April 13, 2023

Getting Closer to Your Goals - Billy Keels

In today’s solo episode, Billy discusses how to deal with the feeling of not yet reaching your goals. Additionally, he shares how to keep more of your hard earned income and pay less in taxes.
Billy Keels
CEO and Founder FGCP

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Going Long Podcast Episode 307: Getting Closer to Your Goals

In today’s solo episode you’ll learn the following from Billy himself:

  • [00:32 - 01:35] Show introduction with comments from Billy.
  • [01:35 - 04:47] Billy discusses how you can deal with the feeling that you still haven’t yet reached your goals.
  • [04:47 - 05:27] Find out how to keep more of your hard earned income and pay less tax.
  • [05:27 - 06:10] Billy wraps up the show.


To see the Video Version of today’s conversation just CLICK HERE.

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Are you an Accredited Investor that’s tired of getting crushed by paying so much in income tax? Find out how we’re helping others like you keep Uncle Sam out of your pocket. Go to https://www.firstgencp.com/goinglong

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Episode Transcript

Billy Keels  00:00

Today's conversation is sponsored by first generation Capital Partners. If you're an accredited investor and you want to know about how we're helping other accredited investors keep more of their income, go to firstgencp.com forward slash going long.


You're listening to the going long podcast with Billy keels, the number one podcast for long distance real assets investing.

Billy Keels  00:21

Welcome to gold on podcast, we're back once again to continue to help to educate you. So you feel much more comfortable as well as confident investing beyond your backyard. And yep, I'm your host, Billy keels, still got this voice thing going on. But that's okay, we're still here. And I'm still going to share with you. And I want to thank every single one of you that continues to download and share the episodes because you're helping us to continue to move up, we're still in the top 1.5% of podcasts around the globe. And there's so many new podcasts that are coming online every single day. So thank you very much for continuing to be here continuing to share and continuing to take the things that we're talking about and put it into action so you can get closer to your goals faster. And also for those of you who want to leave your honest written review, as well as rating you haven't done that yet on Apple, or Spotify, or there's a quick little video here. And also, thank you so much for continuing to, for continuing to tag us on social media and being able to get out there and share more about what it is we're doing here. It's going on podcast. And if you want to check out some previous episodes, just go to purge and cb.com forward slash podcast. Once again, that's Christian cpe.com forward slash podcast, you can check out every single previous episode. So listen, one of the things I want to talk about today is like a super, this is gonna be really, really like you're asking me to make these solo episodes short to the point. And so I'm going to continue to make these shortened to the point. But one of the things that I want to address with those of you who are like me, recovering perfectionist, is especially when you set a goal on something like you have set your investing goal, your investing goal is to invest X amount or to invest by x date. Until we actually do whatever it is that we're attaining the goal. There's this tendency to feel like you still got so much to do, oh my gosh, there's so much to do. And, you know, recently I think we talked about the different books and things like that. But one of the perspectives that I took away, not too long ago that I want to share with you is as you're starting to move towards a goal, like you've you've set your objective, recovering perfectionist, or maybe you're not a recovering perfectionist, and you realise that you need to move towards a goal, but you feel like you still have so much work to do. Because, you know, before you made your very first investment as an accredited investor, in a 506 C syndication, you knew that you had to get your accredited investor verification, you knew that you had to vet your sponsor, you knew that you had to find out all of the information, and it still feels like there's so much to do. One of the ways that you can help alleviate some of this stress is to recognise how far you've come versus how far you still have to go. Right? Let's imagine that you have to do 10 things, and you're on eight. But you're you've done eight things, but you're still focused and stressed on the fact that you still have two more things to do. But sometimes if you just know that sometimes if you just take a second and you just look back, and you realise, hey, listen, you've already done eight of the things you're that much closer to getting to the goal, getting to the objective. That's one of the things like it's just very simple. It's not about overcomplicating things, it's about recognising and acknowledging yourself, and your team for all of the different steps that you've taken to get to this point in the journey. That's the point. It's not about stressing over the next two. And the next two, they may be really, really important points that you have to get over. But also help your mind help your heart and recognise that, hey, listen, you've already accomplished a lot you and your team, you've gotten these first eight steps, let's just we just have two more to go. Right. It's about putting the perspective on things. And so I know sometimes you can constantly think, oh my gosh, I still have so far to go, I still have so far to go. But just take a look back and see how far you've come as well. That's going to help you to feel the momentum to recognise that there's just a few more steps to take in that you've come so far. And whether that's making your very first investment that's making your first trip around the world that is making your first trip to a local market, whatever it is, you've taken the steps to get to much closer to your goal to your objective. So I know that one of these things that happens especially a lot of times with us recovering perfectionist, we get stuck in our own minds. But don't think about how far you have to go think about how far you've already come. So this is one of those really simple like I said, reading, talking to friends and just wanted to share that perspective with you, especially for those of you who are recovering perfectionist. And speaking of which, like if those of you that are also you're a high paid professional, you're continuing to have Uncle Sam in your pocket and you know It's tax time and you recognise how much that bite hurts because you've done all the work and it really doesn't feel so cool to Bring home half of what your labour was. So, if you're thinking about something to do, and you want to realise that you've come a long way, because you've continued to be here, you've continued to watch continue to listen, I would say just taking one more step to the first ncp.com forward slash going long. And you can find out a little bit more about how we're helping accredited investors be able to get closer to their goals and dreams by being able to keep more of your income. So once again, purchasing cpe.com forward slash going long, check it out. And hopefully today's perspective shortened to the point is helping you realise how far you've come. And you've just got a few more steps to go to get to whatever that goal or objective is for you. So while you're sharing this episode with other people, and you're helping yourself gets closer to your goal, I'll be here preparing the next solo episode. And so until then, go out and make it a great day. And thank you very much. Press Did you enjoy today's conversation and once again, today's conversation was sponsored by first generation Capital Partners. If you're an accredited investor want to find out more about how we're helping accredited investors to gain their personal freedom even faster. Go to firstgencp.com forward slash going long.

Billy Keels
Strategic Advisor, Entrepreneur, and Investor
Billy is on a mission to share a roadmap and opportunities with other extremely busy, high-performing professionals on how to find freedom and live the life they desire. Listen in to learn how!
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