February 18, 2025

Going Long Podcast Episode 500 Special: The Return of The Keels Boys

It’s time to mark another major milestone in The Going Long Podcast story - celebrating the 500th episode! And, true to tradition, we welcome back the series favourites for a FIFTH time. Billy’s two sons, known to the GLP audience as the Keels Brothers or Mr. & Mr. Mini Keels, are taking the guest spot to field questions about life, ambitions, and even fantastical dream scenarios! Find out what’s new for Billy’s boys in this special episode to mark the 500th episode of The Going Long Podcast with Billy Keels!
Billy Keels
CEO and Founder FGCP

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Going Long Podcast Episode 500: The Return of The Keels Boys

 ( To see the Video Version of today’s conversation just CLICK HERE. )

In today’s solo episode of The Going Long Podcast, you’ll learn the following:


  • [00:17 - 05:42] Billy Introduces the show and our two special guests, the Keels Brothers.
  • [05:42 - 08:15] Billy’s sons tell us what they love most about traveling. 
  •  [08:15 - 10:20] The Keels brothers tell us what superpowers they would like to have if they could have one.
  • [10:20 - 13:06] Mr. & Mr. Mini Keels tell us what they want to do when they grow up.
  • [13:06 - 15:30] Billy wraps up the show.

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With 26 years of experience in corporate sales leadership, achieved optionality through multiple income streams, Billy has helped dozens of executives build their paths to take control of their time.

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To see the Video Version of today’s conversation just CLICK HERE.


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Episode Transcript

Billy Keels  0:03  

Billy Today's episode is sponsored by Billy Keels advisory services. If you want to learn more about how to make your 99 optional, just go to make it optional.com. Once again, that's make it optional.com. I can't believe it's already been 500 episodes of The going long podcast with yours truly, Billy Keels, and today, just like in Episode 400 just like in episode 300 just like in episode 200 and episode 100 we're back with some very, very special guests, because, well, you know what, it's the show you're here to listen, to learn, and at the same time, there's growth. We are a growth oriented show, and so I am back today in Episode 500 to help shed some light on the world with Mr. And Mr. Mini Keels. What's up, fellas?

Unknown Speaker  0:59  


Billy Keels  1:04  

There's only one. Hello, can I get another? Hello, Hi. What's up? Okay, all right. Well, listen guys, so And just so everybody knows when everybody who's listening to episode, 100 200 304 100. You guys are anonymous. I can see you. Nobody else can see you. You do a lot less kind of like funny things, because now you're older and you're more mature, and actually both of your hair looks really pretty, but that's a whole different thing. Listen, guys, this is just really being able to share once again. Go along podcast. You guys are back here. The most amazing guests. Fifth time, there is only one other person who wants to even try to get close. His name is Mr. Myers. He is coming for you guys. He told me that, and maybe I should have waited that for the end, but anyway, shared it a tear, and I just want to get an update. Everybody wants to know what you guys have been up to since episode 400 and and most importantly, I want you guys to bring us, bring us up to speed real quick. So, so talk to us, talk to us a little bit about what you've been up to since episode 400 Actually, I'd like to go with the I guess you go. You guys are both big guys now, but there's a less big guy and a big, big guy who wants to go first, big,

Unknown Speaker  2:18  

big, big guy. Alright. So what

Billy Keels  2:21  

do you been up since episode up since episode

Speaker 1  2:24  

400 um, nothing. Much has changed. So I'm still playing basketball. I'm still good at it. I'm still good at beating you at the on the game and on real life too. That has changed. That has changed like I'm starting to beat you on one on ones. You're

Billy Keels  2:44  

starting to beat me in one on one basketball. Yes. Okay, you're the oldest child. So have you? You maybe beat me once? I think? No, three times. Three times? Are you serious?

Speaker 1  3:00  

One in the states and still in Spain, no two in Spain and one in the States.

Billy Keels  3:04  

Okay, well, I have to go back and check my phone, because I tend to, I tend to share that kind of stuff, so I'll check it out. Alright, so you Sure? No, a lot has changed since episode 400 you're just still good at everything. Okay, all right. Have my video game skills improved at all?

Speaker 2  3:23  

No, no, you haven't. You haven't really been on the game show.

Billy Keels  3:28  

Okay, well, you guys told me that I should probably get back on to two. KU, is that right? Yeah, all right, cool. So thanks for that big, big guy, although you said, not a lot has changed. You're getting bigger, stronger, faster, even better looking, if that's possible, but you know, it just is what it is. And you're a wonderful, amazing young man on the inside as well. Mr. Mini big Keels, talk to me what's up? What's been going on since episode 400

Speaker 2  4:01  

and nothing much. Yeah, just gotten bigger, improved in basketball. This summer, I'm going to start beating you up, but nothing much, yeah, this summer I'm going to start beating you on one on ones in basketball, okay? And you're gonna start regretting helping me to get better. Well,

Billy Keels  4:26  

that's but yeah, I gotta eventually though you're gonna probably dominate me at basketball, is my thought I would. But up until then, no, not even gonna let it happen, not even close. But sorry, go. Keep going.

Speaker 2  4:41  

Keep going. Nothing. But like, life has gotten a little bit more fun. I've started eighth grade one year, one more year, and I'm going to high school. Really good class. I've been enjoying it a lot. Yep, and yeah, now I can hang on with my friend. Hang No. I. Now I can hang I don't know how to hang out. Hang out, hang out. My friends more, yeah, so that's a more fun thing, yeah, and nothing. Just and getting hit by my brother every day. We just argue like brothers. It's a daily basis. Now it

Billy Keels  5:21  

happens on a daily basis. Okay, well, that's, that's cool. Are you growing as a result? Be

Unknown Speaker  5:26  

funny, because she's a funny guy, right?

Billy Keels  5:31  

Well, you guys have fun. It's all it's all good. It's all good.

Unknown Speaker  5:35  

My leg because of him, right? This is called

Billy Keels  5:37  

brotherly love. Yeah, I've got a little brother. Maybe I'll share this episode with him too, so and he'll get out there. Hey, so guys, listen, there's a there's a bunch of different things. And so we've talked about before in the past. You, everybody knows you guys understand the whole concepts around passive income. Everybody knows that you speak multiple languages, uh, three, three and a half. Are you guys speaking friendship fluently? No, not fluent. Just on tup tip. We Okay, there you go. That was perfect. All right, so guys, you guys, travel around the world like nobody's business. I really want to understand. What do you what is it that you love about being able to travel. What is about travel that you love?

Speaker 2  6:29  

Being able to go to new places and places that I haven't been before, and just getting to know more about the world, yeah, and just being with the family and then join my time.

Billy Keels  6:44  

Okay, that sounds like a good a good thing. And when you travel around the world and you see new things, like when you go to a place that you've never been before, how does that make you like, make you a little bit nervous and make you happy? Is it? How does that make you feel?

Speaker 2  6:58  

Depending on the situation, it might be a little bit nervous, but normally it's okay, because I'm never alone. So,

Billy Keels  7:07  

yeah, I think that's good. Okay, perfect. So you'd say you'd like traveling. You love traveling? Or would you put, okay, all right, that's fair enough. What about you, big guy? What is it? Do you like the most about travel. Me,

Speaker 1  7:21  

it's mostly the same as as my brother said, I I like the views and and some activities were able to do in in new places.

Billy Keels  7:36  

Okay, well, that's kind of cool. Um, I think went to a baseball game last summer, right? Yeah, sure, yeah. What do you think about the what do you think about going to baseball stadium?

Unknown Speaker  7:50  

Fun House? I liked

Speaker 2  7:52  

it, Rachel, I liked it a lot. And we grabbed the, well,

Unknown Speaker  7:57  

one of the shirts you were throwing, yep.

Billy Keels  7:59  

Hey, you gotta you got a shirt? They got it over your way, which I think is pretty awesome. I mean, you guys are pretty special, so it's no surprise that one of the shirts came to you guys. So which is, which is awesome. I got two other questions for you. I want to know. I would like to know, if you had one, you can have one superpower, just one right? You guys watch a lot of Marvel and all that kind of stuff. If you can have one superpower, what would that one superpower be? And this time, we're going to start with the big guy. Because the big guy, yeah, we're going to start with you. Big guy. Help us understand, if you had one superpower, what is that one superpower? What would it be?

Speaker 1  8:44  

No, no, Let my brother go first, and then I'll think about

Billy Keels  8:49  

alright. So there we go. What is this? The live pivot. So here we go,

Speaker 2  8:52  

me. I'll probably choose on super speed or being able to teleport like that. I can make sure I probably grab super speed, because I'll, I will make sure to be every place on time, everywhere on time, sorry. And I could wake up at, I don't know, imagine like seven 750 in the morning, and my 755 be at school, yeah, just being able to do business, basic stuff at a super speed, and I don't things will be much easier. I could travel around the whole world without a plane. Oh, that'd be kind

Billy Keels  9:31  

of cool. You'd be so fast that you could actually go on the water, like you'd be floating on the water. Well, I knowing what I know about you, you probably wouldn't be on time. Probably be early, because that's like what you like to do is being early. I appreciate that super speed. So what about you big guy? Me,

Unknown Speaker  9:47  

I would definitely teleport.

Billy Keels  9:51  

Teleport. Yeah. But then what he just

Speaker 1  9:56  

said being super fast. I said dead important. Like that. I can be there, like for school, for example, at Keysha went to wake up at 750 change, yeah, press my and at 759 just teleported at my Yes.

Billy Keels  10:11  

Okay, well, that's, that's super awesome. So one is super speed. The other is be able to have the the ability to teleport. So I think that's super cool. And hey fellas, I just have one question, one more question for you. And I like, the last time I remember episode 400 You guys are so busy and not very talkative, and this time, like, you're super talkative and you're like, pre adolescent and adolescent. I think that's amazing. And so I would like to know, though, and inquiring minds want to know, because everybody that's watching and listening, they're like, I really want to know this. Want to know this. So, big guy, I'm going to have you go first this time, because this is about what you want to be or what you'd like to be able to do. Let's say what you'd like to be able to do when you grow up. Because you're growing up fast, it's just run a corner. I'll

Speaker 1  11:00  

be like Ben Simmons get paid, like, a bunch of money, and just sit at the bench and just check NBA game. I

Billy Keels  11:10  

don't think we have to edit this now. We never edit anything before. So are we gonna start now? So you would sit on the bench, so you'd practice every day, but sit on the bench and collect a big paycheck. Is that

Speaker 1  11:22  

it exactly, it would be good if I could play too, but, I mean, he does ask me nothing and still get paid a lot of money. Well, he plays

Billy Keels  11:31  

every once in a while. Doesn't he sure? All right, well, it seems that so you want to be able to use your energy time to do something that you love not have to actually do it and make money from that.

Unknown Speaker  11:44  

Exactly. Okay,

Billy Keels  11:46  

all right. Well, sounds good. Um, thank you very much for that. So just kind of wrap things up. Get ready to wrap things up. Because, yeah, this format is different. You guys are like, I am. I'm just very, very happy that the two of you are here and you're smiling, and since nobody can see you, can see you, they don't know all the things that you're doing. But what about you? Big guy, little, big guy, when you grow up, what do you think you want to do? What do you want

Speaker 2  12:12  

to do? Me, I think that I would like to play professional basketball. That has been my dream since probably Episode 100 and I'm still going. And I have the, I have the thing that every day I'm getting better, you are definitely getting better, yeah, and it's being shown on the court. So, yeah, I would like to, like, like, my brother, shit. But I would play. I would actually play. Okay, you

Billy Keels  12:46  

want to play? Earn more money. Okay. Well, that seems to make sense to me. And I'm, hey, what do? What do shooters? Do? Shooters shoot. There you go. When you're on the basketball court. I like the I like seeing you do that. Brother's the same. You guys do your thing. You do your thing. Well, listen, guys, you've you've been able to interview me once, maybe when we have you back on episode 600 I'll have you interview me. What do you guys think you guys up for them? Okay, all right, cool. Well, listen, this is one of the most amazing things. This is one of the reasons that I love this podcast, because everyone that is here, that is watching, that's listening. They get to be a part of the journey. They get to see and hear you guys grow up, your thought process, where you are. I love it because I get to see you guys very, very, very frequently. And I want to tell you guys like I told you recently, I love you more than life itself. I've considered myself one of the most fortunate, privileged, blessed fathers on Earth to have two wonderful sons, energetic, active. They keep me on my toes, and I appreciate that. You guys also invest your time to be here with me and everybody across the globe that is part of the going along family. So gentlemen, Mr. Mr. Mini Keels, thank you for being our esteemed guests for episode 500 like I said, I'm sure Mr. Myers is going to try and get back for some reason, to try and catch up with you guys, but you guys kind of have an inside track. So thank you very much. We appreciate you. Love you too. The Moon and back, and we'll see you at episode 600

Speaker 2  14:22  

next time we'll be hosting the show. Oh, okay,

Billy Keels  14:25  

all right. Sounds good. Sounds good. Love you guys. Ciao, listen and while everybody else is watching and listening, while you are sharing today's episode, because you're a part of the going along podcast family with yours truly. Billy Keels, I hope you enjoyed this. I trust you enjoyed this. And guess what, I'll be back here preparing for the next episode. So until then, go out and make it a great day. And thank you very, very much.

Unknown Speaker  14:53  

And as always, I start folks

Billy Keels  14:58  

taking it back old school. Freedom. Today's episode is sponsored by Billy Keels advisory services. If you want to learn more about how to make your 99 optional, just go to make it optional.com. Once again, that's make it optional.com. You

Transcribed by https://otter.ai

Billy Keels
Strategic Advisor, Entrepreneur, and Investor
Billy is on a mission to share a roadmap and opportunities with other extremely busy, high-performing professionals on how to find freedom and live the life they desire. Listen in to learn how!
Guest speaker

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