January 31, 2023

Achieving Massive Impact Through Educating Passive & Active MultiFamily Investors - Rama Krishna Chunchu

In the conversation with today’s guest, Rama Krishna Chunchu, Rama explains why he made the contrarian decision to invest in multiple geographic locations, investing long distance and out of state rather than sticking with investing solely in his own home locations. He also shares the inspiration behind starting his own podcast, and the practical steps he took to make it happen.
Billy Keels
CEO and Founder FGCP

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Going Long Podcast Episode 286: Achieving Massive Impact Through Educating Passive & Active MultiFamily Investors

( To see the Video Version of today’s conversation just CLICK HERE. )

In the conversation with today’s guest, Rama Krishna Chunchu, you’ll learn the following:

  • [00:31 - 03:11] Show introduction with comments from Billy.
  • [03:11 - 06:04] Guest introduction and first questions.
  • [06:04 - 10:17] The backstory and decisions made that led Rama to this point in her journey.
  • [10:17 - 12:40] How Rama came to make the contrarian decision to invest in multiple geographic locations, investing long distance and out of State  rather than sticking with investing solely in his own home locations. 
  • [12:40 - 15:28] Rama explains how and why he transitioned from his corporate career to focusing on investing and educating others about investing. 
  • [15:28 - 18:16] The reasons Rama started his own podcast and how he went about doing it.
  • [18:16 - 19:37] Rama talks about the importance and power of networking. 


Here’s what Rama shared with us during today’s conversation:  

  • Where in the world Rama is currently based: Greensboro, North Carolina.
  • The most positive thing to happen in the past 24 hours: Rama’s daughter got great ratings on her report card!
  • Favourite city in Europe: Paris, France.
  • A mistake that Rama would like you to learn from so that you don’t have to pay full price: Focus on taking extreme ownership!
  • Book Recommendation: Becoming Supernatural, by Joe Dispenza - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Becoming-Supernatural-Common-People-Uncommon/dp/1401953093 


Be sure to reach out and connect with Rama Krishna Chunchu by using the info below:  


To see the Video Version of today’s conversation just CLICK HERE.


How to leave a review for The Going Long Podcast: https://youtu.be/qfRqLVcf8UI  


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Episode Transcript

Billy Keels  00:00

Today's conversation is sponsored by first generation Capital Partners. If you're an accredited investor and you want to know about how we're helping other accredited investors keep more of their income, go to firstgencp.com forward slash going long.


Networking, it's very, very important stuff, not only you know, multifamily real estate space or you know, all set up, you know, any job or any business. So your network is your network, right?


You're listening to the going long podcast with Billy keels, the number one podcast for long distance real asset investing.

Billy Keels  00:33

Welcome to go long podcast, we're back once again to continue to help to educate you so you feel much more comfortable as well as confident investing beyond your backyard. And yes, I'm your host, Billy keels. And I am really, really, really looking forward to you hearing today's conversation because it was a really awesome one. We're getting closer to as you mentioned before you want the shorter episodes, we did a shorter episode, action packed and it's really going to help you. So thank you so much. For those of you continue to share the podcast, you continue to tag us and screenshare and screenshot across LinkedIn and Instagram. And we appreciate that. So keep it up. Also, too, if you want to leave your honest written review as well as rating go ahead and do that. We've got a nice little video for you. And if anyone wants to check out any of the previous episodes, just go to first gen cpe.com forward slash podcasts, first gen cpe.com forward slash podcast and can find out about everything. So listen, today, we're you're going to learn a lot about number one transitioning from corporate into owning more of your time being able to actively and passively invest, you're actually going to hear from a guy who literally arrived to the US seven years later was working in it started in started in real estate and has already left the corporate world. Pretty amazing story he's looking and continue to make impact around and with others. You really gonna love today's conversation with Rama, Krishna, and we're gonna get to that just after this. Are you a busy high paid professional, someone that in the previous two years has earned $200,000 and is expected to earn $200,000 this year. Or maybe if you file jointly, previously, you've earned $300,000 In previous two years, and you're also expected to do that this year. Or maybe if not, either individually or jointly, you have a million dollars in net worth not including your primary residence. If you meet any of these criteria, then you're someone that the IRS considers to be an accredited investor. That probably means you're someone like an enterprise software sales executive, you may be an executive in a major corporation, you may be a doctor, you may be a lawyer may be a high paid consultant, you may be worked for a major sports franchise. And the thing I know you have in common is that you continue to do the hard work like you're doing 100% of the work. And you're only bringing home 50% of the reward because you continue to get crushed by your income taxes. If you are tired of this situation and you're looking for a new solution, then go to first gen cp.com forward slash going long. When you get there, that's going to help you to start the journey so that you can begin to take back control of your taxes take control of your time. And then also that means you're going to be able to spend more of the time that you want with the people that you love the most. And that is the way that you're going to get the personal freedom that you're looking for. So if you're looking to take back control, go ahead and go to first gen cpx.com forward slash going long and see how we can help you today. So if you want to understand how focus on educating passive as well as active investors do multifamily real estate can lead to massive, massive impact for your long distance investing journey. Then guess what? Today's the conversation you're gonna want to listen to until the very last word, I promise. You know why? Because today's guest listen to this not only attended university, and he's going to tell us where he attended university. I think it was even outside of where he lives now. But he can tell us a little bit about that. Important part is he had a successful career in corporate today he is the not only the founder of Usher Investment Group LLC. He is also the founder of the super, super popular podcast as well as conference MF M S. AP podcasting conference. It gives me great pleasure to welcome to today's conversation, Mr. Rama Krishna, Rama, welcome to the show.


Thank you very much. Billy is great. Connecting you again. Thank you very much. It's a great opponent.

Billy Keels  04:13

Yeah, man, this is fantastic. I really appreciate that you have decided to invest your time with me with the going long family. And as you mentioned, I mean, you are coach, you were gracious enough to allow me to be a guest on your podcast. And hopefully, I was able to add a little bit value there. And I know you've got a lot of really awesome things going on now. A lot of the work that you're doing and the positive impact that you're making in the multifamily space. So I want to get started with one of those five questions that you know, I'm going to ask you the first question is help us understand Rama, where is it that you actually live in the US?


Right now? I'm in Greensboro, North Carolina.

Billy Keels  04:49

fantast fantastic. I was actually just in Greensboro while depending on when people are listening to this. I was in Greensboro in December of 2022. So that was pretty, pretty interesting. So awesome. So on. On the right coast of the US, help us understand also to Rama, what's the most positive thing that's happened to you in the last 24 hours?


But yeah, definitely personal side. So my daughter got a no report card, and she got good ratings. But that makes me very happy in the last 24 hours.

Billy Keels  05:17

Fantastic. Whenever you have your kids get good grades, and be able to share that with you and smile, and they see you smile, and he's just so proud of them. It's one of those things, it's absolutely fantastic. So thank you so much Rama, for sharing that with us. Also to listen, and everybody knows this about me, I am someone who was, when I give you our intro and your biography, I usually like to do it in like, literally two seconds. And so that means that I'm doing things that are almost impossible to do, like I just talked that you were in corporate, but I didn't really say too much. I told them what you're doing with conferences and your podcast, but I didn't say too much. So that's one of these genes. I have a I'm a recovering perfectionist, so I try to do things that are impossible sometimes. So hopefully, you'll forgive me for trying to tell your entire story in a couple seconds. But more importantly, that you could help me with something. Could you help me Rama by telling your backstory in your own words? And also, if you could talk about some of the important decisions that you made to get to this point in your journey? And then we'll see where you and I take the conversation from there?


Yeah, definitely. So I born and brought up and studied in India. So I did my engineering there. Also, what couple of years in India then came to us, and 2007 so that I worked like nit for it feel like 15 years and also started investing in real estate around 2014 Ripon, started with single families, and then switched towards multi families around 2017 at a time, right now, investor Pascaline couple of days and also actively. We closed one day last year 2022. So that's my first deal. And as I run multifamily, APPC podcast and also conference. So yeah, I'm looking forward to close more deals actively and passively this year, coming years,

Billy Keels  07:03

a fantastic room and appreciate that. And so it sounds one of the things to your that you've been doing is taking consistent action, right? You mentioned that you came from India, you started that you did that in 2007. And then pretty quickly, even though you were working in it, you decided a couple years later, and you know back in, like close to 2014 that you wanted to buy single family residences now. Like I'm someone who's from the US, but I chose to move to Spain, you're from India, you chose to move to the US and you were in the IT industry. I was also in the IT industry, right? Typically, when you're in the ICT industry, most people are like, wow, that's the perfect place to be. Because you have a lot of people, whether you're an engineer, or you're in sales, people are typically making especially if it's software side, and we are near the software side of things. Yeah. Okay. And so when you're in your software, you're typically making a high wage. And so one of the questions that people usually ask, and so I'm going to ask you, like, if you're in the IT industry, and you're successful at it, what in the world got you distracted, and got you to start looking at real estate back in 2014, after you've been in the US for seven years.


So not exactly distracted or different levels, you know, I know, like not working it is our, my scope is very limited, the impact or contribution I'm doing is limited, I cannot throw real estate multifamily, where I can create more impact I can, you know, contribute more, you know, compared to you know, in it failed in a specific role, you know, so yeah, definitely, you know, I want to you know, I know, like my I can contribute much more than just, you know, rolling it side. So that is that is done, you know, I started investing in real estate, and also, you know, it will generate additional streams of income also, right.

Billy Keels  08:45

Yeah, so you do have the income that is able to generate, but I think it's interesting to hear you say that, it's really about you felt that your scope is really limited when you were in the IT space. Whereas when you're now in the real estate space, you feel like you have unlimited impact? Maybe Can you unpack that a little bit, just so people understand, because that's not something that people would normally say when they your scope was limited, but you were in it?


Yeah, so definitely in it. My role is like, let's say, you know, some lead positions, so I'm leading like 1010, member, 50 members, team and space, you know, particular departments. So whereas if he comes to real estate, through podcasts, I can impact you know, more number of people I know, with my podcasts, it's delivering all over the world, not only one specific study or something like that, and also to conferences through a book and also investing or investing also, I'm partnering with multiple team members and also not multiple investors investing in my deals are now some creating some pasture kind of embed, throw no throw in all residents also our communities in this particular apartments or multifamily apartments. Yeah,

Billy Keels  09:57

fantastic. Okay. So being able to see that you can make more impact. I love the example of the podcast because it's truly a global podcast. Your Podcast isn't give us the name of your podcast once


again. Yeah, it's multifamily, AP 360,

Billy Keels  10:09

multifamily, AP 360. So we'll make sure that then we'll get give you some shouts out and check them out over there. I was a guest, one of his early guests. So one of the other things that I'm always interested in, right is you're in Greensboro, but I happen to know from an active and passive perspective, you know, you're not 100% invested in Greensboro. Right? So, yeah, I always think that it takes a lot for the person who is deciding to invest in anything that's a tangible asset or real estate deal, they're doing that beyond their backyard, it takes something special to do that. Talk to us about how you became comfortable with investing long distance in a place where you don't actually see the asset and whether it's you doing yourself or investing with the sponsors that are in other deals, you can't just drive to the property. So talk to us about how you how you got to feel comfortable with that.


Yeah, definitely multifamily or you know, real estate that team game and so, you have to say, you know, scattered across multiple cities or multiple states. So, main advantages with no real estate is no sorry, how to identify no like team members or right partners, whom you can like or trust, you know, so that you can invest into their days, maybe they are like, same city or same state or out of state. So, that is one thing. And as there are multiple factors, and I will consider, you know, before investing, Accu sided passive side, one is like, you know, like kind of partners, and also like a population to that job growth is growing, growing, and also landlord friendly, where rental demand is good, those things I would consider. So, same state or out of state, in our sense, like, you know, multifamily is or big properties. So you will depend on other team members, like the property management team, or some other team members, like asset managers, or boots on the ground for a particular city, and also, other sponsors, all this stuff, that is a reason, you know, it will give flexibility to invest out of states also. Yeah, not under percentage meaning managing the poverty or you know, from property management side or asset management side. So you have that team members you can rely on, that is a reason, you know, invest in other states also.

Billy Keels  12:20

Okay, perfect. So you find different opportunities that meet the criteria that you're looking for, it's also helping you to build types of teams, new network, and it's also opening the opportunity for future investment opportunity. So I appreciate you, you, you haven't a clear criteria, sharing that with us as well, which is fantastic. So, you know, so one of the things that you have also done Rama is something that a lot of people think about doing, people are in corporate world, like I was in the corporate world, and the corporate world and I, as of December 2021, like we're just not together anymore. So it's just, it's okay, we figured out how to make it, okay. But it's something that a lot of people don't want to do, they're afraid to make that jump and whether it happens to you, or it's something that you look for, there are a lot of people that are afraid to make the change. You made that change. Can you talk to us about just what it was like for making that transition? So that that person maybe today that's a little bit comfortable? I mean, you know, we're talking about right now there's a lot of people in it that are losing their jobs, but there's also people that are having the quiet quitting and just looking to move out and things like that everyone's situation is different. I would love for you to share yours with the with the go along family.


So yeah, definitely No, last few years might decide I'm not really enjoy my job. So, like, my role is limited, not much flexibility from role point of view. So and also like, you know, I have a lot of passion in the real estate side, you know, throwing podcasts or you know, our conferences, and we're able to connect a lot of people in this space and you know, and and like know, the impact I don't know, the people I'm reaching out or networking in real estate is like, you know, much much you know, I'm getting a lot of value from that, you know, connections. So that is one of the main reasons I PLT, you know, real estate's my passion and also I can do much more in it compare and real estate compared to it site. So that is the main reason I switched, you know, I left my day job and focusing completely on to multifamily space.

Billy Keels  14:23

Okay, now, I appreciate you sharing that story. So and when you left because people leave and they talk about a lot of different things and I want you to be too terribly personal but did you feel comfortable and 100% ready when you left when you made that change from corporate or did you still feel like there were things that you were missing and it may have been easy to stay in the corporate role?


No, actually I'm not really enjoying it. Sigh Okay. Then I did like my conference that time completely focused on it site and conference site. So you know, I don't feel not comfortable going back to it side. So that is a switch towards you know, knowing there's I want You know, give 100% into this space. Yeah,

Billy Keels  15:03

perfect. So it sounds like because you were having such a challenge in your day job, you didn't, you weren't liking it anymore. It wasn't giving you fulfilment, it was time for you to move on and do something else. Yeah. Trusting that you're enjoying today's conversation. And you know, if you're tired of getting crushed by taxes, and you're looking for greater freedom, to be able to choose what you want to do, when you want to do it, make sure that you go to first ncp.com Ford slash going long, and see how we can help you today. Let's get back to the conversation. So, I know you've started the podcast, and then you also have this amazing conference. So what was the what was the reasoning for you to start your podcast? Tell them once again, I mean, you talked about it before? Why did you choose that the niche that you chose? And then how did you I mean, could you like got this massive conference going on now. So talk to us about those two, those two things.


Sure. Sure. So, when I when I want to switch towards multifamily side, so I did like a lot of research on multifamily side. So through bigger pockets or other stuff, reading books on you know, started delivering podcasts. Now, podcast definitely helped the economy in from education point of view, and also, you know, teaching out a lot of you know, other operators in this space and also, you know, finding mentors or mastermind groups, definitely, I got a lot of value from the podcasts. So, and also I want to give back, you know, so, that is the one reason you know, starting podcasts. And also and also, you know, if you want to involve active side or active side, mainly in multifamily space, so, you have to build every no track record or you know, your brand right. So, that, that is the another reason I started podcast No, due to building my brand and a small number of people to learn to connect with the experienced operators, both passive side and active side in this space. So it will give easy access to reach out more number of operators and you know, learn from their experiences, what kind of systems and process they are following and what is the best and challenging experiences, what kind of Highbridge they're doing, what kind of books they're reading those kinds of stuff, you will learn No, in fact, in this podcast, so, that is the other reason I am doing podcasts and from content side also no confidence also helped it helped me in you know, from passive investing side also the active investing side and connecting partners or you know, operators. So yeah, definitely it speed up me in a process. Mainly, like attend your virtual conferences, some most of the virtual conferences, but you know, it, we could speed up the process, within two days, you will learn a lot of stuff, you know, different aspects of the, you know, multifamily or self story, mobile home park space, no blending all the different aspects of the, this game. So that is a reason, you know, I want to give it back. No, I benefited from attending these conferences. So now it's my turn to give it back, you know, so that is the reason I started my company.

Billy Keels  17:58

Okay. And I really love that mentality of saying, Hey, listen, you've been able to receive a lot. So how can I give back and being able to do that through a podcast, and then really taking it to the next level to go into the into the conference, I think is something that's absolutely fantastic. Just one thing, because you mentioned it, and then we're going to get into the going long, final three, and then we'll get ready to wrap things up. But you mentioned just very easily, but talk to us about the importance and the power of networking with others. And what you found, in your experience, the power that can happen through networking.


So yeah, networking is very, very important stuff, not only you know, multifamily real estate space, or you know, all set up, you know, any job or any business. So your network gets into your network, right, so, so yeah, definitely, you know, through conferences, I'm able to connect, you know, a lot of other operators and, you know, passive investors and active investors, that helped me know, finding partners, you know, understanding their experiences. So the challenges and, you know, identifying how they're investing into different markets, how they're operating, you know, from underwriting point of view, or no calculating point of view or asset management point of view, you know, different aspects, you know, network will definitely help and, you know, it's a free, you know, like, it'll get a lot of benefits, because multifamily is a team game and you can't do it alone. So you need some kind of partners, right? So so networking definitely will speed up the process.

Billy Keels  19:27

Okay, fantastic. So being able to have that networking, accelerating the process to be able to get to the goals and, and desires and dreams that you have, I think is absolutely fantastic. So, Rama, listen, it's time for us to get into the going long final three. I never asked any of our guests and today you're our special guest about answering and going long final three until you tell me that you're ready. So are you ready? I'm ready. All right. All right. I know you'd be ready. Here we go. So we started with you in Greensboro. We're coming back to this side of the pond now with me being over here living in Barcelona, Spain and so I would love for you to share with me in the go along family what is your favourite you European city that you have either visited or still on your bucket list to visit.


So I didn't visited any cities now particularly, but definitely, maybe Paris is one of the favourite city I would like to visit and also Barcelona is good city right there where you're living. Pay infinity.

Billy Keels  20:18

Occasion spend Spain is awesome. So you want us to take Paris or you want us to take Barcelona, maybe both. Now you got to pick one. So that is maybe Okay. Paris was great. I actually started my journey in Paris 22 years ago. And it's a wonderful city. Absolutely fantastic. So, yeah, question number two. And this has a lot to do with things that I've learned from people who are extremely successful, I consider you to be someone who's extremely successful, you're making lots of positive impact on people. And hopefully, you will agree with me Rama, that one of the things that makes people who are very successful, it makes them different, right? Usually, what I've seen is that whenever they come up with a really great plan, they have a perfect plan. And then they unlike most people, they get every single step in the plan, perfect, like from the very beginning, which allows them to get faster and ups. Always get a little bit over, reacted with that part. Sorry, it was a joke. Everybody, if you can see Robert, he's kind of like got this beautiful smile on his face. Of course, it's a joke. Rama, you know, people that are, like really successful, don't always get things right, they usually get a lot of things wrong, they typically get 20 to 50 times more things wrong than even then everybody else. The thing is, they do do something very, very differently, right. And I hope that you will agree with this. Every single time that I've seen a really successful person, make a relevant mistake. What they do after that is amazing. Because every single time they stop, they learned from the mistake or the learning opportunity or growth experience, however you want to call it. And then they put different strategies, tactics and actions in place to minimise the probability of that exact same thing happening again. So I don't want you to think about the mistake that you made. I really want to think about the lesson that you learned and share that with us. What is the one lesson that you learned that you know, you need to share with us here at the going long family today?


So yeah, mainly, like one other thing is like it part of my careers, I was not taking Extreme Ownership. So that mindset, a mind shift, you know, mindset shift now is I'm focusing on taking Extreme Ownership of all aspects of my life. So that will definitely help helpful for me. Yeah,

Billy Keels  22:31

I like that taking Extreme Ownership. I think that's absolutely fantastic. Amazing. I appreciate you sharing that with this as well. And then lastly, lastly, one last thing. What is the one book that you would recommend to the go along family to help to fill our minds with with more knowledge?


Definitely, God spent years becoming supernatural. Definitely recommend supernatural.

Billy Keels  22:52

Okay. Becoming supernatural. Definitely. Don't worry, everybody will, will create a link in the in the show notes and we'll get that for you and you'll be good to go. So don't Don't worry whatsoever. So listen, our Rama, I think about you talking about the positive thing that your daughter and her grades that started out your day in a positive way you've you've invested your time with us you've told about your story from coming from India in 2007. Getting Started in single family residence in 2014. From there, you continue to realise that you can make a bigger impact by focusing on these real assets and really being able to get outside of just where you felt maybe a little bit trapped in the corporate world. But in real estate, there was an unlimited potential a literally a global potential to be able to positively impact others you're in we see you doing that today through your passive investing through your active investing through your podcast and your conferences. So listen, everybody's just like Billy, just be quiet. Just ask him the question. So I'm going to ask you the question because everybody wants to know Rama what is the best way to find out more about you what you're doing? And heck, even if you got a conference or something like that going on, you may want to tell us about it.


Yeah, they can find Metro North my conference is multifamily AP three sixty.com And if they want to reach out me is ion fo info at Bucha capital.com Or they can reach me through Wechat capital.com/contact That's what they can eat.

Billy Keels  24:14

Okay, Bucha capital.com forward slash contact is a way to reach you there also info at OSHA capital.com And we will also include that in the show notes everybody, so don't worry, we'll get you there. So listen on behalf of the entire going long family I would like to thank you for deciding to invest your time with me and with the go along family today. So Robert, thank you so very much really appreciate it.


Thank you so much Billy is great, great Horner and you know appreciate an opportunity.

Billy Keels  24:40

Fantastic so listen Rama give me just like 10 seconds and then I'll get you out of here so go along family listen from a shared so much information. He really helped you and understand how you can make a transition from corporate into into passively and actively investing getting the education building your network continuously taking action. So here's what I'm gonna say take today's conversation share With a couple of people, that way you can actually take from the theory that he's talking about and put it into practice. He's helping you to start to take action. And then while you're taking action, I'm going to be here preparing for the very next conversation. So until then go out and make it a great day. Thank you very much trust did you enjoy today's conversation and once again, today's conversation was sponsored by first generation Capital Partners. If you're an accredited investor want to find out more about how we're helping accredited investors to gain their personal freedom even faster. Go to firstgencp.com forward slash going long.

Billy Keels
Strategic Advisor, Entrepreneur, and Investor
Billy is on a mission to share a roadmap and opportunities with other extremely busy, high-performing professionals on how to find freedom and live the life they desire. Listen in to learn how!
Guest speaker
Rama Krishna Chunchu
Founder at USHA Investment Group LLC
Rama is founder of USHA Investment Group LLC. He has a B.E in Mechanical Engineering from Osmania University, India, and a corporate background in I.T. Investing in Real Estate since 2015 in North Carolina, FL, and MD. With more than 15 years of experience as an IT professional, Rama Krishna brings his experience in analyzing markets, underwriting deals, raising capital, and asset management. Rama Krishna is both an active and passive investor in multi-family apartment syndications. He is an organizer of Multifamily AP360 Virtual Conference, host of the “Multifamily AP360" podcast, and author of “Creating Wealth through Passive Apartment Investing”.

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