted to share this, as I was on a call was on a strategy call, you know, I do these strategy calls for for people who are accredited investors, and they're looking to to move forward and get closer to life goals and things like that. And as part of that one of the conversations I had the other day was someone who is now a very experienced investor, but went back to the very first syndication that they had invested in. And this person made the comment that the investor, the very first investment happened just before COVID. And so you know, it probably wasn't the best time. But there's never the best time the best time is to do it when you're ready to do it. Right. And you should probably do it before you're ready. I know that sounds a little bit confusing, but hopefully, let me bring it back to what I was talking about, you know, get clear. So he was sharing his experience and in talking about making this investment and in and he's made a number of investments since then, as a passive investors still work in a corporate role. sound a lot like myself, it was really, really interesting. But one of the questions I asked him is, you know, when you made your very first investment, how have you grown since then? What have you learned since then? And it was really interesting, because he broke it back like, Hey, listen, you know, in the very beginning, I just was really making an investment based on the person that I'd spoken to it was the right feeling. And, you know, we'd had a number of conversations, and I wanted to take action. And so I started there. But it was interesting, because he's since done a number of different things. And so he asks very different questions. What are the things that are being done to mitigate risk? What who is the actual team? What have they been doing? Like, just went on and on. And so what was really, really interesting to think about was, yes, this person is extremely experienced, professional and has a great track record. But he also mentioned that he'd been doing a lot of studying before he finally had to take action. But not only did he take action in the beginning right before the pandemic 2019. But more importantly, he's continued to do that. And he's convinced to continue to invest with other people always doing it passively. Persons accredited investor really likes their day job and are gaining more and more experience. But the biggest part was recognising that even with the investor, which is why I want to share this with you is like you can be really, really great like listening to the podcast, like getting all of the theoretical information. But until you start taking action, that's when you really start to see okay, well this you didn't, you're going to like the very first syndication that you invest in, is probably not going to be the best one for you because you still don't know what you don't know. But as you invest in the second and the third and the fourth and some Workout in some world, but you will become a much more informed investor. And at the end of the day, that's really what it's about. So, like I said, growth comes from actually taking, having experience, not from books. I would have never said that as a kid. But it's really, really interesting because this is different life. And so make sure as you go through, and you're taking more action, and you're continuing to invest passively, or even actively know that you're going to learn more through the experience than you are through the books. It's okay. And I'm actually talking to those recovering perfectionist out there, because I am one of them. So take this, share it. If you've got questions, ask me the questions, leave the review, you can leave the review question or leave the question in the review, I'll get back to you. And I want you to share today's conversation share with other people. And if you're someone who's a high wage earner, and you've been getting crushed by taxes, and I know it's still in a lot of people's mind right now. Go to First Gen force is going long, you can start learning about how we're helping accredited investors who want to generate more income and at the same time, keep more of their income tax because you're tired of paying 40 plus percent Uncle Sam percent forward slash going long. You'll find out more about that and we will be able to educate you a bit more so listen, that's enough for today. I'm gonna while you're taking today's content and sharing it and listen to it and putting into action. Are we preparing for the very next solo episode so until then go out and make it a great day. Thank you very much trust did you enjoy today's conversation and once again, today's conversation was sponsored by first generation Capital Partners. If you're an accredited investor want to find out more about how we're helping accredited investors to gain their personal freedom even faster. Go to forward slash going long.


Billy Keels
Strategic Advisor, Entrepreneur, and Investor
Billy is on a mission to share a roadmap and opportunities with other extremely busy, high-performing professionals on how to find freedom and live the life they desire. Listen in to learn how!
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