3 Secrets You Need To Know About Business Ownership

Going Long Podcast Episode 499: 3 Secrets You Need To Know About Business Ownership
( To see the Video Version of today’s conversation just CLICK HERE. )
In today’s solo episode of The Going Long Podcast, you’ll learn the following:
- [00:17 - 00:49] Introduction to the show.
- [00:49 - 11:10] Billy outlines the 3 secrets you need to know about business ownership so that you can own your time, choose your sacrifices, and have the impact you desire to bring the revenue you need.
- [11:10 - 12:15] Billy wraps up the show.
Listen to today’s featured ‘Catch-Up’ Episode:
G.L.P. Episode 437: 5 Surefire Signs You Need A Profitable Side Hustle: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/episode-437-5-surefire-signs-you-need-a-profitable/id1518643887?i=1000661871117
Sign up for Billy’s FREE course to learn how to make your corporate role optional in 5 proven phases at: https://www.makeitoptional.com/
What you can expect to get out of this course:
- Learn How to Achieve Financial Optionality
- Gain True Control Over Your Career
- Turn Corporate Skills into Personal Assets
With 26 years of experience in corporate sales leadership, achieved optionality through multiple income streams, Billy has helped dozens of executives build their paths to take control of their time.
This free course gives you everything you need to identify, plan, and take control of your career while building financial optionality, leveraging your skills, and start living your IDEAL day - today!
Go to: https://www.makeitoptional.com/
To see the Video Version of today’s conversation just CLICK HERE.
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Episode Transcript
Billy Keels 0:01
Three secrets you need to know about business ownership. Today's episode is sponsored by Billy Keels advisory services. If you want to learn more about how to make your 99 optional, just go to make it optional.com. Once again, that's make it optional.com. Three secrets you need to know about business ownership. This episode is inspired by a lot of different comments and things that I'm seeing online, social media and interactions, and it's really meant for you, if you are that person who knows that when you are a business owner, you're going to be on the beach, hanging out every day, going to the spa, not doing anything, and just sitting back and counting your money. No, no, no, no, definitely keep listening. Because if that's what you think, you definitely need to invest a couple minutes here in today's episode. Because as I spend time listening to and invest time on a number of different number one social media outlets, specifically LinkedIn, I know most of us are connected over there, if we're not, make sure you reach out. There is this idea where, whether they are, I'm reading other people's comments, or people are interacting with mine, or even have people that will send direct messages into my inbox and think about all right, how do I get this lifestyle where I'm just living on the beach, not doing anything every day? Well, the reality is, most people, especially when you're in the corporate life, and I've even had this recently, and it was also one of the things that you want to live this life, that's it's a stress free life, and your days are financial security, just sitting on the beach. That's what you want to believe is the case, and that's what you are. That's part of what you're searching for, but at the same time, almost without a doubt, every conversation that I've ever had, every strategy call, every someone that I've met knew we're talking and there's this desire to have much more control over your time and be able to do the things that you want to do, with whom you want to do, when you want to do it. And I get it. I've been there, done that definitely was part of the plan, and one of the major, major reasons that pushed me to look for optionality in my own life. And so when I start to understand that there are some secrets, and there's three secrets, some of them, some of them may be considered to be known, but I will tell you that these are things that you need to know about business ownership, or even you may be thinking you want to become a solopreneur. You may think that you want to get started doing something else. That's why you're here. You're really successful in your corporate role. And you want to know, because deep down, in your gut, you know that there's something else going on. And you've been, you know, you've been thinking about this for a while, even to to the fact that you know that there are five sure fire signs that you need a profitable side hustle. If you want some help with that, or you recognize, you want to help recognizing the signs, just go to episode 437 check it out. I'm not going to spend a lot of time here, because I know you're going to get a lot more out of episode 437 so check it out. But when you're working in the big company and you are going through your consistently stressful days, because there you need to be able to produce outputs. And most people are focused on how many hours versus the outputs, but the days are built up with stress because there's so many different activities, so many different tasks that you need to get through. It's just part of the gig. And then also, as you're running through, working on getting meeting every single timeline, every single deadline. That's there. Well, at the end of the day, it can add to a lot of desire to want to also figure out, how can you do more of this in a better way? Right? Because in the beginning, in the beginning of my corporate through the middle of my corporate career, that's what I was doing. I was running, running, running, running, running, running around on that hamster wheel. And then at a certain point, I realized, you know what, I actually like the hamster wheel. I just don't think I need to do as many revolutions around the wheel, and I can still be highly productive. And I'm surrounded by smart people. I also have the amazing benefits of my corporate role, and in the same time, I've got this passion project that I want to be able to do. And when I put my picked my head up, and I could see that there were other people that were in the same situation as me, professionally, and they were appeared to be living more fulfilled outside of their nine to nine. I wanted to get some of that. I wanted to understand. Well, what in the world were they doing? Let me pull up a chair. Let me figure it out. Because I really want to, I want some of that. I want to feel good at work. I want to feel good at home. I want to feel good at the business. How do I build that harmony into my life and into my work? That's what I was looking for. And so once I saw that, there were other people that were able to do that, that is one of the things that gave me the the the this, the desire to make the leap because somebody else had done it. So if somebody else could do it, I know that I could do it, and I also wanted to get to a point where you know what they were. Also, there was people that had even made life decisions. And when you could see someone else that's going to the gym at 10, not to the business meeting. Or they're walking along the beach at 11. It's kind of like, whoa. How in the world do you get to that? Let me figure that out. But along the way, there are some things that you need to know, especially when you're making the move from living in your living in your corporate role, having everything designed for you and you're executing it, to moving into you now, becoming the person or leadership team that is designing how you're going to make impact in the marketplace. So before you even go down that path, let me give you the plan that I used and even the plan that I'm helping others to use today. It's a very simple, three step plan, because in order to make that smooth transition, transition is the mindset, by the way, the transition doesn't mean that you're moving and you're and you're going to do something, you're going to quit your job. It doesn't mean that. It just means you're shifting your mindset, that you understand the value in creating optionality in your life. What are the what are the things that you need to consider, that you need to make sure a part of your plan? It's simple. It's three steps. Step number one, you need to get quantifiably clear on where it is you want to go, why you want to go there. That's the first step. Secondly, you've got this amazing benefit because of the type of big company you're working at. You want to make sure that you are embracing your the coherency in your corporate role, in your big company role, right? You want to make sure that you do that, and then once you do that, because you've already done the first step, you've gotten quantifiably clear. You're embracing the coherency in your corporate role. Now you want to be able to craft your unique concept. And these are critical, critical three steps to making that move from high achieving employee to effective business owner, right? And so when you get these three items, crystal clear. First of all, the quantifiable clarity is going to give you the confidence to start to move forward, to understand what it is you're doing, why you want to do it, for whom you want to do it, in the lives you want to impact after that, embracing the corporate coherency that's going to allow you to best understand how to leverage the most powerful asset that exists, and that is time. That is the one asset that you never get back. And in that second part, you need to really clearly understand how you can leverage time. And then lastly, in this, this is the kicker, right? This is the advanced stuff that nobody really wants to talk to you about, but I'm gonna share the secret with you here, when you are able to craft your unique concept, this ultimately creates the engine, the revenue engine, that you will need and want to be able to feel that moving into the next direction, into the full mindset of optionality. That's where you can start to embrace it, because that's what's critical, and it's part of the path to helping you understand the three secrets that you need to know about business ownership. Because once they're there, and don't worry, there's going to be a moment in time where you're going to feel that, hey, listen, this is, this is way too costly. This is the this period of time when you're you're getting these three elements in your life so that you can make that smooth shift in mindset and understanding what it's like from employee to owning something to owning a business, it's okay if you, if it feels a little bit uncomfortable, you're you're struggling between how much time you invest here in the relationships and how you how you are doing that. Let me tell you one thing you don't want to do. You don't want to look for balance, because you're not going to find it. High Achiever, ask me how I know what you can look for and what you will find is harmony between your life and your work. I love saying it. I love repeating it. Find the harmony between your life and your work. It makes all the difference in the world, because at the end of the day, when you achieve your goal, you start to understand, and you're getting to that point. Because either you are, the investments that you are making are helping to move you in that direction so you can fully find that passion, moving, enjoying optionality, or maybe you decide right out, right out of the box, you just want to go ahead start something, you know, you're crystal clear, you're right. You're starting that business on the side, and that's what we're talking about, because that's moving the mindset. And at the end of the day, when it all comes down, as you start to go through and you put the plan in place, and you're achieving, or you're recognizing where you need to adjust. Here's the three secrets that you need to know about business ownership once you make these moves. Yes, it's true. Yeah, when you are owning your business, you're you're you're moving in, you're beginning to own more of your time. This allows you to own, truly own your time.
You're in charge the good. At the bad and the ugly, right? That's the first thing. The second thing is you also get to choose your sacrifices. It's not always about sitting on the beach and hanging out and only even when I said in the beginning, going to the gym at 10, you get to pick your sacrifices. As a business owner, it's no longer like being at school where you got to put your hand up and ask to go to the bathroom. You're in charge. You right? That's the second thing. And the last thing is, the impact that you make, the earnings potential that you have will be based on the value and the impact that you're making on others, right? Those are the three secrets. You're in charge of, owning your time. You get to choose your sacrifices, and ultimately, the earnings that you create will be based on the value and the impact that you make on others. Now making this move, it's simple. It's not necessarily easy, but it's simple, and I know that you can understand more about how you want to do this, how you will make this transition from where you are to getting into the mindset of optionality, into ownership of business, and also going in with your eyes wide open. And so I want you to take today's episode. I want you to share it with family, with friends. I want you to talk about the concepts, because these things happen. I hear them all the time, like I said, and I don't want anyone going into the world of optionality with your eyes closed. I want you to go in clearly, understanding, quantifiably clear in terms of where you're moving forward. And part of that is taking today's episode, sharing it with others. And while you're doing that, guess where I'm going to be. I'm going to be right here, and I'm going to be preparing for the next episode. So until then, I want you to make it a great day. And thank you very, very much. Today's episode is sponsored by Billy Keels advisory services. If you want to learn more about how to make your 99 optional, just go to make it optional.com. Once again, that's make it optional.com. Freedom
Transcribed by https://otter.ai