June 18, 2024

4 Benefits You Need To Know About Moving To New Places - Billy Keels

The benefits of moving somewhere new aren’t only things that directly affect you, but they can give you the experience, knowledge, and abilities needed to help others more effectively too. In today’s episode of The Going Long Podcast, Billy follows on from a recent episode about the improved perspective that can be gained from living and working overseas, by taking a closer look at four specific benefits that you need to know about when making that move to a new place, including topics such as growth, expansion, and your ability to impact others.
Billy Keels
CEO and Founder FGCP

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Going Long Podcast Episode 430: 4 Benefits You Need To Know About Moving To New Places


( To see the Video Version of today’s conversation just CLICK HERE. )


In today’s brand new SOLO episode, you’ll learn the following from Billy himself:


  • [00:22 - 01:35] Billy welcomes us to another brand-new solo episode.
  • [01:35 - 10:45] Billy follows on from a recent episode about the improved perspective that can be gained from living and working overseas, by having an in-depth look at four specific benefits that you need to know about when making that move to a new place.
  • [10:45 - 12:14] Billy wraps up the show.


To see the Video Version of today’s conversation just CLICK HERE.


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Episode Transcript

Going Long Podcast_SOLO Episode 430_Billy Keels

Wed, Jun 19, 2024 10:33AM • 12:15


places, realised, podcast, move, continue, travelling, helps, beginner, life, billy, living, perspective, curiosity, recognise, talk, started, merry, increase, grow, episodes


Billy Keels

Billy Keels  00:00

Today's conversation is sponsored by the Billy keels advisory programme. If you want to learn more about how to make your nine to five optional, just go to Billy keels.com forward slash advising. Once again, that's Billy keels.com, forward slash advising.


You're listening to the going long podcast, the number one podcast for the strategies, tactics and actions high wage earners need for living an intentionally designed life of wealth and resilience.

Billy Keels  00:24

Welcome to the going on podcast, we're back once again to continue to help to educate you so you feel much more comfortable as well as confident and being able to build the wealthy and resilient lifestyle that you're looking to be able to build. And to do that even much faster. I'm your host, Billy keels, and I am super excited to welcome you back to another one of our episodes, gonna give you some insights that are going to help you to take them on board and be able to put them into practice in your life, and be able to move forward and do that even faster, as it just said. So also to I want to just really quickly say thank you to each and every one of you that continue to download the podcast, you continue to share it as a result and continue to help us stay in the top 1.5% of podcast all around the globe, which is fantastic. If you want to leave your honest written review as well as rating feel free to do that we always take on and read the the written reviews, and also to work to make the podcast the best for you. If you need a little help, there is a short video that can talk to you and show you how to actually leave your honest written review on the Apple podcast platform, just go and click on the link. And with that being said, I also want to say if you want to check out more than 425 Plus episodes at this point in time, just go to Billy keels.com forward slash podcast. Once again, that's Billy keels.com forward slash podcast. So today I really wanted to talk to some to you about something that's really, really close to my heart. And it is one of those things that happens when you move like specifically I want to talk to you about the four benefits you need to know about moving to new places, right and this is something that is near and dear to my heart is something that I have practice my entire life I got a little stagnant and now re re invigorated and, and really focused on getting out to continue to move to continue to see new places meet new people, because it's just where a lot of the growth and expansion and your ability to impact other comes others comes from specifically I want to maybe take take you back a little bit. Probably right after first five years of college I think most of you know I've had the opportunity to work and travel throughout some 58 countries in five years amazing opportunity, something that happened after my, well I lost my dream job twice. Well, you know what, or I got rejected twice is probably the best way to say it. After being rejected twice from a dream job found another job that was actually the job of my dreams allowed me to travel work, see a lot of people engage with the CEOs from Fortune 500 companies. And you know, it's one of those things that really helped me to move overseas, which one of the things that helped to change my perspective is one of the things I talked about in episode 427. But if I go back to young Billy recently out of college and just moved to Europe and started one year sabbatical, so I've been over 60 countries probably at this point in time, I was used to meeting new people going to new places seeing new things. And, and at the same at the same time. Well, I kind of moved from the from Paris to the south of France, I lived in Italy, and then eventually moved to Barcelona and in life started changing, right started to settle down, got married, had kids. And one of the things that I recognised was, even though I wanted to continue to grow, because I had such a positive experience with these first five years, there was also a strong desire that I had to be a present Father and to be dedicated to the family and, and really be present as much as possible. And so one of those things that I also recognise was, even though I wanted to be present, I also had this continued desire to, to want to grow, to want to see new things to experience new places, new cultures. And although I was really fortunate, because I was living in Europe, one of the things that I recognised was as a, as a young father, you want to continue to do things and excel at work excel at home. And so I started taking less time for myself. And so what that meant was a lot of the Travelling that started to happen was travelling to the same places kind of like can you imagine being on a merry go round, like you're travelling and you're moving, but you're going around and around and around. So for me what that meant and is basically moving to different places within Spain, going to the same destinations and then going to the same destinations in the US. Young kids don't have a lot of time, even though I had the five weeks of vacation, which was absolutely fantastic living in Europe tended to go to or not tend to do it exclusively went to the exact same places all the time. And so in one regards, that was fantastic. But I started realising that I had experienced so many different places by moving to different going to different countries being able to meet new people, different languages, different cultures. And a kid like me from Columbus, Ohio. This was helping me to grow I was helping me to, to gain different perspectives and new perspectives and helping me to make a bigger impact on others. And so when I started realising that I wanted to continue to change, well, I even had some life changes that took place. And there was some of it I've talked about before. And there's episodes that I plan on talking to you a lot more in depth about these life changes. But one of the things that I can I can tell you, at least right now in this episode is when the life change has happened, what it is allowed is to get some different perspectives. And one of that one of those perspectives is okay, well, I've been living in the same place for 19 years, right living in Barcelona, living in the exact same place for almost two decades, let's call it 19 years. And so that was one thing. And when you're in the same place, well, you're going to the same, the same sites, you're going to the same supermarket, you're seeing the same things over and over and over, that's fine. You know, it's a different location. But the reality is, it's like that merry go round going around and around in the same places. And at the same time, recognise that I've been very fortunate and travelled to 60, some odd countries got to about point where it was like 70 countries, and then kind of stopped moving and going to different places continue to go, like I said, from the East Coast of the US to different parts of Spain. And I realised that although these things were fulfilling, it was time to do something else, it was time to actually move to a different area in town, move around the globe more frequently, because that is the thing that gave me the most energy, that is the thing that continues to help me grow as an individual helps me to make a bigger impact on others. Now, I even think a lot about the impact that I can help and make with my with my sons. And so really sat down and decided, Okay, it's time to move again, it's time to keep moving, go to new places. And so, after many, many years, decided to move to a new place in Barcelona, completely different area, and also sat down and put the plan together to say, at least once a year, at a minimum, probably more than that, to be honest with you, but at least once a year, go to a new country, go to a new city, go to new places that are going to continue to give me perspective. And now this isn't always going to be easy. And I realised that because with with life comes more responsibilities and more duties and, and taking care of the children and things like that. But the reality is, by being able to get out and go to new places, well, of course, it helps to build new life experiences. Number one, right. But more importantly, and these are the really the four benefits that I really want you to pick up on as it relates to moving to new places and going to new places getting out. And whether you are travelling by yourself or travelling with others, it's such an important thing to be able to get out and go to specifically go to new places. The one of the things that I started realising was, as as I continued to do this, and going to new places, there are just some very specific things. Number one is being able to re engage with my beginner's mindset. I want to talk about the beginner's mindset, specifically, you're going to new places, you're seeing new things. So it's just like being like a baby. You're seeing things for the first time. Maybe you're recognising languages that you've never seen before. And your your beginner's mind, really wants to try and figure out what is this new data set that's in front of me? What did this new language what are these new sounds? What are these new smells, and that just continues to help you grow grow from from a, from a beginner and to more of a of someone who is an expert. So that's the first thing reactivating the beginner's mindset. Also, too, it helps to by being able to move to new places, it helps you to increase your perspective on things. So myself, for instance, a kid who comes from a lower middle class family has been able to live a first class lifestyle, been able to live an upper middle class or upper class lifestyle, because of the hard work and the income and things like that. So being able to understand and blend and adapt into different worlds is fantastic. I mean, I've talked a lot about as we talk about specifically travelling, I know what it's like to sit in row one a. And I know what it's like to sit in row 44k. Right. And so everything in between. And a lot of that has to do with coming up because you're travelling, you're going to new places, you're seeing new things, it's increasing your perspective. And when this happens, go into point number three. It's about what happens to your curiosity, the augmentation, the increase of your curiosity is one of the things that when you have an increase in curiosity, it's ties into the beginner's mindset that it talked about before. It helps you to grow. It helps you to look for more information, it helps you to as you take in things from a different perspective in your mind continues to grow and the curiosity is augmented. It helps you to be a more informed individual. And lastly, in the fourth point, it is amazing when you're able to travel and get to new places and seeing these perspectives. What it does for you intrinsically for your level of confidence. I can tell you having Have it, having gone through it to the level in the boost that it can create, and does create to your confidence by travelling, going to new places. And whether that is getting on a plane going to a new city, or just moving to a new place in your town, or your city, the confidence, the level of confidence in the boost that it provides you is absolutely amazing. And it's one of these things that kind of forgot. And I realised that as you're here, and you're looking to, you know, increase your beginner's mindset or reactivated or to increase the perspective that you want to have and can provide with others, the augmentation that you have of your curiosity, and also the confidence, the level of confidence that's boosted. All of these happen as a result of being able to travel to new places and move to new places. So it's one of those things I really just wanted to share I want to do to make sure that if you feel like you're on a merry go round and going around and around and around, just stop, pick a new place on the map, pick a new place in your city, and make the move, make the commitment. And once you make the commitment, take the actions, speak to somebody who's been there before speak to somebody who's been on that merry go round going over and over and over and over. Heck, reach out to me, you know how to reach out to me, you've been here you've been watching, you've been listening, leave your comments, leave your reviews. But it's something that needs to get off my heart. It's something that I wanted to share with you. And it's something that my hope for you is that it's helping you to take action to move forward even faster. So while you are taking in today's conversation, you're thinking about the different the different benefits these four different benefits that that you need to know by being able to travel and move to new places. I'll be here preparing for the next episode. So until then go out and make it a great day. And thank you very much. Today's conversation was sponsored by the Billy keels advisory programme. If you're looking to make your nine to five optional and need some help, just go to Billy keels.com forward slash advising once again, that's Billy keels.com forward slash advising

Billy Keels
Strategic Advisor, Entrepreneur, and Investor
Billy is on a mission to share a roadmap and opportunities with other extremely busy, high-performing professionals on how to find freedom and live the life they desire. Listen in to learn how!
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